Bee sting: first aid, benefit and harm

Bees are considered one of the most beneficial insects. As you know, they participate in the pollination of plants. Through this process, a person can enjoy the fruits and berries on his desk. Also, everyone knows such a product as honey. It is obtained through the activity of these insects. Beekeeping is also used in medicine. This method is used in the treatment of various kinds of diseases.

But not always meeting with these insects brings only good results. Some people have an allergic reaction to a bee sting. What should be done in this case? You can find the answer to this question in this article. In addition, here you can find out how to provide first aid for a bee sting.

What is the composition of insect venom?

This substance has a large number of useful trace elements. These include phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. In addition, there are even carbohydrates, proteins and fats, as well as hydrochloric and phosphoric acids.

A large role is given to biologically active substances.

So, melitin is one of the most dangerous toxins. It contributes to the destruction of red blood cells. As a result, metabolic processes are disturbed. Due to this, substances that cause inflammation are released. The permeability of the walls of the vessels also increases.

An allergy to a bee sting is caused by a substance such as histamine. It is because of it that bronchospasm, vasodilation are observed, blood pressure drops and edema appears.

An excitatory effect on some parts of the nervous system causes apamine.

The rapid spread of edema with a bee sting is due to the presence of hyaluronidase in the venom of the insect. This substance is an enzyme that breaks down mucopolysaccharides and hyaluronic acid. The last component is part of the connective tissue. In turn, another biologically active substance - phospholipase - contributes to damage to cell walls.

What is the harm from an insect bite?

This section of the article will examine the negative aspects of this impact.

As a rule, with a single bee sting, a local reaction is observed. A person feels a sharp burning pain. After edema is formed. In a short time, the skin at the site of the bite turns red.

Severe consequences occur when a bee stings in the head area.

Bees on the face

If an insect stings in the eye area, it often completely closes. This is due to swelling of the eyelids. Pain is just as strong. Strong lacrimation is observed.

Complications of a bee sting in this case can be conjunctivitis, inflammation of the eyelid and / or mucous membrane of the eyes.

If an insect stings into the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, edema also occurs. In addition, a person may complain of difficulty breathing. This often happens during meals, when the insect is in jam or juice.

The hardest thing with a bee sting is for pregnant women and children. The first is because during this period most drugs are contraindicated. And in a child, unlike an adult, the reaction to external stimuli manifests itself much more strongly.

About the benefits of an insect bite

But it is not all that bad. It turns out that bee venom has some positive aspects. They will be described in more detail in this section of the article.

Most likely, most people have heard about such a technique as treatment with bees. This section of medicine is called apitherapy.

Bee treatment

Bee treatment is used for diseases such as arthritis and intervertebral hernia, osteochondrosis and prostatitis. Insect venom is also useful in the treatment of stuttering and respiratory system organs.

But before undergoing treatment with bee stings, you should definitely consult a specialist.

Now consider the benefits of insect venom. The components of this substance can also have a positive effect.

Before starting a full treatment, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to a bee sting.

Proper use of insect venom promotes bone tissue regeneration and stimulation of the immune system, an increase in red blood cell count and improved microcirculation, lowering blood pressure and normalizing heart activity, improving metabolism and activating the hormonal and enzyme systems, destroying harmful microorganisms and reducing inflammation. It also has anti-radiation, analgesic, antispasmodic effect, and has a positive effect on the peripheral and central nervous system.

About the symptoms of an insect bite

The symptoms listed below are usually observed in cases where the bee stings a person several times. We will name some of the main symptoms of intoxication.

Swelling with a bite

A person complains of pain in the heart, headaches and shortness of breath. In addition, he has nausea or vomiting, decreased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, and dizziness. The victim may even faint.

About first aid

Have you been bitten by a bee? What to do in this case? Everyone needs to know the answer to this question. Since this can happen not only with you, but also with others. The latter may have an allergic reaction to insect venom, which is very dangerous.

First aid

First you need to remove the bee sting. Usually the insect leaves it at the site of the bite. After removing the sting of a bee, the flow of poison into the human body will stop. This action is performed using treated tweezers.

Then the bite should be washed. It can also be treated with tincture of calendula or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

In order to remove swelling from a bee sting, you need to attach a napkin moistened with cold water. For this purpose, you can use ice.

Be sure to take an antihistamine. Drops are more suitable for babies. An ointment, such as Fenistil, can be applied to the site of the bite.

At this time, you should drink as much water as possible. This will speed up the process of removing the poison from the body. In no case should you drink alcohol-containing drinks, as they will only increase the spread of poison throughout the body.

Subject to all recommendations, edema will subside in 2-6 days.

When a bee stings in the eye, you should immediately take an antihistamine and call an ambulance. Since in this case you can lose your sight.

About an allergy to an insect bite

This type of reaction occurs with increased sensitivity of a person to the components of bee venom. In this case, even a single bite for them is a huge danger.

Bite treatment

An allergic reaction can manifest itself in different ways.

So, with urticaria, pinkish blisters form on the body. They itch a lot. Blisters appear not only at the site of the bite.

With Quincke's edema, the neck and face, tongue and lips swell, as well as the upper respiratory tract. He is dangerous by suffocation.

With anaphylactic shock, all signs of allergy are observed. He is fatal.

Before the arrival of an ambulance, a person should take an antihistamine. Treatment for an allergic reaction to an insect bite is carried out in a hospital.

What are folk remedies?

This method is also useful if a bee stings you.

Folk remedy

A bit of sugar moistened with water should be applied to the bite site. The wound can be treated with a special solution. To do this, you need aspirin and water.

The previous drug and activated carbon also help a lot. They need to be dissolved in a glass of water, and then treat the bite site.

Edema will cease to spread if you attach a napkin with garlic juice to it. Even to the sore spot, you can attach a pulp consisting of soda and water.

In addition, chopped vegetables are applied to the bite site. In this case, we are talking about onions, tomatoes and cucumbers.

How can I avoid an insect bite?

To protect yourself, you should follow a few simple rules:

Bee on flower
  • If bees are flying next to you, do not wave your arms, keep calm.
  • Do not eat fruits and vegetables outdoors. They can attract bees.
  • When camping, wear clothing that hides your arms, head, and legs.
  • Do not disturb the bees that are near you.

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