Agriculture of Eastern Siberia

Agriculture in Eastern Siberia is represented by an agro-industrial complex, which includes animal husbandry, crop production, various types of industries and fishing. Two-thirds of the farmland falls on hayfields and pastures, which is why meat farming is flourishing here. In addition, sheep and meat cattle breeding is developed in Tuva, Buryatia and the Chita region . A quarter of the able-bodied population of this region is employed in agriculture in Eastern Siberia. Agriculture here specializes in cereals: oats, barley, spring wheat, and fodder crops.

Agriculture in Western Siberia differs due to other climatic conditions from the agricultural complex of Eastern Siberia. The leading role in this region is played by reindeer husbandry, fur trade and fishing, since the conditions for agriculture in the tundra and forest zones of this region are extremely unfavorable. But the south of Western Siberia is one of the main grain regions of the country; sheep, cattle and poultry are also raised here . Gorny Altai specializes in addition to sheep breeding in antler deer breeding, as well as raising yaks and goats.

The geography of agriculture dictates different conditions and priorities in the directions of this type of activity. Agriculture in Eastern Siberia provides with its products, sometimes already processed, not only their own region, but also other parts of the country.

The main agricultural zone of this region belongs to sub-taiga and forest-steppe landscapes, and sometimes coincides with the industrial strip stretching along the Trans-Siberian Railway. Agriculture in Eastern Siberia represents the main areas of agriculture precisely in this geographical strip.

The main grain crop (up to 75%) is wheat. The selection of other crops is determined by the characteristics of the natural climatic conditions. So, a small amount of snow in winter does not make it possible to plant winter crops, therefore, basically, all cultivated areas of this region are occupied by spring crops. Agriculture in Eastern Siberia in its main areas differs significantly from Western Siberia due to the peculiarity of the climate, and even rye in this region is cultivated in the form of a peculiar form - eggs.

From the well-developed agricultural zone to the south and north extend the regions where the agriculture of Eastern Siberia specializes in animal husbandry. The provision of livestock in this region is much higher than in other areas, as well as throughout the country.

Mostly meat, dairy and beef cattle breeding are developed here. In addition, some regions of Eastern Siberia specialize in fine-grained and semi-fine-grained sheep husbandry (especially in Buryatia and the Chita region). In addition, in some areas of Yakutia herd horse breeding is carried out. Here, the taste of horse meat is much higher than beef, and koumiss is considered a traditional drink of the Yakuts.

Reindeer husbandry is well developed in the far north of Eastern Siberia.

In addition to animal husbandry, the abundance of rivers and lakes in this region makes it possible to expand fishing industries, and the open spaces of the East Siberian taiga allow the development of hunting and fur trade. But for the renewal and restoration of the reserves of flora and fauna, a strictly scientific approach to these types of industries is required, and in this regard, the main role is given to biogeographers.

In agriculture of Eastern Siberia, the richness of the flora of this region is of no small importance: the plant resources here are represented by berries, mushrooms, and pine nuts. This type of fishing is an important part in the life of the local population, not only rural, but also urban. Indeed, during the ripening period of pine nuts, many residents of this region go to the taiga to collect cones, which can last from two weeks to a month.

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