A general blood test can identify certain pathologies that develop in the body. One of the important indicators is the number of red blood cells in the blood. These cells are essential for the proper functioning of our body. If their excess or deficiency is determined, this indicates different deviations that require additional examination. How many red blood cells are considered normal, why certain deviations occur, will be discussed in detail below.
Red blood cells are also called red blood cells. These are small cells that move in the blood plasma and perform a transport function. Red blood cells carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. They also transport nutrients, take part in immune responses. Red blood cells help maintain acid-base balance.
Red blood cells are small in size (about 0.01 mm in diameter). They look like discs with a slightly indented center, which are flexible. These cells are capable of twisting. Due to this ability, red blood cells can penetrate into the thinnest vessels of the human body. The number of these cells in the body is very large. Every 4th cell in the human body is a red blood cell.
Red blood cells do not have nuclei. This feature is inherent in all mammals. On this basis, human red blood cells can be distinguished from cells of birds, reptiles. They are formed in the bone marrow. It is located in the bones of the skull, ribs and spine. Red blood cells are formed in several stages. They change in the process of their development the shape, composition and size. Normally, only mature and young red blood cells are found in the blood taken for analysis. The second variety of cells in the body is only 1%.
The rate of red blood cells in the blood depends on many factors. This indicator is affected by the gender and age of the person. This indicator is measured in million / μl. In adult men, a blood test should show 4.0-5.5 million / µl. In women, the number of red blood cells in the sample is slightly less. This indicator is 3.7-4.7 million / μl.
In children, the rate of red blood cells also changes with age. After birth and at the age of 2 months in newborns, the number of these cells in the blood is quite high. It is normal 3.9-5.5 million / µl. Over time, their number decreases. After 2 months of age, this indicator is 2.7-4.9 million / μl.
In children at an older age, the number of red blood cells increases slightly. It normally is 4.0-5.2 million / μl. Due to certain factors, a change in the number of red blood cells up or down can be observed. For a day, this indicator should not change by more than 0.5 million / μl. A greater difference can be observed in women after childbirth. This is considered the norm.
Factors Affecting Cell Count
Some people get an analysis response that determines whether their blood levels are high or low. What does it mean? There may be several reasons for this. If a person intensively trains, performs strength exercises, the number of red blood cells may not correspond to the norm. This is quite normal.
Also, stress, a strong emotional shock can affect the indicator. Also, when eating a large amount of food, the number of red blood cells will change. This feature is characteristic for both men and women. Such deviations are usually unstable. They pass quickly.
In some cases, the presence of pathology in the body explains the deviation from the norm. With an increase in the level of red blood cells, the doctor will suggest that an ailment develops that is associated with the circulatory system or lack of oxygen. A reduced rate indicates the development of anemia. This situation is possible after extensive bleeding. There are a number of pathologies that affect this indicator.
The main reasons why the indicator increased
If the red blood cells in the blood are elevated, several factors may be the cause. They are divided into groups. An increase in the number of these cells is called erythrocytosis. This condition can cause physiological, false factors (due to lack of water in the body), as well as various disorders in the blood-forming organs.
For some reason, the amount of blood plasma may decrease. This happens after vomiting, diarrhea, or after an infectious disease. If blood plasma becomes smaller, the number of red blood cells in a drop of blood increases.
A serious situation is a violation of the composition of the blood due to diseases of the blood-forming organs. This situation requires a thorough diagnosis. Procrastination in this case is unsafe for the patient. The doctor will prescribe a number of tests.
In rare cases, a similar situation can be caused by a rare hereditary disease.
Cell reduction
If the red blood cells in the blood are lowered, this condition is called erythropenia. This condition is manifested by a number of symptoms. With a decrease in the number of red blood cells, anemia develops. There are many varieties of this pathology. They have certain features of development and course. Only a doctor can make a correct diagnosis.
The number of red blood cells will decrease due to bleeding inside the body. Also, with external hemorrhages, a similar situation may occur. Often, a decrease in the number of red blood cells decreases after the age of 60 years.
At the same time, the patient feels constant fatigue and drowsiness. Noise may appear in your ears. The skin becomes pale. The more advanced the stage of the disease, the worse it becomes for a person. An examination is required. The doctor will prescribe a complex of drugs that will help raise the level of red blood cells in the blood.
Red blood cells in a woman’s blood during pregnancy may differ slightly from the classical standards. During the period of gestation, the blood volume in the mother's body increases. This is necessary for the proper development of the fetus. Moreover, the liquid part increases much faster. The number of red blood cells grows more slowly.
The norm of red blood cells in the blood will be from 3.5 to 5.6 million / μl. Moreover, the number of young red blood cells should not exceed 1%. Often, the number of red blood cells due to such processes can be reduced in the analysis.
It is also worth noting that the number of these cells after delivery remains high for some time. Then this indicator gradually decreases. Therefore, for pregnant women and women in labor there are standards.
The reasons for the increase in the number of red blood cells
If the red blood cells in the blood are elevated, it can be caused by many reasons. Their excess leads to a thickening of the blood. This violates her qualities. Symptoms of this condition are frequent dizziness, headaches, nosebleeds. A blush often appears on the face, the skin on the body may turn red.
A common cause of this situation is dehydration. It can be a fever or an infectious disease with fever. Vomiting and diarrhea can also lead to dehydration. These are the most common causes of this deviation.
In more rare cases, an increased number of these transport cells in the blood can be caused by neoplasms in the kidneys, as well as endocrine glands. Too high levels of steroid hormones in the body also lead to a similar manifestation.
With frequent lack of oxygen in the body, the number of red blood cells may increase. For example, after a trip to the mountains among tourists, a frequent occurrence is an increased number of red blood cells in a blood test. Also, a similar situation is caused by heart and lung diseases, bronchial asthma, bronchitis.
Physiological factors
If the red blood cells in the blood are elevated, this condition can be caused by physiological factors. Sometimes the reason for this phenomenon is regular physical, mental stress. Also, stress, depression, strong feelings lead to an increase in the number of transport cells of the body.
Adverse climatic conditions can also lead to a situation where red blood cells in the blood are elevated. If a person comes in contact with harmful chemicals, a similar situation may also occur. Such substances include aniline dyes, as well as galvanic substances.
The body adapts to existing conditions. Therefore, it responds to the constant strong spending of red blood cells. They are produced more. Therefore, the number of red blood cells increases.
What to do with an increase in red blood cells?
Elevated red blood cells in the blood can be caused by various factors. Diagnosis is carried out by a doctor. At this time, a person must take a series of actions. This will restore the correct level of this indicator.
Need to drink more quality water. If a person consumes a lot of soda or liquid from the tap, the body can respond to this with an increase in red blood cells. It is worth drinking filtered water.
After some time, you need to re-take a blood test. If the situation has not improved, then there is a pathology that causes a similar condition. It is also advisable to include a lot of fruits and vegetables in the diet. If it’s hot outside, you should drink enough fluids. If a person has an infectious disease, which is accompanied by fever, it is important to provide him with a plentiful drink.
The reasons for the decrease in the number of red blood cells
In some cases, the number of red blood cells in the blood may be reduced. What do these test results mean? It is necessary to take into account several nuances. If a person in the near future suffered an injury with great blood loss, this can cause a decrease in the content of the presented cells in the blood.
In women, this situation can be observed in the first days of menstruation. This is not considered a deviation.
In some cases, poor red blood cell formation can be caused by malnutrition. In this case, vitamins B6 and B12, as well as iron, do not enter the body in sufficient quantities. This situation can also be observed with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, even with proper nutrition, some of the nutrients are simply not absorbed.
A number of factors
Reduced red blood cells in the blood can be determined in the presence of a rare hereditary disease. In this case, red blood cells do not live long, may have deformities. In some cases, the tests will be below normal due to premature aging of red blood cells. They are quickly destroyed.
Also, the use of certain drugs affects the amount of the indicator. It may decrease with regular use of corvalol. Chemotherapy also has a similar effect. However, in this case, it increases significantly.
Diseases that affect the result of the analysis
A blood test for red blood cells may show a deviation in a smaller direction in some diseases. These can be serious infections, such as whooping cough or diphtheria. Red blood cells with such ailments are destroyed due to exposure to toxic substances that are produced in the body, as well as increased destruction of the cells.
Oncological ailments also lead to deviations from the norm. They are formed in the bone marrow, which leads to a decrease in the number of red blood cells.
Autoimmune diseases also lead to insufficient production of red blood cells. Among the ailments that can affect the patient's condition are pathologies of the kidneys, liver, urinary tract, as well as endocrine abnormalities. It is extremely important to consult a doctor and establish the cause of the decreased red blood cell count.
General recommendations
If the red blood cells are increased or decreased for no apparent reason, you need to undergo a full examination. In order to prevent the development of various deviations, you need to lead a correct lifestyle and monitor nutrition. Excessive stress does not benefit the body. This applies to both physical and emotional stress.
The diet must include meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. It is necessary to monitor the quality and quantity of water that a person consumes every day. In this case, the probability of deviations from the norm can be significantly reduced.
Having considered what functions red blood cells perform in the blood, you can understand how important it is to maintain their correct level. This indicator needs to be monitored. Therefore, it is important to undergo regular medical examinations, pay attention to the organization of your lifestyle.