How to quit

If you decide to quit, no matter for what reason, you should do it right by saying goodbye to your former bosses and colleagues according to all the rules of business etiquette. Even if you want to drop everything in one second, you need to curb emotions and leave with dignity. Remember that in the near future you will have to undergo a new interview in order to be hired for another job. It is possible that the next employer wants to contact your previous bosses.

What is the best way to quit your job?

To have a good opinion of you, act correctly.

Before applying, try to complete as much as possible all your current projects so as not to leave β€œtails” to your colleagues, burdening them with your flaws. You may have to face these people more than once in the future.

How to quit, where to start?

If you are determined to quit, it is imperative that the boss be the first to know about it. If such information comes to him in the form of rumors from other colleagues, you run the risk of appearing in the eyes of this person far from in a favorable light.

Choose the right moment to let your boss know you want to leave the company. It should not be Monday, always busy with planning, the beginning of the working day when everyone is in a hurry, or vice versa its end, when people are no longer set up for serious conversations. Tell your decision calmly and benevolently, express your readiness to work out the two weeks laid down by law. Perhaps with such a responsible approach, you can even achieve a reduction in the working life.

You must understand that not everyone behaves appropriately because they don’t know how to quit. Follow the circumstances. If necessary, to explain the reasons for dismissal in some cases, instead of the honesty, it is better to turn to diplomacy. If you leave, because you are not satisfied with the boss himself, it is better not to voice such a reason. Say that you received a more interesting offer with a good salary or that your family circumstances have changed and you need to move to another area of ​​the city. You can add that you are sorry to leave the team and you appreciate the professional experience that you gained while working in the company.

Submit an application immediately after warning your superiors. The sooner you sign it, the faster you can leave.

How to quit if you already have a replacement? Hand over all affairs to the new employee without giving up this duty. Do everything calmly to leave a good opinion of yourself. Leave him a to-do list and key work contacts.

Leaving, traditionally arrange a small buffet and thank colleagues for their joint work. This will not require much effort from you and will help maintain good relations with everyone. If you were pleased to work with these people, you can even prepare frivolous souvenirs for them to commemorate jointly launched projects and negotiations.

However, the dismissal procedure is not always as smooth as we would like. Sometimes the employer tries to create barriers to dismissal. At best, he promises to increase his salary if you agree to stay, and sometimes it comes to the threat of dismissal under the article or refusal to sign a statement. Even in this situation, you do not need to be upset. How to quit work in this case? By law, this can be done even without the signature of the boss. To do this, the fact of your application must be documented, passing it to the office with all the formalities or sending it by registered mail with a notification. After 14 days, the employer will be required to give you the calculation and return the labor.

How to quit properly, if before that you have to work out two weeks in conditions of emotional pressure? Hold back emotions, pull yourself together and do not succumb to provocations. Do not allow yourself to be late for a minute, do the work clearly and as quickly as possible, follow all the formalities that you probably did not have to follow before, so as not to give a reason to complain about the quality of your work. Good luck

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