How to whiten your hands: a review of creams and home recipes

Everyone knows that nothing betrays a woman’s age like her neck and arms. After 40-50 years, age spots appear on the skin of the hands, which are quite difficult to get rid of. Salon procedures give good results. To combat such a cosmetic defect, you can also use special cosmetics and homemade masks. How to whiten your hands at home? We’ll talk about this.

Causes of pigmentation on the hands

effective procedures for lightening the skin of the hands

Pigment spots on the hands are a consequence of the accumulation of melanin in the cells of the epidermis in the form of small islands of brown color. Masking this cosmetic defect is not easy, so you need to direct all your efforts to eliminate it and find out about the causes of age spots on your hands.

The occurrence of pigmentation is due to age-related changes. The following factors can aggravate the problem or provoke the appearance of pigmentation at an early age:

  • use of poor quality cosmetics;
  • constant contact with aggressive household chemicals;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • thyroid disease;
  • diseases of the digestive tract and kidneys;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • frequent exposure to the sun and a visit to the solarium.

In some cases, foci with hyperpigmentation may occur during pregnancy. In this case, worry about how to bleach your hands is not worth it, this problem will soon be resolved without outside intervention.

Initially, you need to find out what caused the appearance of this cosmetic defect. If various ailments have caused age spots on the hands, they should be treated first. The use of cosmetics in this case will give a short-term effect.

Cosmetic products

funds for age spots on the hands

Means with a whitening effect can be both cosmetic and therapeutic. The first can be purchased at any store or pharmacy. As for drugs, they are characterized by a more pronounced effect, so they are recommended to be used after consultation with a doctor.

The composition of whitening cosmetics should include:

  • Hydroquinone (minimum 2%). This substance is aimed at inhibiting the cells that synthesize melanin. Copes with the elimination of pigmentation and prevents its occurrence. A cream with hydroquinone should not be used for a long period, because it can cause dermatitis.
  • Tretinol. This compound is characterized by its ability to accelerate skin regeneration processes. Exfoliates melanocytes, which leads to the removal of spots.
  • Arbutin. This substance is extracted from bearberry. It has the same effect as hydroquinone, but not as aggressive.
  • ANA acids (malic, glycolic, lactic, salicylic, etc.). Brighten the skin, make age spots less pronounced.
  • Vitamins A and C. They have whitening properties.
  • Extract of citrus, parsley, cucumber. Components of plant origin that have a brightening effect.

In addition, hyaluronic acid, vegetable oils, glycerin should be included in the anti-aging hand cream with whitening properties.

Most popular hand products

On sale there are many different cosmetics with which you can remove brown spots on the skin and improve its appearance. Consider the most popular products.


achromin cream

Cream "Achromin" from age spots is considered one of the most effective whitening compounds. The main ingredient is licorice extract, which soothes the skin and relieves inflammation. The tool not only eliminates pigmentation, but also protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. It is recommended to apply the drug twice a day. The first results will come to light in two weeks of regular use. The remedy has certain contraindications. It can not be used by pregnant and lactating women.

Cream "White Flax"

The “White Flax” whitening cream is a cosmetic product based on herbal ingredients. With it, you can make the skin smoother, lighter, remove age spots. The main component of the composition is vitamin C, which helps slow down the production of melanin. The composition also includes fruit acids, green tea and cucumber extract, flax seed.

Cream "Lemon and Cucumber" from Avon

cucumber hand cream

The main components of Avon Hand Cream are cucumber extract and lemon juice. The product has whitening properties, moisturizes the skin, makes it smoother. It has a liquid consistency, is quickly absorbed, does not create a sticky feeling.

Salon treatments

how to whiten the skin on the hands

How to bleach hands using salon procedures? Which ones are most effective? First of all, you need to go to a consultation with a cosmetologist who will choose the most suitable method to combat hyperpigmentation. The most effective hand procedures are:

  • Microdermabrasion. Exfoliation of the keratinized layer is carried out by using crystals of aluminum dioxide.
  • Chemical peeling. The application to the skin of acids that remove the surface layer of the skin and contribute to its regeneration at the cellular level.
  • Glycol peeling. Skin treatment with a 1% glycolic acid solution that gently exfoliates skin cells.
  • Cryotherapy. In this case, the treatment of problem areas is carried out using liquid nitrogen.
  • Laser and ultrasonic peeling. Elimination of the upper skin by exposure to laser and ultrasound rays.
  • Photorejuvenation. Lightening of age spots occurs due to exposure to pulsed light.

Each of these methods has certain contraindications. The most effective is considered to be chemical peeling. However, it is worth considering that such a procedure is too traumatic, therefore it is necessary to resort to its implementation only in extreme cases, when other ways to combat pigmentation have been powerless.

Folk recipes

If there is no way to purchase an expensive hand cream or take a course of salon procedures, you should learn how to bleach your hands at home. Homemade products based on available products are excellent at this task. Their use has many advantages. They do not provoke side effects, but at the same time give good results. However, in any case, before proceeding to the procedures, you need to make sure that there is no allergy to one or another component.

Clay, Talc and Soda Mask

White clay

To prepare such a mask, talcum powder, any clay and baking soda should be mixed in an equal ratio, add 3% hydrogen peroxide to them. The result should be a thick mixture that needs to be applied to problem areas, withstand about 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Mask of sauerkraut and clay juice

Cabbage juice has powerful whitening properties. Vitamin C is present in its composition, due to which it is possible to improve the condition of the skin and eliminate age spots. To prepare a brightening mask, you need to connect 1 tbsp. l white clay with cabbage juice until a creamy consistency is obtained, mix the components thoroughly, apply on hands and let stand for about 15 minutes.

Mask of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide

To prepare the composition, you will need hydrogen peroxide and ammonia. Both components are taken in 25 drops. In the mixture you need to add 2 tbsp. l homemade sour cream. The mask must be applied with a plentiful layer on the hands, wrapped in polyethylene and insulated with a terry towel. Wash off with warm water after half an hour and pat your hands with a dry cloth.

Whitening Hand Lotion

Take one part of nine percent vinegar, vodka and half a part of hydrogen peroxide. Mix well. In the liquid you need to add the juice of one lemon and pour into a bottle of dark glass. Treat problem areas with this lotion twice a day. Soak for about 10 minutes, then rinse with water and apply anti-aging hand cream.

Egg mask with lemon juice

mask of protein and lemon juice

Beat in foam 1 protein and 2 tbsp. l lemon juice. Apply the mixture to problem areas, wrap with a film, hold for 10 minutes, rinse with water and apply a moisturizer.

Starch and glycerin mask

A mixture of starch with glycerin and lemon juice is an effective remedy for age spots. It is necessary to combine these components in equal proportions, mix thoroughly, apply to problem areas, wash off after 10 minutes.

Curd mask

To prepare a whitening mask, mix 2 tbsp. l cottage cheese with 1 tbsp. l ammonia and the same amount of hydrogen peroxide. Apply gruel to brown spots, wrap hands with foil, towel. Soak the mask for 15 minutes, rinse with water.

Useful Tips

If the mask contains lemon juice or other components with an aggressive effect, lubricate the skin with vegetable oil before applying it. If you experience any uncomfortable sensations, the composition should be washed off immediately.

The course of masks should consist of 8 procedures that need to be carried out 1-2 times a week. If it was not possible to get rid of age spots the first time, the course can be resumed after 7-14 days.

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