Cast Asphalt Technology Description

Cast asphalt mix is a complex structural substance, widely used for construction purposes. The main difference between cast asphalt and asphalt is the procedure for laying it.

Mix making

The composition of cast asphalt includes the same components as for asphalt concrete, however, the proportions for the mix are different. The main components of the cast mixture are crushed stone, sand, mineral powder and bitumen. However, the ingredients themselves are slightly different in composition. Sand is used of natural origin or from rock screenings, and mineral powder is made from highly active carbonate rocks.

cast asphalt

The amount of bitumen and powder is significantly higher than that of asphalt concrete, which makes the cast option more ductile and ductile. Most manufacturers use asphalt chips in the manufacture of the cast mixture, which undoubtedly reduces the cost of the process of creating a pavement, but negatively affects its properties.


The main advantage of this type of coating is its complete waterproofness due to the solid, rather than porous structure, which increases durability and expands the scope. Subject to the technological requirements during manufacturing, the service life of cast asphalt reaches half a century, which is significantly longer than the service of asphalt concrete.

cast asphalt technology

The use of such mixtures allows you to make the road surface smoother and reduce the thickness without losing the sealing properties. This type of asphalt concrete has increased corrosion and wear-resistant characteristics, is resistant to temporary changes and fatigue damage, and is also able to withstand huge deformation strain. Cast asphalt is more resistant to damage by tracked vehicles or studded tires, withstands sudden changes in temperature and prolonged thermal exposure. It does not require the use of a sealing mixture, and repair of the coating can also be carried out during low temperatures.


However, this coating has negative qualities, which include the high cost of manufacture due to the use of an increased number of expensive components, as well as the need to use professional equipment for laying and replacing asphalt (specialized thermo-mixers and heaters). In addition, due to the high content of bitumen, astringent indicators of the road surface suffer, due to which there is a need for additional work on pressing black gravel onto an installed layer of asphalt.

Cast Asphalt Technology

The technique itself is not innovative. The production of cast asphalt is carried out at asphalt concrete plants in special bitumen-mixing structures, similar to huge concrete mixers, using a technology similar to the manufacture of ordinary asphalt concrete. The finished mixture has a high temperature (from 200 C), which is maintained until the material is used for its intended purpose. When transporting cast asphalt, it is necessary to constantly mix the mixture and maintain a high temperature, for which purpose special machines were created - β€œkocher”, which are thermo-mixers.

cast asphalt for pavement


Cast asphalt concrete is used for the construction of highways and highways, road pavements and pedestrian sidewalks. In addition, due to its ductile properties, it is used for waterproofing or flooring in rooms. Cast asphalt gained wide popularity due to the comfortable use in the repair of road pits in the cold season at sub-zero temperatures. After all, this coating can easily withstand up to minus 10 degrees and conveniently fills the pit space.

cast asphalt production

Cast asphalt is also used for paving. This allows you to maintain all the positive qualities of the track and give it an aesthetic shape and structure. Grass does not sprout through such a sidewalk, cracks do not appear. This coating is able to withstand both high weight load and temperature difference. However, the use of cast mixture in the production of paving slabs not only preserves all the useful properties of asphalt, but also creates new ones. Such a sidewalk has increased heat resistance and environmental friendliness, because the temperature of the tile is higher, which prevents the coating from emitting carcinogenic substances into the environment.

Cast asphalt is easily removed and dismantled, and it is also quite simple to reinstall. This saves money on repairs. The use of high-quality cast asphalt concrete for the production of paving tiles guarantees a long shelf life of the coating, which, unlike the asphalt itself, can reach 100 years. The sidewalk from the cast mixture is the best option for use on personal sites, because it has a high level of quality and environmental friendliness. Due to the wide range of useful properties and the absence of disadvantages, cast asphalt concrete is ideally suited for the production of paving.

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