What is schizophrenia?

What is schizophrenia in fact, not everyone knows. Although many have heard about her. Where from? Television, books, the Internet - yes, indeed, many creative people try to weave it into some tricky plot. Why is this disease so interesting? What are its features? How can they get sick? What types of schizophrenia are there? This will be discussed here.

What is schizophrenia?

This is actually a very serious mental disorder. It distorts the human consciousness - the ability to think correctly, to think, to adequately perceive what is happening around is lost. The patient ceases to distinguish reality from fiction.

Patients with schizophrenia do not adapt well in society, it is difficult for them to find work, make family, friends. Many people suffering from it are afraid of life, the manifestation of attention to their personality is perceived as something capable of entailing dangerous consequences. Can I control the symptoms of schizophrenia? Yes it is possible. However, note that treatment can take years.

What is schizophrenia? Many confuse her with a split personality. In fact, these are completely different diseases, each of which has a mass of its own characteristics. There are few similarities.

Schizophrenics can completely lose touch with reality. This mental disorder can create illusions that are difficult to get rid of. They capture the mind and prevent a person from living a normal life.

The world of a patient with schizophrenia is a conglomeration of sounds, images, thoughts, phenomena. Schizophrenics very often behave strangely, extremely defiantly and even obscene. In general, mood swings are very characteristic of this disease , which, of course, affect behavior. A person reading a book calmly in a second can begin to ruin everything around, and then sit down and cry. Emotions are not connected - it is impossible to predict them.

In every patient, schizophrenia manifests itself in different ways. In some cases, it can pass after the first exacerbation, in others - its symptoms will haunt a person until the end of his days. In the second case, it is also possible that the patient between psychopathic episodes will lead a completely normal life.
Symptoms of the disease are intermittent. For schizophrenia, remissions and relapses are characteristic.

Types of Schizophrenia

Yes, this term really means several diseases at once. What is schizophrenia? This is nothing more than a group of similar mental disorders. They have both individual and general symptoms. These are its varieties:
- undifferentiated schizophrenia. It is characterized by symptoms of several types of schizophrenia at once - hence the name;
- paranoid schizophrenia. It is characterized by the presence in patients of one or several several obsessive or crazy ideas at once. We can also talk about false beliefs. Often all these thoughts are associated with impending danger or harassment. With all this, the emotions and thinking of patients is about the same as in healthy people;
- disorganized schizophrenia. Thoughts and speech are incoherent, inconsistent. The behavior is often inadequate. The patient can behave stupidly, illogically, childishly. It is also worth mentioning that the behavior is not organized. The ability to work, as well as perform any actions (sometimes even very simple ones) is lost;
- catatonic schizophrenia. The most striking in this case are physical symptoms. Its main symptom is that the patient is motionless, there is no reaction to the surrounding reality. Symptoms include simple reluctance to move;
- residual schizophrenia. In this case, the symptoms can be almost invisible. Yes, hallucinations, strange thoughts may torment the patient, but this will proceed in a milder form than with any other schizophrenia.

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