Crime: crime categories. Criminal law: concept, types and categories of crimes

This article will disclose the topic of unlawful acts, as well as describe all existing categories of criminal offenses. The legislator has fixed the types of criminal acts in the Criminal Code and for convenience has divided them into chapters. Categories of crimes can also be characterized in accordance with related characteristics present in the act.

Crime concept

The basis for liability is an act that includes all the signs of wrongfulness. The crime is characterized by public danger to others, its commission provides for liability established by the Criminal Code.
Signs of such an act include:

  • public danger;
  • guilt;
  • wrongfulness;
  • punishability.

crime category crimes

Types of Crime

The legislator fixes certain criteria, due to which it is possible to characterize any crime. Categories of crimes include acts against:

  • public order and security;
  • personality;
  • property;
  • related to economic activity;
  • health and public morality;
  • interests of service in commercial organizations;
  • operation of transport and traffic;
  • environmental crime;
  • state security and constitutional order;
  • state authorities;
  • justice.

Act against public order and security

The legislation provides for certain categories of crimes. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation identifies acts against public order and security. Such crimes include actions that violate the norms of behavior in society established by the state (working, living, and resting conditions). They can be divided into the following types:

  • acts against public safety (arts. 113 and 114);
  • public order (Articles 215–217 and 219);
  • crimes against safety with the use of socially dangerous substances, materials, objects (Articles 220–226).

Crimes against the individual

These are acts that are directed against the personal freedoms of citizens, privacy, honor, childhood or motherhood. The object of the abuse in this case is a person, as well as social relations that are related to the exercise and realization of human rights (social, biological, family, constitutional). These crimes are divided into the following types:

  • acts against health;
  • honor, dignity, freedom;
  • sexual freedom or integrity;
  • minors and families;
  • constitutional freedoms and human rights.

Property Offenses

Deliberate or reckless action violating the right of ownership or causing damage to the owner of the property - these signs form the general concept of a crime. Categories of crimes can be as follows:

  1. Fraud, theft, embezzlement or misappropriation, robbery.
  2. Damage or destruction of another's property.
  3. Causing property damage without theft.

The object of crime includes relations that ensure the normal functioning of all existing forms of ownership.

Economic crime

categories of crimes uk rf

Categories of crimes include acts committed in the distribution, production, exchange or consumption of services and goods of the material world.
The object is relations arising in the course of economic activity for the separation, production or consumption of material goods. Also to the object should be attributed the relations that develop as a result of economic activity. The subjective side is usually characterized by guilt in the form of direct intent.

Acts against health and public morality

Wrongfulness, hindering the normal functioning of a favorable human environment - these are the main signs that characterize this crime. The categories of crimes against health and morality concern the state most of all.

Public health is an important social value provided by measures of an economic, political, medical and legal nature.

Public morality is a set of rules and norms of behavior, reflecting the idea of ​​evil and good, honor and justice.

Acts against the interests of service in commercial organizations

This crime implies a deliberate act connected with the managerial activity of the organization and creating a threat of causing substantial harm to the legitimate interests of the state and society. The object of a crime is the relationship through which commercial organizations operate . The objective side is expressed in the form of inaction or action, which is aimed at committing acts that harm the interests of others. The subjective side is manifested by guilt in an intentional form.

Environmental crime

categories of criminal offenses

Categories of crimes of this type are characterized by public danger, damage to the environmental law and order and the environment as a whole.
The object is considered to be the complex relationship that has developed in the process of using the resources of nature and is subject to protection by the state.
The subjective side is guilt in the form of negligence or direct intent.

Acts against exploitation and traffic

This is a crime that violates the functioning of transport relations aimed at ensuring the safety of human health and life. The object of a crime is the traffic safety of a particular type of vehicle. The objective side is manifested in the form of action or inaction, which led to negative consequences. The subjective side fails in the form of an imprudent form of guilt when the perpetrator anticipates the onset of undesirable consequences and arrogantly tries to prevent their onset without sufficient reason.

Acts against state security and constitutional order

crime categories uk

This crime is expressed in unlawful encroachment on the constitutional system, as well as the security of the state. It is expressed in the form of a deliberate act, which is aimed at undermining or weakening the constitutional system, economic and political system of the state.

Relationships that ensure stability and normal existence of state power are the generic object. The objective side is represented in the form of action, and the subjective, in turn, is characterized by direct intent.
These are the categories of crimes (Criminal Code):

  1. Aimed at causing damage to external security.
  2. Encroaching on defense and economic security.
  3. Acts whose purpose is the disclosure of state secrets.

Crimes against state power

These are acts directed against the normal, statutory activities of the state administration apparatus, which were committed by officials who used their official powers.

The crime is considered the totality of relations that ensure the legitimate activities of state authorities. The subjective side is expressed by an intentional form of guilt.

Crimes Against Justice

crime category crime concept

As for this category of crimes, the Criminal Code characterizes them as an encroachment aimed at the normal activities of state justice bodies.
An object is considered to be relations that are designed to ensure the normal, regulated by law, activities of the court, as well as bodies that facilitate the implementation of such tasks. The objective side is manifested in various forms of opposition to justice. The subjective side acts in the form of direct intent.

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