The meaning of the phrase "dead silence" and examples of use

Life is full of surprises and surprises, but when a person has nothing to say for one reason or another - he is silent. However, silence varies in quality and content. Today we look at the meaning of the phrase “dead silence”.


meaning of expression dead silence

When it comes to dead silence, it is unlikely that anything good will come to mind. Such a metaphor is appropriate if something happened to a person that he did not expect. For example, a school honors student and a medalist admitted: he copied all the controls and generally tricky in every way. Naturally, such a revelation takes place in the director’s office and in the presence of the head teacher. The main faces of the school are shocked. There was a dead silence. And school managers so hoped for this little boy! He broke their hearts. In other words, the meaning of the phrase “dead silence” does not promise anything good. There is another option - "deathly silence." The meaning is always the same: not a single sound. Death absorbs life, sounds, laughter and fun. And one more thing: since “inanimate” is associated with the sad and tragic situations of human existence, then, say, at a birthday celebration, dead silence can reign only in the case of some unpleasant event. For example, some fraud of one of the guests with a cake was revealed. And the latter was corrupted irrevocably. We think so. The meaning of the expression "dead silence" is revealed. Below we’ll talk about something else - about the state when the breathtaking.

Sinking heart

the meaning of the expression is dead silence and the heart stops

When people suddenly overtake deathly silence, their hearts sank . What does it mean? The phrase speaks for itself: it seems to a person that his heart stops beating for a moment. But this is only a metaphor, because in reality a small dose of adrenaline is injected into the blood, causing the sensation of a myocardium stopped for a short time.

This may seem strange, but the meaning of the expression “dead silence” and “heart beats” is almost identical. When people talk about deathly silence, they describe what is happening from the perspective of an outside observer. For example, a boy came from school and told his parents: "I got a deuce." And dead silence reigned. This is a characteristic of human behavior. And if we say that the boy’s and parents’s hearts froze, one - from fear, others - from shock, then we will convey to the reader the internal state of the characters.

True, there is a difference between the two phrases: dead silence carries a negative, even a little eerie meaning (if you think about it), and the heart can freeze for various reasons, not necessarily the latter should be bad. Some people even like a state of breathtaking.

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