What increases hemoglobin in the blood? This question is extremely interesting for those who often face the consequences of such a deviation. It should be noted that today there are quite a lot of methods for solving this health problem.
However, before presenting to your attention information about what increases hemoglobin in the blood, it is necessary to understand why such a pathology arises in the body as a decrease or increase in the level of iron-containing protein. Indeed, hypo- and hyperhemoglobinemia very often indicate the presence of serious diseases in humans.
Why is hemoglobin in the blood elevated ?
This deviation can occur in people in the following cases:
- If a person lives in the highlands or has a specific job associated with high altitude (pilot, geologist, etc.). This is explained by the fact that the discharged air contains little oxygen. In this case, increased hemoglobin is not a disease, but a mechanism of adaptation of the body in conditions of oxygen deficiency.
- If a person has been dehydrated (with vomiting, prolonged exposure to the sun, diarrhea, excessive sweating, etc.).
- If a person is sick with Wakeza. This is an oncological blood disease, in which the body develops an excessive formation of red blood cells, and, accordingly, hemoglobin.
Why is hemoglobin in the blood low?
The reasons may be:
- latent or overt blood loss;
- infectious or autoimmune diseases;
- hereditary pathologies;
- donation;
- unbalanced diet (lack of iron).
What increases hemoglobin in the blood: non-medication
- Legumes (tofu, soy milk, boiled lentils, peas, peanuts, white beans). All these products contain a large amount of iron, and therefore their regular use completely normalizes the level of hemoglobin in the blood (if the reason lies in the lack of the presented element).
- Animal proteins (eggs, meat).
- Dried fruits. The most iron-containing are natural products such as prunes, raisins, dried apricots and dates.
- Berries (mountain ash, strawberries, raspberries and grapes). Although the listed ingredients do not contain a large amount of iron, however, they have huge reserves of ascorbic acid, which increases the digestibility of this element.
- Vegetables (beets, pumpkin, melon, watermelon, etc.).
- Cereals and grains (buckwheat, flour products, etc.).
Thus, once again thinking about what increases hemoglobin in the blood, it is worth remembering about all of the above products. However, this violation can be treated not only with the help of folk remedies, but also using traditional medicine.
Pharmacy drugs that increase hemoglobin in the blood
- Long-acting drugs - "Kheferol", "Sorbifer-durules", "Tardiferon-retard", "Ferrograd", "Irovit", "Fefol", "Ferrogradumet" and so on.
- New effective drug "Ferrum-Lek".
- Short-acting hemoglobin-boosting drugs, namely: “Iron sulfate”, “Iron gluconate” and “Iron fumarate”.
It should be especially noted that all of the listed medications, which allow normalizing the level of hemoglobin in the blood, should be consumed only as prescribed by a doctor or after consulting with him.