Protein shakes - the best way to gain weight

Large hard muscles - it is precisely about them that the strong half of humanity dreams of. But here is the paradox: not every male body has the prerequisites for muscle growth. Today this problem is very easily solved, there are a huge number of different means to increase muscle mass, for example, protein shakes for weight gain and various other drugs for this purpose. They not only increase body volume, but also make a person more resilient and healthy.

weight gain protein shakes
Protein shakes for weight gain are widespread today among people engaged in bodybuilding and just watching their figure, keeping it in excellent condition.

Many are afraid to use this tool due to side effects. People think that large amounts of protein are harmful and dangerous to the kidneys. This opinion is not entirely true, because protein contributes to good health and helps to maintain normal blood pressure. But it can be harmful to people with diseases such as urolithiasis, problems of the musculoskeletal system and kidney failure. There are three types of cocktails:

1. Protein-protein , it must be consumed after training, it is intended only for gaining weight.

2. Protein-carbohydrate , or gainer, it can and should be consumed before training, as it gives strength and endurance.

3. Protein-vitamin , it is supplemented with vitamins to achieve greater results.

for weight gain

There are many such cocktails sold in specialized stores. In addition, protein shakes for weight gain can be done independently at home. There are many recipes, but the main ingredients are milk, cottage cheese, berries, fruits, protein. In different recipes, only the amount of ingredients and their appearance change: for example, in one you need banana and skim milk, and in the other just milk and honey with raisins; in one, chicken eggs are required, in the other, only protein from eggs, and in the third, quail eggs.

This does not end the list of funds that increase mass. Many athletes also use vitamins for weight gain. There are quite a few, but they differ in anabolic properties and help muscle growth. These are:

weight gain vitamins

1. Pantothenic acid . The properties of this vitamin will slow down the metabolism, which will cause mass gain.

2. Carnitine chloride . It also reduces the metabolic rate, but also contributes to an increase in the amount of gastric juice, which leads to better absorption.

3. Vitamin "U" . Helps digestion, is a regulator of stomach acid.

4. Vikasol . It increases protein synthesis in the liver, makes muscle tissue more active, which contributes to its activity for weight gain.

5. Nicotinic acid . Makes gastric juice more acidic and increases its digestibility. With its help, endogenous insulin increases its anabolic properties.

But also do not forget that vitamins - though useful, but sometimes dangerous, and before use it is advisable to consult a doctor about the absorption of these substances by your body. So, today there are a lot of tools for building muscle: these are vitamins and protein shakes - all of them are suitable for weight gain. And yet this is not enough for a good figure, you will have to make a lot of physical effort.

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