Casey Anthony - the mother who killed her own 2-year-old daughter and got rich on it

This shocking story caused a serious public outcry in the United States. Casey Anthony, who killed her own daughter, who was only two years old, became a monster mother overnight. However, after the terrible tragedy, the girl was not at all upset that her offspring was not nearby, and while the police were looking for her, the unfortunate parent “went all out” and indulged in a wild lifestyle, having fun in bars and nightclubs. She even made a tattoo on her body in the form of an inscription - "Life is beautiful." In the end, a month after an intensified search, a two-year-old baby named Kylie was found dead in the forest. Several pieces of scotch tape were found on the skull, the girl's mouth was sealed, and a syringe was lying nearby, through which chloroform was supposedly injected. But, unfortunately, the investigators could not establish the real cause of death on the skeleton.

Americans are indignant ...

The public was perplexed after learning of the “unjustifiably” soft punishment that Casey Anthony had imposed for her atrocity.

Casey Anthony

The jurors who passed such a sentence were harshly criticized, and threats of reprisal began to be sent to them. Representatives of the political establishment began to manipulate Casey Anthony's case in their own interests. The page “I hate the mother who killed her two-year-old daughter” appeared on the social network, and she immediately “grew” with 40 thousand subscribers. Such a debate has flared up that it becomes impossible to read the contents of the page.

Useless Parent

No one doubted that Casey Anthony was America's most hated mother. Still, a whole month to hide information about the loss of his own daughter, a baby and lead an asocial lifestyle. Only thanks to grandmother Kylie (Cindy Anthony) did the public learn about the heinous crime. At first, she asked her own daughter about the whereabouts of her granddaughter, but Casey did not give any reasonable explanations. Then the elderly woman suspected that in her daughter's car it was stinking with carrion. However, direct evidence that the murder of the girl was committed by 25-year-old Casey Anthony, the detectives could not get.

Orlando city

But everyone knew that there were no other suspects in this case.


The detectives began to do their job and thoroughly began to ask the unfortunate parent about the circumstances of the disappearance of two-year-old Kylie. However, the suspect did not want to make contact with the investigation and every time she tried to mislead him. In particular, in order to evade punishment, Casey Anthony informed the police that a nanny was involved in the disappearance of her daughter. But she failed to confuse the investigators, and after a while the indictment in which the girl appeared as suspect No. 1 was already prepared.


Casey Anthony's case was tried in court for six weeks, from May to July 2011. The start of the hearing was not without sensation. The defense side put forward a rather odious version of what happened. It was as if Kylie was visiting with her grandparents, who did not see her granddaughter and she drowned in the pool.

Casey Anthony America's most hated mother

Relatives immediately panicked, and in order to hide the evidence, they decided to bury the corpse in the forest. However, the prosecution of Kayleigh Anthony in the person of the prosecutor immediately questioned the veracity of the above version. The lawyer was asked the question: “Why did the mother lie about her daughter’s whereabouts?” The answer shocked everyone: “Because in her youth, her father raped the client, and in order to hide this, she was forced to tell a lie.” Naturally, Casey Anthony’s father said that the speculations of the defense do not stand up to criticism and you cannot call them delusions. One way or another, the lawyer failed to bring real evidence that there was incest between the accused and her father, and the girl drowned in the pool.

The prosecution did its best to prove the girl’s guilt. According to the prosecutor’s version, the accused first euthanized her daughter with chloroform, and then taped the girl’s mouth with tape and buried the corpse in the forest.

Despite the rather strong position of the prosecution in the trial, the court did not establish the case of Casey Anthony for the crime. However, the girl was found guilty of perjury. She was to serve her sentence in Orange County Prison (Orlando, a city in Florida).

Casey Anthony's Prosecution

But soon she suddenly finds herself at large. Casey left the territory of the “zone” when it was night on the street, the girl wanted to hide unnoticed, because she received numerous threats from residents of Orlando (a city in the southern USA), the contents of which do not require any explanation: “Kylie’s blood will be avenged!”, “Burn to you in hell! ". The sentence satisfied few.

Need to adopt a new law

To prevent the above incident from recurring in the future, the Americans proposed the adoption of a new legislative act that would impose severe sanctions on parents who hid from the authorities information about the whereabouts of their children. A regulatory discussion is currently underway in New York, Oklahoma, Florida, and West Virginia. Of course, the new law has not only supporters, but also opponents, therefore, when it is adopted, no one knows.

The criminal is hiding from everyone

In the fall of 2011, it was reported that Casey Anthony leads a secluded lifestyle after passing an acquittal. After the trial, the relatives of the criminal began to regularly receive threatening letters, so the girl was simply unsafe to live with her parents.

Casey Anthony Case

In August, Casey was ordered to return to Florida, where she was to serve her sentence (suspended sentence) for another reason - the girl stole checks from her friend. As a result, she spent $ 644 on purchases. The court ruled that Casey should not leave Florida for one year and ordered the police to monitor the execution of the sentence. At the end of summer, the girl returned to the above state. And local officers from the Department of Family and Children's Affairs conducted their own investigation and found that Casey was only partially guilty of the murder of her daughter.

The story resonated in Hollywood

Naturally, the whole country soon learned about the atrocities of the “mother-monster”. Hollywood directors wanted to film this story.

Casey Anthony is the mother who killed her own 2 year old daughter and got rich on it

Casey Anthony - a mother who killed her own 2-year-old daughter and got rich on this, and could not imagine that they would start talking about her overnight. Mila Kunis was ideally suited for the role of a criminal. However, the actress was afraid that after the release of the film on the screens, her career could seriously suffer. And the more realistic she turns into the image of a killer mother, the less likely she will play a movie in the future. She refused to shoot, but in 2013 the film “Casey Anthony's Prosecution”, directed by Peter Wernor, was still released.

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