The plan of self-education of the teacher of the senior group of preschool educational institutions. GEF self-education plan

Why do I need a self-education plan for a preschool teacher in the senior group? Within the framework of the requirements for preschool education by the new educational federal standards, the teacher is obliged to systematically improve professional skills.

In order for this work to be systematic, a self-education plan for the preschool teacher is needed. The senior group on GEF involves various activities, so the teacher should consider the sequence of theoretical and practical exercises that would help him fulfill a social order - to bring up a harmoniously developed personality (the planning option is shown in the photo).

educator self-education plan in senior group

Self-development plan option

The self-education of a kindergarten teacher is a focused process of studying methodological materials and their practical application in working with their pupils. A good teacher is a person who never rests on what has been achieved. He is trying to look for new effective methods that allow to identify gifted and talented children, to select effective developmental paths for them.

GEF of the second generation, which is introduced in the DOE of the Russian Federation, involves a plan for self-education of the DOU educator. The older kindergarten group requires the teacher to possess innovative techniques. How can I improve my professional level? For example, a plan of self-education in ecology may be like this.

Stage 1. The study of theoretical issues relating to the arrangement of a living corner in a preschool educational institution (September-October).

2 stage. Analysis of materials (methods) relating to the preparation of children for the perception of environmental knowledge (November).

3 stage. Continuing education courses for environmental education of preschool children (December).

4th stage. Introduction of acquired ZUN (“knowledge”, “skill”, “skills”) into practical activities (January-May).

activity planning features

Goal setting

Among the factors that determine the importance of self-education for the teacher of 5-6-year-old children, there are:

  • studying the experience of colleagues, the development of innovative pedagogical technologies;

  • systematization of the studied techniques that allow you to systematize work with children of the older group;

  • creating conditions for the normal mental, mental, physical, emotional development of pupils.

educator self-education plan dow senior ecology group

Developing plan objectives

What should a DOE teacher self-education plan include? The older group involves a set of activities that are aimed at instilling in preschoolers a desire for self-development:

1. To carry out systematic monitoring of teaching materials.

2. Use the best theories and practices of preschool education.

3. Introduce the elements of various educational technologies in their own work.

4. Summarize and systematize experience.

preschool teacher self-education plan senior speech development group

Principles of self-education

What is the basis for the plan of self-education of a preschool teacher? The senior group involves building work on the following principles.

1. Continuity. It takes one academic year to develop one topic. If the material is large, the teacher continues to work on it for 1.5-2 years. For example, if a teacher identified serious problems among pupils with the development of speech, it is necessary to include changes in the plan of self-education of the teacher of the senior group of preschool educational institutions). In terms of speech development, the teacher plans self-development in the following sequence:

  • analysis of diagnostics that help to identify the level of development;
  • course preparation;
  • determination of the best working methodology;
  • the introduction of ZUN in practice with the aim of developing the speech skills of babies;
  • reflection to determine their own professional growth.

2. Continuity. It is necessary to choose a topic so that it is interconnected with the goal and objectives of the developmental process in kindergarten. For example, the study “Fundamentals of Literacy” is an example of how you can deal with the same problem over a long period of time.

3. The reality of practicing the planned activities. For example, when working on issues that relate to computer technology in a preschool, it makes no sense to use simulators for typing as part of classes with kids.

They do not yet have precise finger movements; far from all the letters are known. That is why it is better not to include this topic in the plan of self-education of the preschool teacher. The older group is the period when the guys strive to acquire practical skills, this should be taken into account by the teacher.

how should a teacher develop

Forms of work

For the maximum study of the topic of self-education, the educator should take into account that it is important for him to conduct work in three directions at once:

  • with colleagues;

  • with kids;

  • with parents.

In each direction, the teacher chooses specific forms and methods of his professional activity. Work with students is carried out in the following form:

  • educational and educational activities (open lessons, plays, role-playing games);

  • walks (observation, work, games, individual labor);

  • holding regime moments (in the form of a basis for the implementation of topics related to the health culture).

The teacher conducts work with colleagues in the following form:

  • attends classes of other educators (for the exchange of professional experience, monitoring the success of using various copyrighted methods of self-education in practice);

  • speeches with the results of activities at pedagogical meetings;

  • participation in meetings of the MO of teachers of the DOE (with reports, presentations);

  • publications in pedagogical magazines, in professional communities;

  • passing a course preparation.

how to make a self-education plan

Self-education in the field of ecology

How should a self-education plan for a preschool teacher be drawn up? In the senior group on ecology, systematic work is assumed, therefore, the self-development of the teacher in this area is necessary. His activity should contribute to the correct behavior of babies in nature, the formation of their skills in caring for plants and animals.

The teacher includes the steps in the work plan:

1. The study of teaching materials in pedagogical publications.

2. Analysis of regulatory documents.

3. Participation in seminars, conferences on environmental education of preschool children.

4. Creating a corner of nature.

5. Compilation of didactic environmental games in a preschool educational institution (senior group).

6. Participation in competitions, holidays on this topic.

The subject of self-education in mathematics

Theoretical questions should be included in the plan of self-education of the teacher of the senior group of DOW) in mathematics. As part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the following algorithm is possible for a teacher to increase his level:

1. The study of teaching materials (September-October).

2. Testing the theory through role-playing mathematical games (November-December).

3. Monitoring to identify the level of formation of motivation among preschoolers to obtain mathematical ZUN (January).

4. Consultation with a psychologist in order to select effective corrective techniques.

5. Involvement in work aimed at the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children of the older group, their parents (legal representatives).

To summarize

Within the framework of the state federal standard of the new generation, which was developed specifically for domestic preschool institutions, each educator is required to devote time to self-education (raising their professional level). This innovation is a requirement of the present. Only in the case when the teacher pays attention to his development, he will be able to raise talented and bright children.

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