Knyazkov Vladimir Borisovich, laser surgeon (Moscow): biography, services, contacts and reviews

Knyazkov Vladimir Borisovich - laser surgeon (Moscow), otolaryngologist, candidate of medical sciences. The doctor practices and leads patients in a well-known metropolitan medical institution - a clinic of minimally invasive laser medicine (MILM Center). Knyazkov Vladimir Borisovich - doctor (Moscow), who is considered one of the most highly qualified specialists.

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Many turn to him for advice on various ENT pathologies. A well-known surgeon conducts operations to restore the nasal septum, laser micro-gyrotomy, remove tonsils, get rid of sinusitis, etc.

Knyazkov Vladimir Borisovich, laser surgeon (Moscow): reviews

Grateful patients enthusiastically respond to the work of the doctor. Many healed noted his high professionalism. Doctors call a specialist with a capital letter, a surgeon with "golden" hands, a virtuoso of his craft.

Knyazkov Vladimir Borisovich - a laser surgeon (Moscow), who performs successful operations to remove polyps, uvuloplasty, septoplasty, and alignment of the nasal septum. Some patients thank the doctor for recovering from his hearing loss after his qualified surgical intervention, others for the resumption of nasal breathing, and others for the normalization of the functioning of various organs of the nasopharynx.

Many people with various ENT diseases were helped by Knyazkov Vladimir Borisovich, reviews of which grateful clients are posted on social networks. They help patients with chronic diseases decide on laser surgery. Doctors call him a wonderful specialist, and his operations are brilliant. Patients warmly thank the entire clinic staff for their clarity, coordination in work and excellent attitude to patients. The networks immediately attract attention overwhelmed with hot, sincere gratitude from many people who were helped by Knyazkov Vladimir Borisovich, reviews.

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The doctor takes patients at the MILM center. The minimally invasive laser medicine clinic is located in Moscow at the address: Universitetsky Ave., Building 5, Entrance 9 (South-Western Administrative District). Nearest metro stations: Vorobevy Gory, Akademicheskaya, Universitet.

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The MILM clinic provides medical services using modern laser medicine techniques that have proven high efficiency, absolute safety and minimal trauma.

In this medical institution, the reception is conducted by qualified and experienced specialists: surgeons, gynecologists, obstetricians, otolaryngologists. They consult and carry out all types of laser correction: operations are performed to remove polyps, plugs, scars, foreign bodies and neoplasms, hearing prosthetics, biopsy, blockade, debridement and catheterization. On the effectiveness of doctors, clients leave mostly positive reviews.

The medical facility is equipped with modern equipment, which allows us to provide high-quality medical care. When examined by doctors, audiometry, otomicroscopy, rhinoscopy, electrocardiography are performed. In the center there is a laboratory carrying out sampling of analyzes. If necessary, specialists carry out a variety of surgical procedures or prescribe medication. The specialization of the MILM clinic is presented:

  • otolaryngology;
  • phlebology;
  • gynecology.

For many years, the doctor Knyazkov Vladimir Borisovich has been working in this institution. You can make an appointment with the doctor on the clinic website or by phone. The cost of the initial appointment of a specialist is from 750 rubles.

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Specialist Information

An ENT doctor is engaged in successful practice, taking patients at the MILM clinic in Moscow. In addition, the renowned otolaryngologist is an active participant in scientific symposia and international seminars, where he regularly exchanges experience with foreign colleagues. Sources do not provide about VB Knyazkov any biographical information. In the public domain there is only information about him as a specialist. It is only known that at the moment he is 56 years old, he celebrates his birthday on March 31.

Knyazkov Vladimir Borisovich - laser surgeon (Moscow), author of thirteen scientific reports on the use of a laser in ENT surgery, as well as many patented technologies. The doctor’s scientific research aimed at finding ways to shorten the period of rehabilitation after surgery, to minimize pain experienced by the patient, have positive results. His patients noted a minimum of pain during surgery. The doctor performs the procedure under local anesthesia, without blood, with minimal tissue damage.

Initially, the doctor uses conservative methods in the treatment and only in special cases resortes to surgery. In his work, Knyazkov Vladimir Borisovich, a laser surgeon (Moscow), uses a fourth-class laser and a SHARPLAN CO2 system. Traditional surgical intervention is not always shown to the patient, due to the presence of various contraindications, but with the help of a laser and modern minimally invasive equipment, ENT operations are successful and without undesirable consequences for people at risk.

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What is known about the qualification of a doctor Knyazkov VB?

  • From 1976 to 1982, the future doctor was trained at the Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg.
  • In 1983, he worked as an intern in the institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
  • In 2012, he took advanced training courses at the Clinic of Laser Medicine (Moscow), defended his thesis.
  • In 2013, he improved his experience at the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

Services and Specialization

The surgeon Knyazkov Vladimir Borisovich (reviews, prices of the services provided can be found on the institution’s website in more detail) specializes in the following operations:

  • getting rid of adenoids using a laser;
  • nasal septum correction;
  • removal of neoplasms;
  • tonsillitis treatment;
  • removal of scars in the nasal cavity, synechia;
  • vaporization of the cyst;
  • sinusitis treatment;
  • hearing correction
  • guaranteed disposal of snoring.

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The doctor has experience in parts of the Ministry of Defense (from 1982 to 2003), in the Medical Center MedExpert (from 2003 to 2011), BMKG BF (from 2011 to 2013), in MILM Center (from 2013 to the present).


The doctor has a PhD degree in medical sciences. He is a member of the Society of Otolaryngologists of the Russian Federation. The otolaryngologist has the highest qualification category. Experience:

  • total - 35 years;
  • in the field of otolaryngology and laser surgery - more than 33 years.

Knyazkov V.B. He has written over 13 scientific papers, is the author of the book "Laser tonsillectomy." He compiled and substantiated a list of contraindications for surgical intervention, which was significantly reduced in comparison with the restrictions for other methods of surgery. The doctor performed more than 5,000 high-tech ENT operations using fourth-class lasers.

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Cost of operations:

  • removal of polyps with a laser - 45,000 rubles.
  • plastic nasal septum - 85 000 rubles.
  • an increase in lingual tonsil - 65,000 rubles.
  • uvulopalatoplasty (surgery for snoring) - 65 000 rubles


Potential patients of a specialist should have as much information as possible about him. According to online publications, in the work of Dr. Knyazkov there were also failures. During work at the MedExpert medical center, twice patients went to court after complications arising from surgical intervention. The defendant was a medical facility. In the first case, she did not plead guilty, and in the second, an amicable agreement was concluded, according to which the clinic paid the victim monetary compensation. Several cases against the backdrop of thousands of successful operations only say that the doctor’s work to improve the contraindication system is the absolutely right way.


In 2013, Knyazkov V.B. confirmed the highest qualification category of an otolaryngologist. The specialist certificate is valid until 02/05/2018.

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