When it comes to beauty, women forget about saving and are ready to spend a decent amount on the transformation in expensive salons. But such a cosmetic procedure as a paraffin face mask is also available at home. How to apply the mask, and what materials are needed to complete the procedure, you will find out by reading the article.
How paraffin affects skin condition
The world owes the appearance of paraffin therapy to France, as, indeed, to many other cosmetics. At the beginning of the 20th century, a French doctor first began to use this substance for cosmetic purposes. Now paraffin therapy is a very popular and effective method in the fight for beauty. What is the use of a paraffin face mask?
You need to understand what is not suitable for this mask paraffin, from which candles are made. It contains a lot of impurities. We need a special paraffin, which went through a good cleaning. You can buy it at a pharmacy at an affordable cost.
When warm paraffin is applied to the skin, pores expand, which contributes to the removal of dirt and toxins accumulated there. Open pores absorb the nutrients contained in paraffin more easily. The procedure activates blood circulation, providing cells with nourishment, which improves complexion.
As it cools, paraffin compresses the skin, which provides a lifting effect. This allows you to smooth out small wrinkles and make the facial contour more expressive. The mask perfectly moisturizes the skin, eliminating peeling.
Who is shown the mask
Due to its unique properties, this cosmetic procedure is suitable for young skin and mature skin. The mask solves many cosmetic problems, among them:
- oily or dry skin;
- inflammation and peeling;
- acne, acne;
- loss of tone, second chin;
- nutrient deficiency;
- black dots.
Who should not make a mask
Take your time to make a paraffin face mask at home. Although the procedure is considered simple, it can be harmful to some people. Conditions in which the mask is not recommended:
- the presence of spider veins;
- high blood pressure;
- heart and vascular diseases;
- pregnancy and lactation period;
- purulent and open wounds in the area of application;
- increased hairline;
- convex or hanging moles on the face;
- pink acne;
- clotting problems.
If you do not have such contraindications, do it boldly with a paraffin face mask.
Materials for the procedure
For a paraffin face mask, prepare in advance:
- cosmetic paraffin;
- bandage;
- a small spatula made of wood or silicone;
- dishes for heating the substance (2 containers);
- a wide brush for applying the product;
- towel and cotton pads;
- additional components optional.
How to carry out the procedure
When everything is ready, it's time to start the procedure. It is better to carry it out with an assistant. So it will be easier to monitor the temperature of paraffin, preventing freezing. Applying the product alone, it will be difficult for you to take a horizontal position, and paraffin will drain from the face. Agree, all this is not very convenient. But in the pursuit of beauty and youth, such inconvenience will not stop the beautiful half of humanity, and, judging by the reviews, many girls and women make paraffin face masks on their own. But we'll talk about the reviews, and now we will move on to the steps of the procedure.
Preparatory stage
The face should be as clean as possible. To do this, wash with a cleanser, dab your face with a towel and apply cream to your skin. Choose a nutrient depending on what result you want to receive: rejuvenate, moisturize, nourish, and relieve inflammation.
Build a water bath from two tanks. There will be more boiling water in the container, and paraffin in the smaller container. To understand that the material is ready for application, do a simple test. Apply a drop of substance to the wrist. If paraffin burns, then it must be allowed to cool. Paraffin should be at a comfortable temperature, warm.
Skin application
To apply a paraffin mask for the face, use a wide brush or a cosmetic spatula. In specialized stores you can buy brushes for applying paraffin. Begin applying from the forehead to make sure once again that paraffin does not burn your face. There, the skin is the least sensitive. But around the eyes it is impossible to apply the product in any case.
After the first layer has been spread over the entire face, apply a gauze bandage or bandages. Then apply several layers of paraffin again. It is recommended to make 4 layers. Keep the product for 20-25 minutes, taking a comfortable position and relaxing. According to reviews, a paraffin face mask is very pleasantly tolerated. Only a slight tightness of the skin is felt.
End of procedure
Now it remains to remove all the layers. This is done simply - you need to carefully pull the edges of the gauze dressing in the direction from the bottom up. Then walk over your face with a cotton pad dipped in herbal broth, lotion, or plain water. Complete the procedure with a nourishing cream.
To achieve a good effect, it is recommended to carry out the procedure several times a week for 1-3 months. A paraffin face mask is made more often in winter than in summer or spring. In the cold season, under the influence of frost on the street and dry air in the room, the skin loses moisture, becomes flabby, peeling and redness appear.
Consider how to make a paraffin face mask to avoid unpleasant moments. Follow these simple guidelines:
- Do not apply too hot a product.
- Be sure to moisturize your face before applying the mask.
- Used paraffin is not suitable for repeated application. However, some use it to care for hands and feet.
- The mask is best applied in the evening before bedtime. After the procedure, the skin remains vulnerable for some time, so you need to limit external influences for 1 hour.
Paraffin mask recipes with various additives
Natural components can be added to the blank to enhance the beneficial effects of a paraffin mask for the face. Wax and paraffin oil are the perfect combination for the skin. The following describes additional components that can be added to a paraffin mask to give it an additional effect.
With honey
It is used for dry, sagging skin, as well as prone to inflammation. The procedure needs to be 2-3 times a week for one or two months.
Cooking method:
- Melt 50 g of paraffin in a water bath.
- Pour 1/3 of the product into a separate container.
- Add 1 teaspoon of honey to a smaller portion.
- Apply the first layer, consisting of paraffin and honey, on the face.
- Let the layer dry a little.
- Then apply a few more layers of paraffin, already without honey.
- Keep for 20-25 minutes.
With the addition of propolis
It works well on oily skin, prone to rashes and greasy shine. Such a mask nourishes it and has an antibacterial effect.
Cooking method:
- Melt paraffin in a water bath.
- In a small container, mix a little melted paraffin and 1/2 teaspoon of propolis.
- Spread a layer of propolis on the face, let it cool slightly and harden.
- Apply another 3-4 layers of paraffin.
- Wait 20-25 minutes and remove the mask.
For the best effect, it is recommended to apply a mask with propolis every 2-3 days for 1-2 months.
With the addition of aloe
Such a mask is recommended if there is irritation and rash on the skin. Great for mature skin with signs of wilting and slight wrinkles.
Cooking method:
- Melt 50 g of paraffin as described above.
- Transfer a little to another container.
- Add a few drops of aloe to the smaller portion.
- Apply the first coat to the face, consisting of paraffin and aloe.
- Allow the layer to cool and harden a little.
- Then apply another 2-3 layers of paraffin without aloe.
- Keep the mask for 20-25 minutes.
It is recommended to apply 1-3 times a week, depending on the initial condition of the skin. The duration of the course is from 1 to 2 months.
With oil
An oil-based mask perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, has a lifting effect, removes swelling, and rejuvenates the face.
Cooking method:
- Melt paraffin.
- Separate some funds.
- Add to a smaller portion half a teaspoon of oil that suits your skin type.
- The first layer will consist of paraffin and oil.
- After the first coat dries, apply a few more layers of paraffin.
- Hold for 20-25 minutes.
Perform the procedure 2-3 times a week for 2-3 months.
With the addition of essential oils
For this mask, you can use such essential oils: lemon, orange and pink. Masks based on essential oils relieve inflammation and provide an antibacterial effect.
Cooking method:
- Heat paraffin to the desired temperature.
- Pour a little funds into another container and add 2-3 drops of essential oil.
- Apply the first coat containing essential oil.
- Allow to dry and apply a few more layers of paraffin without oil.
- Hold the mask for 20-25 minutes.
It is recommended to do regularly for 3 months every 2-3 days.
Combine a paraffin mask with a steam bath
To enhance the effect of a paraffin mask for the face, you can create the effect of a steam bath. To do this, you need to make a paraffin mask according to the basic recipe. Lay a layer of cotton wool on top, leaving the mouth and nose open. Cover with a terry towel. You can hold such a mask a little longer than usual, because a layer of cotton and a towel retain heat, and paraffin cools more slowly. After 30-35 minutes, remove all layers and grease the skin with a nourishing cream. It is highly recommended not to go outside for 2-3 hours.
This procedure is suitable for all skin types. Owners of dry skin will receive the effect of hydration and exfoliation. Those who have it oily will protect it from greasy shine, and for normal and combination - it will serve as an excellent nutrient.
Reviews on home paraffin therapy
Many women have already experienced the beneficial effects of paraffin masks and share reviews on women's forums. After the first procedures, women see and feel the effect. The skin becomes toned, the structure and tone are leveled. Especially praised masks with the addition of honey or oils. Some share that there are difficulties in applying the product and in selecting the optimal paraffin temperature.
This video shows another way to apply a paraffin mask.
Arrange for yourself a pleasant cosmetic procedure by preparing a paraffin face mask at home. The effect is not long in coming, and in a few days you will be pleasantly surprised by the reflection in the mirror. Just remember that for the procedure you need to purchase a special cosmetic paraffin, which is sold in pharmacies.