Slimming ozone therapy: reviews and features of the procedure

slimming ozone therapy reviews

Recently, I found information about a unique method of losing weight - ozone therapy. But it has long been known and has been successfully used for 15 years! The procedure is very common in clinics in Switzerland, Italy. In Russia, its popularity is growing every year. Slimming ozone therapy, reviews of which indicate its high effectiveness in the fight against excess weight, is a kind of non-surgical silhouette modeling technique . In addition to the fact that as a result of it, unnecessary centimeters on the waist, hips and abdomen actively leave, it has a visible cosmetic effect: eliminates facial wrinkles, eliminates bags under the eyes, promotes resorption of stretch marks, and so on. Even perennial scars after completing the course become much less noticeable. Thanks to this, this technique is in demand not only among young women, but also among middle-aged women.


slimming ozone therapy prices

Slimming ozone therapy, reviews of which you will find in this article below, is now a very popular service in SPA salons. It is an injection method of getting rid of extra pounds. The doctor introduces the client a special ozone-oxygen mixture into the subcutaneous tissue in those places where there is a large body fat. As a result of this, metabolism is activated in the tissues, collagen and elastin production increases, and cellulite β€œtubercles” dissolve. The ozone-oxygen mixture contributes to the destruction of sclerosed membranes of fat cells, thereby quickly achieving the effect of weight loss.

Ozone therapy: prices

A slender figure, fresh toned skin, a feeling of lightness throughout the body - all this is the result of a procedure such as ozone therapy for weight loss. Prices for this type of service differ in different clinics. So, for example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, it costs 4,000 - 20,000 rubles for a full course (10 injections). In other cities, this service is cheaper, although it is worth recognizing that not all beauty centers have it. The cost of ozone therapy also depends on which part of the body the session is conducted. For example, if the thigh area is chipped, for this, as a rule, it will take about 5000 rubles. And if the method is used to treat somatic diseases, then its cost is 21,000 rubles.

ozone therapy prices

Feedback on the results of the procedure

Many women have already tried using a procedure such as ozone therapy for weight loss. Reviews about her are very different. Someone says that he felt a change for the better after the first session. An unusual feeling of lightness in the legs and a surge of strength throughout the body - these are the first pleasant impressions of ozone therapy. Girls who were satisfied with her result noted a good loss of excess weight. But there were also dissatisfied statements about this course. Some clients find this procedure useless. In addition, they noted unpleasant pain after it and the appearance of ugly red spots. Of course, within a few days the bruises resolved, but even this could not convince dissatisfied women of the effectiveness of the method.

Thus, we found that ozone therapy for weight loss, reviews about which are very different, really helps to fight cellulite and various skin defects. But it does not suit everyone. If you are not afraid of injections and pain, then you can safely use this method.

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