Kutepova Polina: filmography of the red-haired beauty

This beautiful actress became known throughout the country as a child when she played the role of Ludwig's sister in the children's fairy tale "Red, honest, in love." Years passed. She grew, and her characters grew with her, becoming more interesting and vibrant. Who is Kutepova Polina? The filmography of this red-haired young lady is simply amazing with a variety of images, each of which is interesting in its own way.


On the first August day of 1971, a girl named Polina was born in Moscow. With her sisters, she grew quite brisk, even a little hooligan. And at the same time she was shy and reserved. She could not even approach a stranger with a question.

Kutepova polina filmography

As a child, twin sisters - Polina and Ksenia - were engaged in a choreographic circle. It was there that the assistant director noticed them, proposing to star in the film about the life of the village, "Vasily and Vasilisa." Girls played the daughters of the main characters. Then there were films and even mini-performances.

“Our whole life is a theater ...”

At the age of seventeen, Kutepova Polina, whose filmography totaled only 4-5 films, became a student in the directing department of GITIS. She and Ksyusha found themselves “under the wing” of Peter Fomenko. Five years later, in 1993, the girl had already defended her diploma. Then in the Moscow theater "Workshop P. Fomenko" the troupe increased by one person. They became Kutepova Polina. Many magazines put photos of this actress on their covers, and she is beautiful everywhere.

Dreams and Reality

She still serves in this theater, often stepping onto its stage. At the same time, Kutepova admits to reporters that she did not understand whether she wants to be an actress, or still, her life has a completely different path. She is sure that young people, dreaming of entering the theater institute, are not aware of where she is going. What people came up with about the acting profession is just a myth, a fairy tale that exists only in their heads. It has nothing to do with what is happening and how it is happening.

Polina Kutepova filmography

Kutepova is grateful to Peter Fomenko for taking them with his sister under his wing. For them, this is real happiness. The girls believed that such luckiness passed to them by inheritance from their parents. After all, the childhood of the sisters was to one degree or another connected with the scene. Polina Pavlovna is sure that if, then, many years ago, they and her sister were not accepted into the theater, they would never have decided to make another attempt.

Roles and Awards

During the time that has passed since Kutepova crossed the threshold of the theater, she played dozens of very different roles. The most significant for her are Kupavina from Ostrovsky’s “Wolves and Sheeps”, Verochka from Turgenev’s “Month in the Village”, Mask and Kolombin from the “Balaganchik” Blok.

Kutepova Polina and Ksenia filmography

Not ignored her rewards. And not every actress has them in such quantity. For playing the role of the Girl in the play “Tanya-Tanya”, Polina Kutepova, whose filmography currently has more than a dozen films and TV shows, was awarded the prize as the best young actress at the festival in Poland in 1996. After 8 years, in 2004, the girl became the laureate of the prestigious theater prize "The Seagull". Six years later, she was awarded the Golden Mask for her role as Molly Bloom from the play Ulysses. The titles of Honored Artist of Russia Kutepova Polina, whose filmography and work in the theater gave the audience quite a lot of interesting diverse images, was awarded in 2004.

The beginning of a film career

Her debut role knocked on her life back in 1993. It was then that Pauline starred in the famous for all time George Danelia in his comedy "Nastya". Her character was a quiet, kind, sympathetic and funny girl Nastya Plotnikova, whose cherished dream was to become a beauty. And one day it still happened. The picture was shot in the spirit of Danelia’s creations: sometimes sad, sometimes funny.

Kutepova Polina photo

Until now (and more than twenty years have passed) this film continues to watch the audience with unflagging interest. By the way, the very idea of ​​turning the ugly duckling into a dazzling beauty is quite often used in cinema by modern directors.

Coming out of the walls of my native institute, Kutepova Polina, whose filmography could have been much richer, devoted almost all her time to theater art. But in her piggy bank there are a lot of interesting works: Zinaida Prishchepkina in Orel and Resolute, Katerina in Shtrafbat, Lisa in Indy ...

Pelagia or Polina Lisitsyna?

The coming 2009 brought the actress a new interesting work. It was decided to film the novel from the series about the adventures of Pelagia (author Boris Akunin) - "Pelagia and the White Bulldog." Kutepova Polina, whose biography is interested in fans of her talent, played two roles here simultaneously - the nuns of Pelagia and the secular lady Polina Lisitsyna. It should be noted here that the author had the sole right to approve the leading roles. Akunin was sure that it was Kutepova who should play the role of Pelagia. He even prepared an audio version of the book, after which he was once again convinced that Polina Pavlovna is exactly that actress who will cope with the task. And indeed, she was good both in the role of a nun and in the role of a secular lady.

Kutepova polina biography

At first, it was hoped that the role of Lisitsyna would be played by her twin sister, Ksenia. But now the director Yuri Moroz has already passed his decree, deciding that it would be better for the film if only Polina Kutepova plays both heroines.

Today, the owners of a significant number of professional awards are the sisters Kutepovs - Polina and Ksenia. Their filmography is quite significant and interesting for the audience. And they look forward to each new work of the sisters with special impatience.

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