Center for Traditional Obstetrics and Family Medicine: description, services, doctors, reviews

The birth of a baby is a real happiness for parents. It is no coincidence that many couples at the first signs of pregnancy prefer to contact a medical institution, about which you can only hear positive reviews. Such is the Moscow Center for Traditional Obstetrics and Gynecology.

Information about the center

The Moscow Center for Traditional Obstetrics and Gynecology is the only medical institution of its kind in Russia. Here, a woman can not only prepare for future births, but also plan a pregnancy. Leading experts observe the expectant mother for all 9 months of bearing the fetus. In addition, a married couple can seek help after the baby is born. The Moscow Center provides quality pediatric services. Reviews of young parents about the work of specialists can only be heard positive.

Cent services are provided for a fee. Management is interested in ensuring that patients are satisfied and recommend a medical institution to their relatives and friends. Therefore, the service is carried out really at a high level. If you believe the reviews of employees, the mission of the center is maximum care for the birth of a healthy baby.

center of traditional obstetrics

Many girls recommend to their friends the Center for Traditional Obstetrics. A huge advantage is an individual approach to each patient. At the same time, attention is paid not only to the expectant mother, but also to the couple as a whole. Before registering a pregnant woman, a specialist finds out detailed information about diseases suffered by future parents. Any information is important in order to minimize the risk of complications during pregnancy.

The code of ethics of specialists is an important characteristic of a medical institution. The Center for Traditional Obstetrics is a place where every patient feels respect for themselves from the medical staff. The work of doctors proceeds from the fact that each woman has her own unique features. This refers not only to physical data, but also to character traits. Each specialist is partly a psychologist who knows how to find an approach to every, even the most capricious patient.

Reviews about specialists

The general director of the medical institution is Sadovaya Tamara Grigorievna. This is a specialist with great experience. A woman from her own experience knows how important the care of the expectant mother during pregnancy is. Tamara Grigoryevna in 1991 graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University with a degree in obstetrics and gynecology. The doctor specializes in the management of physiological birth. However, according to reviews, Tamara Grigoryevna repeatedly carried out emergency surgical interventions.

The head physician of the center is Gavrilenko Alexander Sergeevich. The specialist not only accepts women who are planning to become a mother, but also is engaged in the strategic development of the medical field. Of great importance, in the opinion of Alexander Sergeyevich, is the continuous development of employees. A good doctor should regularly improve his knowledge. Reviews show that this doctor is a supporter of physiological birth. Surgery, in his opinion, is an extreme measure.

center of traditional obstetrics and medicine

The Center for Traditional Obstetrics and Medicine provides a huge range of services. A lot of positive reviews can be heard about specialists leading courses "Soft childbirth." Girls claim that the knowledge gained really helps to survive the process of the birth of the baby easier. Great importance is given to the medical center of homeopathy. Patients about Nazarova Veronika Anatolevna and Mishchenko Elena Borisovna speak well. These doctors regularly conduct "Homeopathy" courses.

Preparing for an Upcoming Pregnancy

To give birth to a healthy baby, it is important for the expectant mother to lead the right lifestyle during pregnancy. But this is not always enough. Many pathologies of fetal development are associated with the behavior of parents even before conception. Pregnancy planning is an important stage in the birth of an infant. Couples who plan to have a baby should first go to a gynecologist for a consultation. You will have to undergo a survey with key specialists and pass a number of tests.

The Center for Traditional Obstetrics (CTA) is a medical institution whose actions are aimed at maximizing patient comfort. Couples who decide to undergo an examination will not have to stand in long lines. Reviews show that all procedures are by appointment.

When a young couple first calls to the Center for Traditional Obstetrics, a medical record is started. This includes all the data from surveys and analyzes. This enables specialists to decide on the feasibility of any treatment procedures. Data is also saved if the patient again seeks help after a few years. To get a card in your hands, you must name the passport data in the registry.

traditional obstetrics center childbirth reviews

An important step in preparing a woman for an upcoming pregnancy is the treatment of identified gynecological diseases. Often, banal erosion of the cervix leads to miscarriages in the early stages. The Center for Traditional Obstetrics (Moscow) allows you to get rid of the problem in the shortest possible time. Specialists have vast experience in the treatment of diseases of this kind. Good reviews can be heard about the radio wave treatment method that is used in a medical institution. It is possible to eliminate erosion practically without pain.

Pregnancy management

Observation of a woman who is carrying a baby is carried out for nine months. Particular attention is paid to patients who have chronic diseases, as well as women who are over 40 years old. When registering, an individual card of the pregnant woman is created. All information about the past diseases fits in here, the results of the tests are indicated. Experts say that an individual card is the most important document of the expectant mother, which allows carrying out the delivery procedure as comfortably as possible, wherever the expectant mother is. If possible, you should always carry your individual card with you, take it on trips.

Today, many future mothers in the capital prefer to register with the Center for Traditional Obstetrics and Family Medicine. Reviews show that the patient has the opportunity to independently choose which doctor to observe. They speak well of such specialists as Samsonova Olga Aleksandrovna, Petrova Julia Vasilievna, Mustafina Anna Ilgizarovna, Manikhina Larisa Viktorovna.

All specialists are inclined to believe that childbirth should take place in a physiological way. Operation is a last resort. If it is impossible to avoid the intervention, and the woman is shown a cesarean section, the preparation takes place in advance. This includes special physical exercises, as well as psychological training.

Preparation for childbirth

Courses "Soft birth" of the Center for traditional obstetrics deserve special attention. Specialists of the medical institution have developed a special program that allows women to prepare for a future meeting with the baby. Classes include both physical and psychological exercises. The attitude of both parents is very important. This is especially true if joint delivery is planned.

LLC center of traditional obstetrics and family medicine

A lot of good reviews can be heard about Ivanova Irina Vladimirovna. This is an obstetrician with many years of experience. More than 500 women have already attended the Soft Birthing Courses taught by Irina Vladimirovna. All of them waited for a meeting with their baby. Women in labor say that the right attitude, which is taught in the classroom, allows you to survive childbirth without complications. The courses are also taught by specialists such as Bartuli Violetta Aleksandrovna, Bykova Natalya Sergeevna, Larionova Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Petrova Julia Vasilievna, Samsonova Olga Alexandrovna. You can attend courses with your husband. The only thing to do is to pre-register at the registry.

A lot of positive feedback can also be heard about the Parenthood Awareness courses. Particularly useful classes will be for couples who are expecting the firstborn. The main task is the psychological preparation of the family for the upcoming changes in their lives. Those who had to attend the courses were delighted with the special art album “Pregnancy Diary”. Using the example of one woman, one can learn how the perception of the world by the family is changing. Center for Traditional Obstetrics and Family Medicine LLC is changing the worldview of young couples. They become more responsible even before the baby is born.


The Center for Traditional Medicine and Obstetrics on Tula regularly holds meetings on the topic of natural childbirth. You can sign up for a free seminar at number 8 (495) 9885252. Women who are already waiting for the baby can be contracted with the chosen obstetrician. When to visit the center of traditional obstetrics? Reviews of experts show that it is desirable to find out basic information at the planning stage of pregnancy.

Those who conclude a contract under the Natural Birth program are provided with comfortable single maternity wards. At will, accommodation with a husband or other close relative can be planned. The apartments have everything you need for a comfortable stay with a newborn. This is a soft bed, a place for rest accompanying, a comfortable bathroom with a place for bathing a newborn. The windows have dense blinds, allowing the woman in labor to have a good rest at any time of the day.

soft birth center of traditional obstetrics

The Center for Traditional Obstetrics does everything possible for the comfort of the mother and the newborn. Reviews of childbirth show that immediately after the baby is born, the doctor puts the baby on the mother’s stomach. Thus, it is possible to establish the first contact necessary for the formation of the crumb's immune system.


During pregnancy, many traditional medicines of the expectant mother are contraindicated. The center of traditional obstetrics on Tula is a place where they adhere to the principles of homeopathy. Medicines created on the basis of natural ingredients are practically harmless. Moreover, any drugs are used in minimal doses. So specialists manage to avoid the development of side effects. With a healthy diet and moderate physical activity, the need to use any drugs during pregnancy is almost completely eliminated. In extreme cases, homeopathy will come to the rescue.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to insure against colds, poisoning or infections transmitted by airborne droplets. A future mother who is passionately watching over her health can also get sick. The Center for Traditional Obstetrics and Family Medicine is a place where specialists know how to treat a pregnant woman. Therapists of a medical institution select the safest homeopathic remedies. The risk of harming the fetus is minimal. Soft stimulating therapy through homeopathic medicines can normalize the work of the pregnant woman’s gastrointestinal tract, stimulate the immune system, and improve sleep and well-being in general.


Childbirth is the natural termination of pregnancy. In fact, the difficulties are only beginning. The first few months of life, the crumbs are the most important for the family. A newborn must adapt to life in a normal environment, and a woman has a long way to recover from childbirth. High-quality pediatric services are offered by the Center for Traditional Obstetrics and Family Medicine.

center for traditional obstetrics
Doctors support a young family for a year after giving birth. Several program options are available. You can enter into a home care service contract. In this case, the pediatrician will monthly visit the baby at the specified address. If the child rises in temperature or other disturbing symptoms appear, the specialist will come to the call.

After the baby turns one year old, you can conclude a contract under the Personal Doctor program. The family gets the opportunity to rely on the help of a pediatrician in case of a crumb disease. You can contact your personal doctor at any time by mobile phone.

Price policy

Service is provided for a fee. You will not have to pay only for the first consultation. Prices depend on the format of services. The most expensive is the appointment of the head doctor. For one visit you will have to pay 4000 rubles. You will be able to save money if you conclude a comprehensive service contract. The cost of a basic pregnancy management program is 25,000 rubles. You will have to pay extra if it becomes necessary to visit specialized specialists. A GP visit costs 1,500 rubles. Delivery support program - 30,000 rubles (this includes the possibility of emergency surgery).

Special attention should be given to preparation for childbirth. One lesson in the walls of a medical institution costs 4,500 rubles. If you purchase a subscription for the full course, you will have to pay 12,000 rubles.

The contract for the Healthy Child program is concluded for 12 months. Its cost is 97,500 rubles. The price of mother support services after childbirth is 28,000 rubles.

What do patients say?

A range of services is offered by the Center for Traditional Obstetrics (Tula). Testimonials from patients show that the principle of “price-quality” works in a medical institution. Services are really expensive. But the service is carried out at a high level. Many families trust their health to this particular medical institution.

center for traditional obstetrics and family medicine reviews
Lack of queues and friendly attitude towards patients are the main advantages. To get an appointment with the selected specialist, you only have to pre-register. Today there are two branches of the Center for Traditional Obstetrics. One of them is located near the metro station "Tulskaya", the other - in the city of Odintsovo. Both medical facilities operate daily without days off.

Employee reviews show that the number of patients in the center is increasing daily. Many couples who happen to meet with their firstborn with the help of specialists from a medical institution return to plan a second pregnancy.

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