Bearing fishing in the Don: gear, places, bait

The fish, which has sufficient similarity with the Far Eastern mullet, which lives in the seas and fresh waters, is pelengas ( Pilengas , Peelingas , Belingas). It belongs to the mullet family, its locations are the areas of the Sea of ​​Japan, as well as the Black and Azov Sea, and numerous fresh water bodies located in Europe and Russia.

tackle for fishing for bearings

The fish is very powerful, fishing enthusiasts do not deny themselves once again to catch an amazing beauty. There are many ways to take possession of such a trophy, one of them is catching a bearing in Don. Fishing is first a state of mind of a person, and then sports excitement.

Convenient time for fishing

Catching such a strong fish, which occurs before the eyes in whole schools, is very nice. Such an activity gives a lot of pleasure, and the fisherman who at least once experienced this pleasure will never be able to forget it.

Pelengas fishing in Rostov-on-Don

To organize fishing properly, you need to know when, at what time it is better to catch your trophy. An early morning is ideal for this purpose, but it is not necessary. Good catch can be obtained in the afternoon and late evening. If we talk about the time of the year, then hunting for a bearing in the Don is successful, starting from early spring and ending in late autumn.

Great attention should be paid to weather conditions, which play an important role for successful fishing. If fishing takes place in the summer on the coasts of the seas, it is best to do this after a storm. The water should be warm enough, and spawning is finished. With west and south winds, nibble becomes much more intense.

Going for a trophy, it should be remembered that this representative of the mullet family is very timid and, with the slightest suspicion of danger, quickly starts to leave. So, during fishing you need to observe perfect silence.

Places for fishing

Pelengas is a very moody fish. It is only clear that you need to catch it in those places where it really is. This can be determined by splashes of water. He can not bite right away, sometimes three or four hours pass until the first bite begins. In shallow water, where the fish splashes, it does not take bait. It is necessary to catch it in those places where the stall begins, where the bearing is fed, and there can be a great bite.

Deserted places, small bays, into which schools of fish enter, are well suited for fishing. In these places and should throw gear. Finding the right place is not so easy, you have to work hard in search. In winter, it is very difficult to do, it is better to determine the fishing point in the summer, when the joint of the bearing is broken into small parts.

Bearing fishing in the Don: tackle

You need to have ideas on how to catch this powerful fish in the Don. Each fisherman must properly assemble a kit with which you can go fishing without shame. Experienced people in this matter can easily choose tackle for fishing for bearing on the Don.

fishing for pelengas
We must proceed from the fact that no one will catch it in places with a depth of more than 10 meters. In our areas it is no more than 2 meters, and maybe less. In this case, you will need the following tackle to catch the bearing at Don:

• Normal donka.
• Transparent fishing line with a diameter of 0.35 mm.
• Leashes - 30-50 cm.
• Sinkers - an average of 100 g.
• Hooks number 6-10, with long forearm, or number 14-20.

The main feature that is in addition to the hooks is a foam float. It should be round in shape with a diameter of 1-1.5 cm. Its color is light yellow-green or from pink to brown. It imitates the color of algae. The float in the center is pierced with a hook, to the ear of which a leash is knitted. At this time, the float is pulled back, hiding the ear. Fasten it to the hook tightly.

Best bait

Most of all, this fish loves to feast on a furry sea worm called nereis. When choosing bait, this fact should be taken into account and stock up on the necessary bait in advance. There is a worm in the silt near the shore. It does not hold well on the hook; it will often have to be replaced. Currently, you can buy silicone Nereis, no worse than the present.

Different crustaceans are used as bait, they are planted one at a time and changed for each new cast. This fish does not have teeth, including pharyngeal. For this reason, fishing for pelengas on the Don in shrimp will be ineffective. He cannot bite chitin. Exceptional cases were noticed when a fish pecked on a bunch of maggots and earthworms.

There were attempts to get a good catch using the nozzle as bloodworms and crawlers, but this for no apparent reason led to nothing. The reason, probably, is the habit, without departing from tradition, to eat what the consciousness has developed over many years. Fishing for pelengas in Rostov-on-Don, as well as in other places, lies in the fact that you can catch it both on a float fishing rod and on bottom tackle. You only have to change the sinkers in a smaller or larger direction.

Bearing for nipple

There is also a tackle called a nipple. This is a simple little thing, there are many designs that basically have no special differences. Catching a bearing at the Don will be successful depending on what type of equipment to fill. It is good if it is minced meat made from bread, hamsa and the remains of a sea ​​worm.

fishing for pelengas on the shrimp

You can buy in the store ready-made “feeding nipples” with a semi-aerodynamic shape. For its manufacture, thick gray plastic is used. “Lids” are equipped with all the necessary holes provided by the technology, as well as shipped with lead. Their weight is 40 grams.

Secrets of modern fishing

Pelengas is caught in the same way as mullet, while more attention is paid to bottom gear. When fishing, the float quickly goes under water, sometimes lies on its side. The chances of catching will increase if you use a spinning rod or a sliding float. The hook and leash must be strong, because the hook is done very sharply. There is no need to rush while fighting a caught “monster”; you should tire it out if possible.

Bearing for nipple

In Western Europe, the Crimea and the Caucasus, people know a lot about sea ​​fishing. Pelengas fishing in the Don is carried out using new catchy designs of bottom gear. They work very differently than "nipples" and the like.

We wish that fishing turned into an unforgettable vacation with pleasant adventures!

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