Adjectives for “work”: list of examples

Adjectives can be found for each noun. By the word "work", for example, you can find at least 10 suitable descriptions. In this article you will learn not only examples of such adjectives, but also learn to invent them yourself.

Why is this needed?

It is enough to read the 2 sentences below to answer this question: "We loaded the wagons with coal all day, so the next morning we barely got out of bed. It was hard work." Without an adjective, the meaning would be lost. This part of speech is necessary to describe a noun.

Adjectives to the word "work" better convey the idea of ​​the author, decorate the proposal and make it more capacious and informative. But you need to be able to choose them correctly!

How to find suitable adjectives?

To do this, it is necessary to answer the question of what kind of work is discussed in the text. After that, write down all the options that came to your head on a piece of paper. Of these, you need to choose the one that most accurately conveys the essence of your idea.

girl writes

The simplest adjectives for the word "work": good, simple, easy. But you can go further and come up with more sophisticated options. For example, if you write about a complex work that takes a lot of time and effort, then the word "overwhelming" will be appropriate.

You can find new adjectives for the word "work" in the dictionary, fiction. It is important that you understand the meaning of all the terms that you find in these sources. Thus, you can expand the supply of words, and then selecting adjectives will be very simple.


Which word you choose to describe the job depends largely on the context of the proposal and the general idea. For example, if the work in question in the text brings pleasure to its performer, then the following adjectives for the word "work" can be selected:

  • interesting;
  • exciting
  • beloved;
  • amazing
  • fantastic;
  • enviable;
  • standing.
anime work

Sometimes they can speak about it in negative terms. Then the best adjectives for the word "work" will be:

  • unbearable;
  • exhausting;
  • exhausting;
  • hated;
  • hellish;
  • painful.

Do not forget that “work” is not only labor, but action. This word can also describe the result. For example, you can call the finished picture of the artist. In this case, it would be appropriate to use the adjectives "lovely", "brilliant", "chic", "professional", etc. near the word "work".

man looks at the picture

Ultimately, everything is decided by the opinion of the author. If he wants to describe the work of scientists, he can use the adjectives “serious”, “long-term”, etc. If we are talking about the functioning of some mechanism and its efficiency, then we can say “useful”, “effective”, “accomplished” " Job.

It is important that the word you choose does not contradict common sense. For example, you can not use the adjectives "red", "wooden", "thick" and the like. This will confuse the reader and cause a lot of questions. In extreme cases, the selected words can be additionally checked by reading the passage. If the phrases are in doubt, then most likely the words you proposed are incompatible.

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