Neville Longbottom. The actor who played it is Matthew Lewis

A little more than fifteen years ago, the first film from the legendary epic about the adventures of a boy wizard was released.

Neville Longbottom Actor

Most viewers were just crazy about the actors who played the main roles. But no one could even imagine that having matured, the most attractive guy from the entire acting troupe would be the modest Matthew Lewis - the actor who played Neville Dolgopupsa.

early years

The future actor was born in the third largest city ​​in the UK, Leeds, in the middle of the summer of 1989. His parents, Adrian and Linda, besides him, had two more with their sons and an adopted daughter, so Matthew was the youngest child in this family. The boy’s father specialized in computer technology, and his mother was a magistrate.

From childhood, the boy was fond of sports and was interested in the career of an actor. Parents strongly supported the hobbies of their child. So already at the age of five, Matt began his career on television, starring in the British drama “This is called Life”. The game of young talent liked the audience, and over the next five years, Matthew appeared in five different television series. And although this was more than a good achievement for a child of his age, the role that would glorify Lewis was waiting for him in front.

Neville Longbottom

The actor found out about casting for a role in the Harry Potter film by accident. And when the casting was held in his hometown, he persuaded his parents to take him there. Despite the solid acting experience and the fact that he read all the books on the wizard with a scar that had been published at that time, young Matthew was very worried at the audition. In addition, the guy had a chance to stand in line for several hours with other applicants for roles in the future film, so he was very exhausted. Despite all these obstacles, Matt read the proposed text well, and two months later he met with the director of the film and was approved for the role of the awkward Neville Longbottom.

Of course, the wizard, who was to play an eleven-year-old actor, had little screen time and belonged to secondary heroes. But he was supposed to appear in all the epic films, besides the “mother” of Harry Potter and his friends, the writer Joan Rowling secretly told Matt that in the future his nondescript and always getting into trouble character will change for the better and become a hero.

After the release of the first film in 2001, Matthew literally woke up famous, and all over the world. Despite the fact that most of the laurels and audience love went to his partners on the set, who played the three main characters, they began to recognize Lewis on the street, and often forgetting his real name, they called him “the actor playing Neville Dolgupups,” and it was true success.

For a full ten years, Matthew starred in all the epic films. And if in the first films his character was curly-toothed nonsense with an unattractive appearance, then already in the fourth and fifth films the appearance of the actor began to change dramatically, and Lewis began to turn into a very handsome young man.

Neville Longbottom Actor

So that these metamorphoses are not so striking, in the subsequent parts of the actor they dressed up in old man's sweaters and made ridiculous hairstyles. But the older Matt became, the more advantageous he looked against the background of other actor-guys from the film, and the more he began to enjoy popularity with the audience.

Neville Longbottom Actor

To crown it all, in the last part, which was released in 2011, even the classic terrible sweater could not hide what a handsome Neville Dolgupups turned into.

The actor began to enjoy tremendous popularity after the release of the final film, in which his character underwent enormous changes and behaved like a real hero.

actor playing neville bastard

It was during that period that a photograph of Matthew and other guys from the movie with the caption appeared on the Internet: “An awkward moment when Neville turned into the hottest guy.”

Career after Harry Potter

After the epic ended, Matthew as an actor who played Neville Dolgopups became a hostage to a successful role, but, despite this, he continued to act in film. Unfortunately, he has not yet been able to participate in projects of the “Harry Potter” level, but he does not despair and undertakes even small projects. Trying to prove that he grew up and is no longer Neville Longbottom, the actor tries himself in different roles. This year comes a romantic melodrama with his participation, where he plays a sports-focused guy. To be in shape, his hero refuses to drink, and from junk food, eating purely vegetables. Matt himself admits that he is not very similar to his character, however, for the period of filming, in order to get used to the role, he began to adhere to the lifestyle of his hero.

Neville Longbottom Actor

It is worth noting that in the Lewis filmography in recent years, participation in five series and three films is listed - this is not the limit of his capabilities and plans for the future.

In addition to an acting career in cinema, Matthew has achievements in other areas. So, he actively plays in the theater, and also voiced his character in games about Harry Potter. Also in 2012, he starred in the Filth by A Band of Buriers video clip. And in 2015, his photographs appeared on the cover of one of the summer issues of Attitude magazine.

Personal life Matthew Lewis

Having matured and transformed, Matt Lewis became very popular among the girl audience. Having accounts on instagram and twitter, as well as the official site, the guy receives a lot of letters from fans every day. Despite his success, he prefers not to talk about his personal life.

the actor who played neville bastard

Not so long ago, many Lewis fans attributed to him a romance with a colleague on the set of Evana Lynch, now his girlfriend is called Emilia Clark. Despite the sea of ​​rumors, the actor does not comment on them.

The actor who played Neville Longbottom

It has been many years when Neville Dolgopups disappeared from posters near cinemas, while an actor who successfully performed this role, on the contrary, continues to gain popularity and love from the audience, participating in a wide variety of projects. The fact that his acting star after the end of the famous epic did not go out, but continues to burn, indicates that he is not a one-day hero who accidentally got to the right place at the right time, but a really talented artist who deserves his popularity.

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