Franz Alexander: psychosomatic medicine, description of the method, results

In the article, we will talk about who Franz Gabriel Alexander is. Psychosomatic medicine originates precisely from the works of this person. We will talk a little about his biography, but mainly focus on the key principles of psychosomatics.

about the author

Alexander was born in the winter of 1891. It happened in Budapest. The boy studied in Germany, where he studied with Karl Abraham. Years later, he was invited to become a professor of psychoanalysis. This was done by his friend and part-time head of the University of Chicago. After this momentous event, Franz Alexander worked for a long time at the Chicago Institute. Much later, he co-founded the community on the study of systems theory. Note that he was one of the first researchers to become part of this group.

The hero of our article is considered an outstanding psychoanalyst with Hungarian roots. And also he is ranked among the creators of psycho-directed criminology and psychosomatic medicine. He died on the day of the women's holiday - on March 8. It happened in 1964 in California.

Franz Alexander "Psychosomatic medicine" principles and application


The name of Dr. Franz Alexander is inextricably linked with the emergence of psychosomatics. It is he who is considered the founder, because in his works he paid the greatest attention to this issue. He himself reworked all the experience that allowed him to put forward the fundamental principles of psychosomatics at the beginning of the last century. He also described his methodology in sufficient detail and argued for the need for a psychic approach to the treatment and treatment of many ailments and diseases. In the modern world, his works are recognized as classics, which had a huge impact on the development of psychoemotional intelligence in humans.

What is it about?

Franz Gabriel Alexander in his book "Psychosomatic medicine" outlined his main ideas. But we will try to understand what psychosomatics is, what are its main provisions and what is the essence of this teaching.

Note that in translation from Greek, this term is divided into two separate words, namely "body" and "soul". At the moment, psychosomatics is recognized as a separate area in medicine and psychology, which is engaged in the search for the relationship between psychological causes and the occurrence of certain diseases in the human body. In this area, researchers are looking for various relationships between individual personality characteristics, for example, constitutional features, personality traits, personality traits, behaviors, a tendency to a particular type of conflict, and diseases that this person is prone to. Alternative medicine assures that absolutely all the ailments that arise in a person are based on some psychological conflicts that arise in thoughts, soul, and the unconscious.

Franz Gabriel Alexander "Psychosomatic medicine"


Quite in detail his ideas in the main work outlined by Franz Alexander. The principles of psychosomatic medicine and their application are considered by him in close interconnection. So, he highlighted some ailments that are absolutely somatic, that is, caused by certain psychological factors. These ailments include:

  • Colon irritation.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Migraine.
  • Dizziness.
  • Panic attacks.
  • Vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Bronchial asthma.

It should be added that the author determines his ideas by some psychological factors, which he calls psychosomatic disorders.

Current state of affairs

At the moment, such a branch of knowledge as veterinary psychoneurology is actively developing. It appeared due to the fact that new modern research methods became available, very interesting ideas from prominent scientists were proposed. This branch of knowledge is committed to seeking the relationship between the functioning of the nervous system and its effect on organs. As we understand, 80% of the key provisions in this discipline are based precisely on the provisions of psychosomatics.

Franz Alexander "Psychosomatic medicine" principles and application, reviews

Psychosomatic diseases

In the book of Franz Alexander, “Psychosomatic medicine” it is said that psychosomatic ailments are those diseases that appear more due to certain psychological processes that occur with a sick person than due to physiological reasons. At the same time, this kind of disease includes those that official medicine cannot detect even with the most thorough research. It is also believed that basically all diseases arise as a result of such emotional experiences as longing, guilt, rage, anxiety.

Franz Alexander "Psychosomatic medicine"


Franz Alexander studied psychosomatic medicine rather superficially, because he was the founder of this branch of knowledge. But today there are quite interesting theories and thoughts that are guided by the ideas of Alexander. For example, psychologist L. LeKron identified several reactions that, in his opinion, can be causes of psychosomatic diseases. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Conflict situations. The fact is that conflicts that fight in one person can lead to some symptoms and illnesses. Very often, a conflict of personality lies in the fact that the conscious part adheres to one opinion, when the unconscious part of a person adheres to a completely different or even opposite opinion. Because of this, the struggle between the conscious and the unconscious begins, which sometimes leads only to a temporary victory of one side or another. But sometimes the unconscious part begins to play not by the rules, so to speak, and causes certain ailments. Perhaps the reason is that a person should think and pay attention to some aspects of his life.
  • Language of the body. Sometimes a person who is at the limit of emotions uses certain words that can in one way or another affect his body. For example, phrases such as “I’m not digesting this situation”, “he creates an extra headache for me”, “I cannot influence this because my hands are tied”, etc. All these are thought forms that due emotionality can affect certain structures of our body, causing rapid breathing or headaches.
  • Benefit or motivation. This is a very interesting variety, the essence of which lies in the fact that some health problems to one extent or another bring a certain benefit to a person or motivate him to certain actions. It is known that a person consciously does not understand this. But on an unconscious level, he thus stimulates himself. In this case, everything happens quite real. A person experiences real pain and real symptoms, but at the same time he achieves his specific goals, which he may not be aware of.

Past and Identity

Sometimes the cause of the disease can be hard experience from the past. Very often, illnesses evoke somatic memories from childhood, because this period is the most innocent and unprotected. It is interesting that this can be a long-term negative experience, or a separate episode that has an impact on the unconscious part of the personality. Franz Alexander considered psychosomatic medicine as a way to deal with such experience, because he argued that negative thought forms have a certain place in the body. If you do not process your experience, do not work with it and do not transform it into neutral memories, then sooner or later it will take over its power and cause one or another ailment.

Dr. Franz Alexander

Franz Gabriel Alexander considered psychosomatic medicine as one of the ways to deal with psychological attachment. For example, there is an interesting idea that with a strong connection with another person, that is, with attachment to him and identification of himself with him, one can experience a strong malaise. The most negative situation happens when this person died or is on the verge of death.

Suggestion and Guilt

Sometimes a person simply begins to believe in his illness, even if it is just beginning and it can be quite easily avoided. This happens in cases where an authoritative doctor or a representative of alternative medicine tells about a disease, which a person trusts very much. Then he simply accepts the thought that he is very ill, and suppresses any criticism. Thus, the thought form is immediately transferred to the unconscious person and has an effect on him.

Sometimes pain can occur due to the fact that a person feels guilty for something and decides to punish himself. He does not consciously understand this, but unconsciously does everything in order to experience a certain punishment. It helps to transfer guilt more easily, but it greatly complicates a person’s normal life and often drives him into depression.

Franz Gabriel Alexander "Psychosomatic ..."


Franz Alexander suggested that psychosomatic medicine be considered in conjunction with official science. So, he believed that psychosomatic diseases should be treated with the help of psychotherapy and some drugs. In the modern world, representatives of alternative medicine conduct treatment with antidepressants, tranquilizers, as well as psychotherapy. Note that very often psychosomatics are confused with hypochondria. The main difference is that psychosomatic patients really feel real symptoms and the disease can progress, while hypochondriacs experience only illusory symptoms.

So, we understood what the principles of psychosomatic medicine formulated by Franz Alexander are based on. Feedback on the application of these principles allows us to take a comprehensive look at the situation and form a personal opinion about it. Each person has his own instinct, as well as analytical thinking, which will tell him whether there is a grain of truth in these statements.

Franz Gabriel Alexander in the book "Psychosomatic medicine"

Today, a fairly large number of people profit from what they say about psychosomatics, in fact, not even knowing who was the founder of this direction. That is why, if you are interested in this topic, it is better to refer to the classic work of the hero of our article. He will help to study the topic from the inside out, analyze the information and critically comprehend it so as not to fall for the tricks of modern doctors.

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