One of the most important things that a child needs to learn while learning in the first grades is the multiplication table. Unfortunately, not all children can do this on their own. In this case, help from the parents is required.
Learn multiplication table special rules will help. First, you need the child to independently copy all the examples on paper. That is, you do not need to print the table. In this case, the visual memory of the child is activated. It is advisable that the child use bright colors and create thematic drawings at the time of rewriting the table. For this purpose, you can even start a separate album and buy paint for your child. It is recommended that you start the process of memorization directly after the child has finished drawing the table.
First you need to learn all the combinations of examples with a unit. All combinations that the child has learned must be carefully crossed out. After the unit, we can proceed to examples in which multiplication by 10 occurs. Here it is recommended to explain to the child that when multiplying any number by 10, you only need to ascribe zero.
It is noteworthy that at such a pace the child will very quickly learn the table. After all, you can safely cross out as many as two columns.
You need to continue to learn the table from multiplying by 2. The child must understand that when multiplying by 2, the number must be added to oneself. When the baby understands this, it is possible to cross out another column.
After multiplying by 2, you need to go on to study the rules associated with the five. In this matter, it is very important to explain to the child that when using odd numbers, the final value will always be at the end of the figure 5. In the case of even numbers, the value will end at 0. This point needs to be given maximum attention.
Further study of the multiplication table is to memorize combinations where the numbers are multiplied by themselves. The following learning algorithm does not matter. Therefore, it is better to simply start with the combinations with the number 3 and continue in order.
If a child using this method could not master the secrets of multiplying numbers, then you can try to use the game for educational purposes. For example, you can make special cards with examples and vivid drawings and play them with the child every night.
After the child copes with the study of the multiplication table, it should be repeated with him regularly. This is a very important rule in the process of studying absolutely any question.
Learning a multiplication table is not as difficult as it seems. In this matter, it is very important not to rush. Parents should be patient and do not scold the child if he does not succeed. It is better to focus on this and try to clarify what the child could not understand on his own. It is worth remembering that the successful completion of elementary school is the key to excellent child learning in the future. Therefore, one cannot neglect the problems and difficulties that may arise in the early stages of schooling.