Lemon oil for hair: effect on the skin and hair structure, home beauty recipes, ingredients, rules for preparation, application and results

Lemon oil for hair is popular as a care product not so long ago. In most pharmacies and household chemical stores, you can buy lemon essential oil - a mixture of natural volatile aromatic substances, it effectively fights inflammation and irritation of the scalp, dandruff, dullness, and hair loss. Another valuable property of this tool is the ability to lighten previously unstained hair for one or two tones. The girls adopted this information and began to actively use lemon oil for hair as part of complex masks and as an independent tool.

Properties and benefits of essential oil

Lemon essential oil has the following properties:

  1. Bleaching - if the hair has not previously been dyed with a permanent dye, then with the help of oil you can lighten them in a couple of tones. Often girls use this tool to get rid of freckles that appear on the nose with the first rays of the spring sun.
  2. Cleansing and drying - Lemon oil for hair can be used to get rid of oily seborrhea, which provokes the appearance of dandruff and premature hair loss.
  3. The bactericidal properties of lemon oil make it effective in combating dermatitis of the scalp, which appeared due to fungus.
  4. Firming - lemon essential oil has a local light warming effect, due to which blood circulation in the upper layers of the scalp is enhanced. Follicles receive more nutrients, so the hair grows quickly and does not fall out.

An important note: if diseases of the scalp are provoked by alopecia (baldness due to imbalance in the body's hormones), then using lemon oil for hair will not bring the expected effect. You should visit a trichologist and after the examination take a course of prescribed drugs.

lemon and olive oil for hair

Possible allergic reaction to lemon oil

Girls who are prone to allergic reactions should conduct a special test before use. Apply a drop of pure concentrated lemon essential oil to the inner fold of the elbow. If urticaria, blisters and skin itching do not appear during the day, then you can experiment with adding lemon oil to hair masks.

With it, you can safely mix olive, linseed, burdock, castor oil. Lemon essential oil mixes perfectly with them to a uniform consistency. Depending on the purpose of use, you can choose one or another component for yourself. For example, castor oil makes hair denser and more voluminous, olive oil - restores the structure, burdock - strengthens the follicles, egg yolk and honey - give a healthy shine.

Reviews of lemon oil for hair indicate that an allergic reaction is possible in rare cases. If pain is felt after application, and the treated area turns red, immediately rinse off the composition and choose a different care product.

masks with lemon oil

Scalp massage to stimulate growth

How to perform this procedure? Walkthrough:

  1. Moisten your fingertips with concentrated lemon essential oil.
  2. Pre comb the hair with a massage brush. Touch the fingertips to the skin.
  3. Massage by directly shifting the skin. Do not rub it with your fingers, this will cause hair damage. Just move the skin 0.5 centimeters along the bone underneath.
  4. Five minutes later, the face turns red - this is a sure sign that the massage is performed correctly. Blood rushed to my head. So follicles get enough nutrition to stimulate growth.

This method allows you to achieve accelerated hair growth up to one and a half to two centimeters per month. Massage should be done once a day, optimally - before bedtime. The result is healthy, long and thick hair.

hair masks with lemon oil

Mixture for strengthening hair follicles: lemon and red pepper

Buy two bottles at the pharmacy: alcohol tincture of red hot pepper and lemon essential oil. Mix one teaspoon of both components, add one yolk of raw chicken egg. Mix to a homogeneous consistency.

Apply with a finger directly to the scalp, dividing hair by parting. Ten minutes after application, a moderate burning sensation will begin. There will be a feeling that the head is in a warm hat (it should be so). Tincture of red hot pepper provokes a rush of blood to the scalp.

Such a mask should be done once a week for one hour. You can rinse it off with any shampoo - sulfate-free or regular mass market.

The result of regular such a procedure is lush, thick hair, a growth rate of one and a half to two centimeters per month.

Mustard mask with lemon oil

Ingredients for this mask:

  • a teaspoon of dry mustard powder;
  • a tablespoon of lemon essential oil;
  • a tablespoon of olive or linseed oil;
  • half a teaspoon of sugar;
  • one yolk of raw chicken egg.

Mix all the ingredients and apply to the scalp, dividing the hair into partings. A mask with mustard in the composition can not be applied directly to the hair sheet - this will lead to their dryness. The recipe is effective for accelerating hair growth and strengthening.

Five minutes after applying the composition, a local warming effect will begin. So it should be: due to the warming effect, a rush of blood to the hair follicles occurs. The result - hair grows quickly and does not fall out.

Firming mask from a mixture of oils

Lemon ether and olive hair oil have a nourishing effect. Mix one tablespoon of both oils. If the girl has long hair, a larger amount may be needed. Apply a thin layer over the entire surface of the hair: from roots to ends. Lemon ether and olive oil for hair are an excellent choice for owners of dry, damaged and brittle hair.

The exposure time of such a mask is from an hour to two. After application, the head can be wrapped in a plastic bag and a woolen scarf. You can make a mask two to three times a week, rinse off with an ordinary shampoo, then you can use the entire usual complex of care (balm, mask, thermal protective and styling products). The result of regular use of a hair mask with olive oil and lemon ether is shiny, thick and nourished hair.

hair mask lemon burdock oil

Mask with honey: lightens and treats

Fresh floral honey can lighten unpainted strands in one or two tones. Essential lemon oil has the same effect. You can mix a teaspoon of fresh honey and a couple of tablespoons of lemon oil, mix thoroughly. Apply to those areas of hair that the girl wants to lighten.

A hair mask with honey and lemon oil also has caring properties. The strands after her look bright and well-groomed. Reviews of girls who have tried this recipe indicate that, unlike lightening powder, the home method using honey does not spoil the hair structure at all. On the contrary, after applying this mask, they shine with strength and health.

lemon oil for hair reviews

Coconut oil mask for unreal hair shine

Masks with coconut oil and lemon for hair can be used for a variety of problems, but this tool is especially appreciated for moisturizing and nourishing properties. Ideal for dry ends prone to cross-section and brittle. It also has a beneficial effect on the scalp: it soothes, relieves irritation, helps fight fungal diseases, and prevents their appearance.

Mix a tablespoon of lemon oil and as much liquid coconut. Apply to the entire surface of the hair: from the roots to the ends. The result is a mitigation of dry seborrhea, a decrease in fragility along the entire length. But the best part, judging by the reviews of the girls, after such a mask the tips become soft, and the cross section is completely invisible.

lightening hair with lemon oil

A mixture of burdock, lemon and castor hair oils

Castor oil is famous for its ability to make hair voluminous, thicker with regular use. And the result is not just visual - they really are getting thicker.

Burdock oil is ideal for those who suffer from slow hair growth and hair loss. Lemon oil in this composition plays the role of a component that gives shine and radiance, as if in an advertisement for shampoo.

So, you should mix one tablespoon of castor, lemon and burdock oil. Mask for hair with lemon implies the addition of essential oil. some girls instead use directly juice squeezed from ripe fruit. Well, you can do that. Just remember: lemon juice is a very aggressive component, if you decide to add it to the mask, then just a few drops are enough.

Apply the mixture over the entire surface of the hair: from the roots to the ends. Wash off after an hour and a half with ordinary shampoo. Even without the use of factory masks and balms, the hair will shine after it dries! With regular use of such a mask (at least once a week), the hair becomes thicker, thicker, hair loss stops.

Lightening hair with lemon oil at home

The final result of using lemon essential oil is influenced by factors:

  • The thickness of the hair cuticle. The thicker it is, the worse the pigment is washed out.
  • The stiffer the hair, the harder it is to lighten.
  • Natural shade. Light curls are most likely to lighten, worse - dark ones.

Gently apply lemon essential oil to the entire surface of the hair, or to individual strands. Warm with a hairdryer so that the hair is slightly warmed up (this is necessary to enhance the brightening effect). If it is possible to go out into the sun, it’s generally wonderful, under its rays you can lighten your hair by two or three tones.

Recommendations for successfully lightening hair with lemon oil:

  • Owners of tough and naughty hair before lightening at home should make a softening mask so that lemon oil is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the hair.
  • You can use pure essential oil to lighten, but the procedure will be more effective if you add a few drops of fresh lemon juice to it.
  • It is necessary to apply the composition as abundantly as possible - if there are areas of hair that have not been mixed enough, they will not lighten.
  • If the procedure takes place on a sunny day, after application it is better to go bare-headed to the balcony or the yard for half an hour.
  • After the composition is washed off, use a moisturizing mask.
hair mask olive oil and lemon

Aroma combing procedure with lemon oil

Aroma combing is a pleasant and useful procedure. A natural bristle comb should be purchased. Lightly moisten the ends of the bristles with lemon essential oil.

Tilt your head down and comb your hair, starting from the roots and reaching the ends, for ten minutes. Such aroma combing is best done before bedtime: pleasant dreams are provided. The result for the hair is that it looks lush, shiny and healthy. If you carry out the procedure of aroma combing every night, then the follicles receive the necessary stimulus, the hair begins to grow faster, fall out less, new ones grow.

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