Acne on a mole: description, types of acne, danger, causes, description of symptoms and treatment

A mole is an education that is present on the body of many people. As a rule, small brown dots are not a cause for concern. But sometimes they can become inflamed. If a pimple appears on a mole, the right solution would be to consult a dermatologist.

What is a mole?

The medical name for the mole is nevus. This benign mass is an accumulation of blood vessels or pigment cells. An interesting fact is that a person is born completely without moles. The first brown spots begin to appear on the skin only after reaching the age of 6 months.

There are several varieties of moles that may differ in appearance. Almost all have flat brown formations. Most often, such moles in diameter do not exceed 5 mm. Convex nevi with a rough surface are also often found. If there is a pimple on a mole of such a plan, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. It is important not to miss the malignant transformation of the nevus.

Girl with a mole

Warty moles that have a thin leg and a convex body are least likely to occur. Such moles can be easily damaged. As a result, an inflammatory process develops. If such a nevus is located in a dangerous place, it is recommended to remove it.

Pimple on a mole

Skin inflammation can occur anywhere where the sebaceous glands are present. Nevuses are formed from skin cells, pores are also present on them. Therefore, acne can appear on them. Owners of oily skin are more likely to have acne on a mole. What to do? It is necessary to properly care for the face, periodically conduct deep cleansing of the pores.

Facial inflammation

However, when using high-quality cosmetics and proper nutrition, acne on the nevi can also appear. There may be several reasons for this.

Hormonal disbalance

Acne often appears on the face during adolescence. This is due to hormonal changes in the body. Sebaceous glands begin to work more actively, can become clogged. Even if the bangs are washed correctly, apply special masks, comedones (black dots) will appear. Some of them will become inflamed, forming acne.

Hormonal failure may occur in patients older than 20 years. In women, the problem is often associated with the uncontrolled use of contraceptives. Preparations from this category have many cork phenomena. Use them should be strictly in agreement with the doctor. On a mole, a pimple may also appear a few days before menstrual bleeding. The reason is also in hormones.

The problem may also be encountered by older women. Excessive secretion of sebum is observed against the background of menopause. Often, skin rashes appear due to the use of certain medications intended to eliminate the manifestations of menopause.


To some ailments, patients may have a genetic predisposition. Nevuses are no exception. Light-skinned people are more prone to the appearance of moles. If the patient also has oily skin type, the likelihood of developing inflammation increases. Pimple on a mole on the face can appear at any time.

Pimple on face

In some patients, pimples may appear in other parts of the body. For example, on the back or forearm. There can also be many moles here. The problem is that the patient may not know that the pimple jumped on his mole and try to squeeze it out. In this case, the risk of complications increases.

Insect bites

A red pimple on a mole may appear due to an insect bite. Changing the skin in the affected area is an allergic reaction to poison. In addition, along with the sting, the insect can infect. If the cause of the appearance of a pimple is a bite, the patient will be disturbed by severe itching, which disappears after a few days.

Today, the pharmacy has many ointments that not only eliminate skin itching after bites, but also reduce the likelihood of inflammation. After a bite, it is definitely worth treating the affected area.

Skin injuries

Damage to the nevus can also lead to inflammation. So, if a pimple jumped on a mole, it is possible that she was injured. Damage to the nevus can be in the process of depilation or in other circumstances.


If the mole is located in the wrong place (on the neck, in the armpits) and is often injured, it is recommended to remove it. To do this, you will have to turn to an oncologist for help.

Rebirth of the Nevus

A simple mole can cause serious health problems. If a pimple appears on a mole, you cannot postpone a visit to a dermatologist. It is important not to miss the malignant transformation of the nevus. Skin cancer can occur in any part of the epidermis. But moles are at greatest risk. Melanoma is a dangerous cancer that often ends in death. About 2% of cancer is attributed to this diagnosis.

Melanoma can transform from any mole. The least dangerous are flat brown nevi of small diameter. But their change must be monitored. The most dangerous are convex moles with a smooth surface. If a pimple appears on such a nevus, you can not self-medicate. This is dangerous not only for health, but also for life in general.

Girl at the doctor

There are several negative factors that can trigger a malignant transformation of the nevus. First of all, this is frequent injury. If inflammation often appears on a mole, the risk of developing malignant cells increases. Hormonal changes in the body or excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin can also provoke the onset of melanoma.

Everyone should know the signs of degeneration of the nevus in order to seek help in a timely manner. This includes:

  • intensive growth of education;
  • discoloration of a mole;
  • the appearance of inflammation on the nevus;
  • mole becomes asymmetric;
  • she begins to peel off, itching appears.

Any of these symptoms should be a reason to immediately seek medical help.

Mole Removal Methods

Frequent trauma to a mole, the appearance of inflammation on it is a reason for surgical intervention. Such a nevus must be removed in order to avoid its malignant transformation. Today, several safe methods are used, which allow you to quickly and almost painlessly remove problematic nevi.

Cryodestruction is a procedure based on the use of liquid nitrogen. The specialist “freezes” education. Manipulations can only be done when it is possible to cure inflammation in a mole. This technique is suitable for nevi, capturing only the upper layers of the epidermis.

Good results are shown by laser surgery. The specialist works only on a mole, so a burn is completely eliminated. A few weeks after the manipulation, no trace remains on the site of the nevus. If a pimple jumped under a mole, the operation will have to be postponed.

In public institutions, classical surgical removal of moles using a scalpel is often performed. Such an operation is indicated if the nevus has malignant cells. In this case, not only the affected area is removed, but also healthy skin with a diameter of 5 mm around. Thus, it is possible to avoid the development of relapse.

If a pimple on a mole first appears

Inflammation on the nevus can occur in any person. There is no reason to panic. If you cannot get help from a dermatologist in a timely manner, you should know how to properly cure a pimple. Categorically it is impossible to squeeze purulent contents. This can lead to the spread of infection. The most correct would be to dry a pimple with alcohol tincture of calendula or boric alcohol. You can disinfect the inflamed area with the help of honey. At the initial stage, such processing is recommended every two hours. The very next day, inflammation will decrease significantly.

Tincture of calendula

If a pimple is not a solitary problem, treatment should be comprehensive. Often, pathology is faced by people suffering from acne. In this case, it is necessary to treat not only the existing inflammation, but also to contribute to the normalization of sebum production. Only a qualified dermatologist can prescribe the correct therapy.

Acne Treatment for Insect Bites

Boric alcohol will also help relieve itching and inflammation. Good results also show ointments with antihistamine action. The slurry from baking soda will help relieve inflammation and itching. The powder is diluted with a small amount of water.

Insect bites often have to be encountered outdoors in the summer. Small black spots attract mosquitoes and midges. Therefore, often bites are diagnosed precisely in moles. How to avoid inflammation if there are no medications nearby? Folk remedies will come to the rescue. If an allergic reaction develops at the location of the nevus, you can use lemon juice. Freshly squeezed product must be mixed with clean water in equal proportions and periodically lubricated with the resulting solution the bite site.

Sliced ​​lemon

If there was no good antiseptic nearby, you can disinfect the site of the bite with vodka.

What can not be done?

Is there a pimple on a mole? Squeezed out? It is not surprising that inflammation has worsened. It is absolutely impossible to squeeze out acne. And in the place the location of the nevus is also dangerous. Any manipulations can provoke the development of malignant processes at the site of damage.

You can also not cover up pimples on moles with foundation. Cosmetics are an excellent medium for the propagation of pathogenic microflora. If a pimple appears on a mole, the best solution would be to make an appointment with a dermatologist.

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