School is a wonderful and at the same time difficult time for every child. Here, a modern minor spends from 9 to 11 years, receiving secondary education. Today we will be interested in the answer to the question of how to pick up documents from school. What difficulties do you have to prepare for? Under what circumstances is an appropriate operation possible? And how to act in a particular case? The answers to all this and more will be presented below. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. And if you prepare in advance, you can reduce all the chores, incidents and negative moments to a minimum.
Learning responsibilities
The first thing to do is to pay attention to the fact that studies in Russia are compulsory, but only up to a certain point. If he has come, the student will be able to independently decide how to proceed next - where to study and whether to continue training at all.
How to pick up documents from school? This question arises for both parents and students themselves of different ages. According to the law of the Russian Federation, a citizen must receive a general secondary education. Further, decisions about training are made by “students”, but with some reservations.
Who is responsible for the child
Which ones? The thing is that parents, guardians or other legal representatives are responsible for minors. Authorized persons may choose an educational institution for a child, but not always. Moreover, the responsibility to ensure secondary general education rests with the legal representatives of children.
Such powers are offered until the child reaches the age of majority and full legal capacity. So, if the student is 18 years old and he received a general secondary education, the further fate of his studies is decided only by him. Up to this point, legal representatives can think about how to pick up documents from the school for one purpose or another.
Unbeknownst to a child
Some are wondering if it is mandatory to get the child’s approval for the appropriate action. For example, I want to transfer a minor to another school, but he does not want such an event.
Under current law, legal representatives of legally incompetent minors can decide for themselves where to study their wards. So, without the knowledge of the child, certificates from the school can be taken, but not vice versa.
An exception
Russian law is considered flexible. In it you can often find certain loopholes, secrets and ways out of this or that situation. Education is no exception.
The thing is that in some cases, children acquire legal capacity ahead of schedule - from the age of 16. For example, upon marriage or emancipation. How to be in this case?
The child will be able to pick up documents from the educational institution on his own. Parental permission is not required. Moreover, a juvenile competent will be able to independently decide where to go to study. For example, he will be able to change school or go to vocational school / technical school.
Grounds for the procedure
Another point is that it is possible to pick up documents from school if the child is not an adult legally capable, and also he has not received a general secondary education, only under certain circumstances.
These may be the following events:
- moving to another city / country;
- change of residence within the same region;
- transfer to another educational institution.
Just cope with the task will not work. Therefore, it will not always be possible to bring the idea to life. Moreover, it becomes necessary to adhere to a specific algorithm of actions to achieve the desired goal. It will change depending on life circumstances.
When changing the city
How to pick up documents from school when moving? This issue gives citizens a lot of trouble. The thing is that many educational institutions do not take their word for it. And the children too. Therefore, they require a certificate of admission of a minor to another school.
Ideally, the algorithm of actions to achieve the desired goal looks like this:
- Write an application for the issuance of documents of the child. The application must indicate the reason for the request. In our case, this is a move.
- Submit a request to the principal.
- Get some baby paper on hand. We will talk about them a little later.
- Contact the new educational institution with a request to accept the child to school. It is advisable to explain to the director of the new school the whole situation.
- Take a certificate of admission to a new educational institution.
- Go to the school where the child is currently studying, and then write a letter of expulsion in connection with the transfer. Confirmation of this event will serve as an extract of the established sample.
A person can pick up documents from school without a certificate only if there is other evidence of a change of residence. For example, extracts from new housing in the territory of which the child is registered. This is not the best and easiest solution. Therefore, at first it is better to be puzzled by the selection of a new educational institution.
When transferring to another place
What do you need to pick up documents from school? This requires good reason. We have already talked about what they can be.
If you want to transfer a minor to another school or vocational school, you must be guided by the previously specified instructions. First, the child must be taken to a new place, and then deductions from the old one are made.
Important: communication with the "new" school or technical school is possible through mail. This is a rather long procedure, therefore it is better to contact the appropriate institutions on your own.
What is given for the first time
Based on the foregoing, it follows that citizens, when trying to pick up documents from school, will receive the necessary extracts in several stages. Namely, in two approaches.
How to pick up documents from school, we found out. For the first time when applying with a statement of the established form, parents should be given:
- grades list;
- extracts from the personal file;
- statement of grades of the child.
All this is useful when transferring to another educational institution. Without appropriate extracts, it will not be possible to cope with the task. Information about the child’s academic performance in translation plays an important role.
Second wave
An application to pick up documents from school written and filed? Are you ready to accept a minor in the new institution? Then it's time to come back to the "old" school and write an application for expulsion.
This time the school should give:
- personal file of the minor;
- diplomas and awards that the child received;
- student medical records;
- certificate of deduction in connection with the transfer.
There should not be any difficulties. Once the documentation is received, it can be taken to a new school or vocational school, and then write an application for admission to a particular class.
What you need for deductions
Now a few words about how to properly apply to the "old" educational institution for expelling a child. Usually, the legal representative should have:
- your passport (or other personal identifier);
- birth / adoption certificate of a child;
- minor's passport (if any);
- application for the issuance of documents for further translation.
In fact, this will be enough. No third-party papers are required. If you wish, you can attach statements of relocation or change of residence. They are able to accelerate the achievement of the desired goal.
How to write a petition
Need to pick up documents from school? It is difficult to submit a sample application of a standard form. The thing is that the corresponding paper will always be different. Nevertheless, for its design will have to remember some rules.
They look like this:
- The application is written in free form, but is submitted in writing. An oral request is not considered by the director.
- The application form is executed taking into account the rules of business correspondence. It should have a "cap", name, main body and conclusion.
- The text of the application must indicate the details of what is happening and the reason for applying for documents.
- The request is written on behalf of the parents or other legal representatives of the minor.
Perhaps this is all. As practice shows, with competent and timely preparation to cope with the task will be easier than it seems initially.
Sample petition
Want to pick up documents from school? A sample application for deductions in connection with the transfer is presented below.
This is just one example. With it, you can make a request for the issuance of documents of the student in connection with the move or for other purposes.
What to bring to a new place
What documents do you need to pick up from school? The answer to a similar question was presented to our attention. As you can see, there are not so many of them.
And what papers will have to be brought to the new educational institution? Usually this:
- student performance statements;
- application for admission;
- student’s medical record;
- any extracts confirming the skills and successes of the child in a particular area;
- legal representative identification card;
- certificate of adoption / birth or passport of a minor.
With the formation of this package of certificates, parents usually also have no significant difficulties. The main thing is to begin preparation in advance. What documents should be taken from school? We found out the answer to a similar question!
Important: you can pick up papers for a student from an educational institution at any time. It is best to transfer the child to a new place of study at the beginning of the school year.
Without parents
And how to behave if you need to pick up student statements without legal representatives? In general, this can be done only when the child is recognized as capable. But life is unpredictable and multifaceted. And in some cases, parents simply do not have the opportunity to personally go to school for children's documents.
In such circumstances, you can:
- Write permission for the appropriate action in the name of the child. In some schools this will be enough.
- Submit any papers confirming the fact of acceptance in another educational institution. Without a report card, achieving such a solution is almost impossible.
- Send the child for documents, call the director and explain the situation on the spot. Some schools issue certificates to students after dialogue with legal representatives by telephone.
There are no other alternatives. It is advisable that the parents or other legal representatives of the minor initially contact the student for documentation. Only in this way will it be possible to avoid unnecessary problems and troubles.
Draw conclusions
How to pick up documents from school in a particular case? More such a question will not put the citizen in an awkward position. It is worth remembering that children cannot independently pick up their certificates from an educational institution. In any case, before the onset of legal capacity.
If this happened ahead of schedule, you will have to confirm the corresponding event with documents. For example, a marriage certificate or court order on emancipation.