ID (executive documentation) in construction records the process of work and their conditions. Simply put, it reflects information about the performers, the sequence of events, the time of their holding, technological and weather conditions.
In addition, the documentation contains information about the state of the object. It contains information about the installed equipment, engineering systems, quality of use of materials, etc. Let us further consider the requirements for executive documentation .
General information
The composition of the executive documentation includes graphic and textual materials. They reflect the actual implementation of design decisions, the situation of capital construction objects and their structural elements during the reconstruction, construction, overhaul as the completion of work determined by the project.
The procedure for maintaining executive documentation is regulated by law.
An ID compiled in accordance with the established rules is a document for the erected structure / building. In construction, executive documentation is of great practical importance. It facilitates the operation of the facility, reflects its technical condition, gives an idea of ββthe responsible performers of any type of work.
Documentation Sections
ID includes primary documents of compliance and execution drawings.
The first include acts drawn up during construction work. They fix the process, reflect the technical condition of the object. The list of executive documentation is determined by SNiP and the project.
Primary acts are completed by the general contractor. The control of the correctness of their preparation is carried out by the technical supervision of the customer.
The composition of the executive documentation includes a set of drawings. They contain inscriptions on the conformity of the work performed in kind to the drawn up schemes or on the changes made (agreed with the customer) made by the responsible persons.
ID surrender and storage
According to general rules, drawings are carried out in 3-4 copies:
- one is for the customer;
- 1-2 - for the operating organization;
- one remains at the enterprise performing the work.
Storage of all drawings and acts that are part of the executive documentation is carried out by the customer or the developer until the final inspection by the state inspection authority. After the conclusion on the compliance of the reconstructed, constructed, repaired capital construction facility with the provisions of technical regulations, other regulatory acts, design documentation, the ID is transferred to the customer / developer for permanent storage.
Executive documentation: RD
The structure and rules of maintaining ID are determined by special regulatory documents. The main requirements are contained in RD-11-02-2006. In accordance with its provisions, execution of executive documentation , acts of inspection of structures, works, sections of engineering networks is carried out.
An ID can be prepared both electronically and on paper. In this case, the delivery of executive documentation to the state construction supervision bodies is carried out only on paper.
Types of documents
The composition of the executive documentation includes:
- Executive schemes, profiles of underground structures and utilities.
- Geodetic drawings of erected structures, parts and elements of buildings, structures.
- General magazine of construction works.
- Layouts of structures, buildings on the ground. They are architectural executive documentation.
- Journal of copyright control (supervision) of the design organization (when implemented).
- Working drawings.
- Special journals of construction and installation works, operational and incoming quality control.
The structure of the ID includes acts:
- Acceptance of the center base, engineering systems.
- Testing, testing systems, equipment, devices.
- Surveys of hidden construction works.
- Intermediate intake of critical structures.
- Certificates, documents of geodetic survey and laboratory control.
At the discretion of the participants of construction and installation works, other materials reflecting the actual implementation of design decisions may be included in the list of executive documentation .
General Journal
It keeps records of the production of work during reconstruction, construction, overhaul. General Journal - the main document reflecting the sequence of activities, the terms and conditions of their implementation, information on state construction supervision and control.
The rules of reference and the form of the document are determined by the Federal Service for Technological, Nuclear and Environmental Control.
Special magazines
An entity carrying out construction and installation work, as agreed with the customer or the developer, provides for a list of special magazines in the contract. They are drawn up to ensure reliable and timely construction control.
The form and rules of journals are provided for in the Regulations on the construction control during the production of certain types of construction and installation works.
Geodetic center base
Its creation is the responsibility of the customer / developer. The person carrying out the construction performs geodetic work, accuracy control of parameters, and executive surveys.
The purpose of creating a breakdown framework is to obtain source data. The process includes:
- Formation of the alignment network of the construction site.
- Stakeout of the main / main axes of the structure.
The construction of the construction site network can be determined by the need to create an external network of the structure. It, in turn, is formed for putting into nature and fixing the design parameters of the object, performing detailed breakdown activities and executive surveys.
The planned breakdown network of the construction site is created in the form:
- A construction grid with a side size of 50, 100 or 200 m.
- Red or other lines of regulation of the built-up area.
In practice, other types of networks can be used.
Geodetic survey
It is carried out after the end of each stage of work, the construction of part of the structure. During the shooting, the planned and height position of the verified, finally fixed elements and structures of the building is determined.
Geodetic survey allows you to solve the problem of:
- Ensuring systematic control and accounting of the volume of construction and installation works.
- Identification of compliance of the measures taken with the project data for timely elimination of deviations.
- Determining the actual position of the parts and structures of the building.
Geodetic schemes
They are compiled based on the results of filming. Depending on the design features of structures / buildings, executive schemes are drawn up:
- On center works.
- The underground part of the structures. It includes a finished foundation pit, roadbed of roads, pile fields, foundations of all kinds, basement walls, etc.
- Elevated parts of buildings. The structure of the schemes includes information on planning and high-altitude surveys of columns, their consoles and heads, tracks and crane beams, each floor, and elevator shafts.
The executive scheme of the pit is compiled after cleaning its bottom. In this case, the position of the axes, the bottom mark after leveling the surface, their deviation from the design values, and the internal contour are determined.
When performing executive surveys of the strip foundation in the plan, the axes from which measurements are made are transferred to the lateral and upper faces. In addition, deviations of the marks of the top of the foundation from the design parameters are determined.
At the final stage of the zero cycle , an executive plan is created for the plan-height position of the elements of the basement of the structure. It reflects the actual position of the axes, as well as the displacement of the walls relative to the design indicators.
The executive geodetic documentation is signed by the surveyor, the contractor, the person performing construction control, as well as the representative of the customer (developer). It is made up in duplicate. One of them remains at the construction site, the second is transferred to the production and technical unit of the construction entity.
Survey of hidden construction works
During construction, an assessment is carried out:
- measures taken, the results of which affect safety, however, according to the adopted technology, they cannot be monitored after the start of the next work;
- completed constructions, sections of engineering networks, the elimination of defects in which (if detected during the inspection) cannot be carried out without damage or disassembly of other elements.
Representatives of the state construction supervision body and, if necessary, independent experts can take part in such control procedures.
The contractor of the construction and installation works should inform the other participants about the terms of the survey in 3 days (workers).
The results of the acceptance of construction and installation work, hidden by subsequent activities, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and design documentation should be recorded in the act.
At the request of the customer / developer, after eliminating the detected defects, a repeated examination of the hidden works can be carried out.
Acceptance of the finished object
The date of the meeting and the organization procedure, as well as the composition of the participants in the procedure, the criteria for assessing the compliance of the structure with the established requirements, are determined by the customer / developer. The date of acceptance must be reported to the issuing authority for the commissioning of the facilities. Acceptance of the completed structure is executed by the customer / developer with the relevant act. The design, regulatory, executive documentation, acts of acceptance of engineering networks, other materials confirming the compliance of the facility with technical regulations and the project are attached to it.