What is a farmer? Farming

More and more modern entrepreneurs are actively interested in the agricultural industry. This is a rather profitable and not particularly costly activity that can be started from scratch. After reading today's article, you will understand who a farmer is and what you need to organize your own business.

A few words about the profession

Immediately make a reservation that a farmer is a person who is engaged in farming. He is the tenant or owner of the land on which he grows poultry, livestock or cultivated plants. His main activity is directly related to the production of agricultural goods.

who is the farmer

Those who already understand who a farmer is, it’s worth it to find out that his main responsibilities include not only quality control of products, but also the choice of progressive, economically cost-effective technologies for their manufacture. In addition, he must be able to manage labor resources and organize the efficient operation of land and equipment.

Major industries

It should be noted that farming can be carried out in two main directions, one of which is animal husbandry, the second - crop production. Each of these areas includes several industries.

profession farmer

Many modern farmers breed cattle, poultry, sheep and pigs. Those who opted for livestock will have to invest in the acquisition of breeding individuals. As a rule, these are considerable amounts, but they pay off literally in a year. You can organize a small farming business specializing in the production of dairy or meat products.

People on a budget are advised to grow gourds or vegetables. All profits from the sale of the crop can be further invested in the purchase of land and equipment. This will significantly expand production and increase momentum.

Where to start business registration?

To establish a farm, you must have the appropriate land. Representatives of the authorities prefer to allocate land to the local population. But, despite this, the urban individual entrepreneur may become the owner of agricultural land . Peasant farming can be organized on arable land, free of charge allocated by local authorities in accordance with existing state programs.

farming business

To officially register your activities, you need to collect a package of documents. It includes: a receipt confirming the payment of the duty, a statement, a photocopy of the passport and birth certificate. Only after legalization will you have the opportunity to take advantage of the state program. It is not enough to understand who a farmer is, it must be remembered that any large-scale farm must be registered, and the income received from it is taxable.

First stage

Unfortunately, most of the domestic villages are in an abandoned state, and vast agricultural land is not exploited for its intended purpose. Therefore, over the past few years, the government has begun to take a number of fairly effective measures aimed at reviving the industry.

individual entrepreneur peasant farming

If you have firmly decided that the profession of a farmer is your calling, then you need to start by choosing the right land. Those who do not fundamentally organize their business in a particular region can be advised to pay attention to areas that the authorities plan to restore in the near future.

It is equally important to determine the amount of work that you can handle. Novice farmers can purchase no more than three hundred head of cattle. If you plan to grow crops, you need to consider what cultivated area you can cultivate.

A little bit about start-up capital

Some people who already know what a farmer is, mistakenly think that this occupation does not require any financial investments. It seems to them that their desire to work in the agricultural sector should be funded by the state. However, in real life, getting such support is quite difficult, so you need to rely solely on your own strengths and means. In fact, most novice farmers do not meet the requirements that the authorities put forward to those who want to receive appropriate assistance.


Even if you get something from the state, it will be only a small part of the required amount. It is also impractical to count on loans. Bankers consider farming a rather unreliable occupation, so they often refuse a loan. Therefore, before registering your own company, you need to take care of the money, which will become the starting capital.

The advantages and disadvantages of farming

It should be noted that this is a fairly responsible work that requires certain knowledge. In order not to later regret the chosen profession, you need to study all its pros and cons in advance.

The main advantages of the farming business include good profit. The cost of services of employees in rural areas is an order of magnitude lower than city rates. In addition, on your table there will always be eco-friendly products grown by your own hands.

As for the shortcomings, then they include the inability to carry out their activities without baggage of certain knowledge. In addition, you will have to tune in to an impressive start-up investment and high labor costs.

Those who seriously plan to devote their lives to farming need to be mentally prepared for this difficult job. It is important to understand that this is not a fun pastime in nature, but hard responsible work associated with making difficult decisions.

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