The main types of organizational management structures: firm

The formation of market principles of the economy is nowhere and never passes without government intervention in the formation of institutions, which determines the main types of organizational management structures . In addition to the degree of correspondence between imported institutions and the existing institutional environment, the design of organizational structures of government of the state itself becomes an important factor in the success of the introduction of institutions.

However, the state, implementing the regulatory policy, developing the main types of organizational management structures, is too deeply involved in inefficient institutional forms related to ownership of property, entrepreneurial activity, in aggregate demand, in borrowing under state guarantees, and vice versa, the role of the state is extremely lacking in the formation of the processes of creating an economic space, in ensuring law-abiding enterprises, firms, natural monopolies, in defense those rights of the owner, the formation of a mechanism of competition.

Another direction of institutional changes is the reaction of economic agents to what types of organizational management structures lead to changes in the external conditions of economic activity, and cause the adjustment of relevant institutions and the replacement of some of them. New types of organizational management structures and ongoing institutional changes are a reaction of the demand of agents for a specific product - institutions. The benefits of such changes are the opportunity to reduce transaction costs in the case of the establishment of coordination institutions (inviolability of private property, stable money, free pricing, the absence of restrictions on the movement of capital, etc.) or to obtain rents subject to the creation of distribution institutions (restriction of competition, establishment of input barriers to the market, the introduction of import duties, the multiplicity of exchange rates, etc.).

The mechanism of interaction between institutions and firms is implemented through all types of organizational management structures and institutional changes, which are a complex process of improving the institutional system, updating the initial institutional model, transforming old institutions and the emergence of new ones. In the course of this process, inefficient institutions that are replaced by new ones gradually disappear. In this process, the institutionalization of the company. Some economists define institutionalization as β€œthe process of formation and consolidation of an ordered set of formalized and informal standards for the activity of market agents (institutions) and their continuous reproduction by a company”.

The goal of institutionalization of a company during the transitional economic period is to make the nature of the firm's activity stable by reducing uncertainty and risks, which determines the role of institutions in the firm's activities. Features of the formation of the company allow us to distinguish three stages: "deinstitutionalization" - "adaptation" - "maturity". And the main tasks related to the impact of the company on the formation of elements of the institutional environment should be considered: the formation of the legislative and regulatory framework, giving it a comprehensive and consistent character. Thus, in adapting to the constraints caused by the environment, the enterprise changes these constraints. An examination of the genesis of the company during the transition period of the emergence of a market-type economy allows us to conclude that institutionalization consists both in the formation of intra-company institutions and in the impact of the company on the formation of external institutions. The process of institutionalization of the company increases the efficiency of the company and its competitiveness, which, ultimately, leads to sustainable economic development.

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