Russia's strategic nuclear weapons: structure and strength

The collapse of the USSR and the ensuing economic, political and military weakening of the Russian Federation very seriously affected the state of nuclear potential. A decrease in the level of operational and technical capabilities, a decrease in the quantitative composition, and also a decrease in the operational readiness of ammunition and carriers were noted. Russia's nuclear weapons also suffered greatly from senseless reductions undertaken in the 1990s.

Russian nuclear weapons

However, the command and personnel of the Strategic Nuclear Forces ( Strategic Nuclear Forces) were able, through tremendous efforts, to maintain a significant part of the potential. Now Russia takes the second place among the members of the Atomic Club. In terms of power and number of nuclear warheads and carriers, the United States is Russia's main rival.

Tactical nuclear weapons of Russia
The Russian Federation is one of the few countries that possess nuclear weapons intended for use at sea, in air and on land. The strategic land arsenal is three missile armies, consisting of 18 divisions. They include shelves that are equipped with mobile and mine ICBMs. Mine-based nuclear weapons of Russia are represented by three RS-20 divisions (148 carriers of 10 warheads each), two RS-19 divisions (150 carriers of 6 warheads each), and 30 RS-24 divisions (Topol-M).

Mobile connections - three divisions (36 railway complexes) equipped with RS-22 missiles. Russia's mobile nuclear weapons are also represented by dirt road complexes that are equipped with RS-22 missiles. In total, there are 709 missiles in the land part of the Russian strategic potential, which can lift 3,000 nuclear munitions in one salvo. This is more than half of all warheads available on combat duty in the country.

Sea-based nuclear weapons of Russia are represented by three divisions of nuclear submarines. Divisions 3 and 1 are deployed in special harbors on the Kola Peninsula (Olenya, Yagodnaya, Neprichye and Ostrovnaya). They accommodate 16 submarines: six Sharks (Typhoon), and ten Dolphins.

Atomic weapons of Russia
The second division of nuclear submarines is based in special harbors on the western coast of Kamchatka: Pavlovskoye and Rybachye. There are 15 submarines of the "Moray" and "Squid" class. Domestic submarines can send 1744 nuclear munitions in 332 missiles to the enemy with just one salvo.

Russian nuclear weapons, which are equipped with strategic bombers, are represented by 624 winged carriers with monoblock warheads. Strategic aviation includes 78 aircraft: 70 Tu-95MS aircraft and 8 Tu-160 aircraft. One take-off of strategic aviation with a nuclear strike can cause serious damage to the enemy.

In total, Russia's nuclear weapons are represented by 5,500 individual thermonuclear munitions on 1120 missile carriers. To date, this is more than enough to deter potential opponents.

Russia's tactical nuclear weapons are also at a very high level. Consequently, the Russian Federation is a state fully armed with dignity! Citizens can be calm!

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