To conduct a full-fledged treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the main causes of the disease, for this, doctors use not only the methods of modern medicine, but also folk. In particular, do not forget about the extraordinary benefits of medicinal herbs and, if possible, get acquainted with their action and methods of application.
After all, often, a familiar plant is a real salvation from any disease, but we do not know about it and are being treated with medications. Accordingly, we poison our body.
For example, a medicinal plant such as chamomile is known in every house, but it is known, first of all, as an excellent tool in the fight against colds. However, only a few know that an enema with chamomile in some cases is an indispensable way to treat intestinal diseases. This will be discussed later.
Chamomile is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the aster family. Its root is branched, stem, thin, and the stem is branched, glabrous, solitary (no more than 30-40 cm high). Chamomile blooms in the period from May to October. It is during this period that it is recommended to collect it for use in further medicinal purposes. The medicinal raw material of this plant is its inflorescences (flowers). Enema with camomile implies the use of them.
Why do I need a bowel cleansing?
The intestines of most of us are filled with many stony deposits, due to which the blood is periodically poisoned by fecal blockages. From such "poor-quality" blood, it is impossible not only not to build new cells, but also not to restore old ones. As a result of this, the whole organism suffers: from the intestines to the brain.
In order to avoid the occurrence of diseases associated with "clogging" of the intestine, a camomile enema is recommended. With its help, you need to cleanse the body at least once or twice a year.
Due to the fact that chamomile has a painkiller, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, it is recommended to use both certified doctors and folk doctors.
Chamomile treatment is especially recommended in the presence of inflammatory processes in the rectum. In this case, microclysters from chamomile broth, which is prepared according to the following recipe, are ideal. So, for him, four tablespoons of chamomile inflorescences and one liter of warm water will be required. Chamomile flowers need to be insisted for 10-15 minutes (covered with a towel), then it must be filtered. Microclysters with the resulting solution should be done at least once every two to three days. This will achieve the maximum effect and get rid of inflammation in just 10 procedures.
In the case of any problems with the large intestine, whether it is dysbiosis, diverticulitis or colitis, it is advisable to make large volume chamomile enemas. An enema with chamomile will not only help eliminate increased gas formation and relieve spasms, but also improve the absorption of nutrients. Literally 5 procedures with a frequency of 10 days will restore the full functioning of the intestine. This amount is quite enough, because if you make more of them, then it is easy to destroy all the useful microflora.
With the help of infusion with chamomile, you can even cure hemorrhoids. Only in this case, not an enema, but a bath will help. Or, as an option, chamomile infusion can be frozen, and the phyto ice resulting from this can be applied periodically to the anus.
In principle, chamomile can be used to treat most diseases related to the intestines, so you should not forget about its amazing properties and, if possible, use it for its intended purpose. The main thing is to follow some rules.
Enema with camomile implies that:
- The end of the rubber tube should be lubricated with vegetable oil;
- The position of the body during the enema should be either on the right side, while the legs must be bent, or with support on the knee-elbow joints;
- The optimal time for an enema is 5-7 hours in the morning;
- If the intestine is full of gases and feces, then initially you need to make a microclyster, and then you can start the main procedure.