Coloproctologist - who is it? Such a doctor specializes in the study, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the perineum, colon and rectum. According to statistics, about a third of the population of our country suffers from a wide variety of diseases, the clinical picture of which in one way or another relates to the field of coloproctology.
What is coloproctology and what reasons should make you turn to a specialist in this field? Among the most common diseases that are most often consulted by specialists of a similar profile, it is worth highlighting all kinds of hemorrhoidal manifestations, malignant and benign tumors in the rectum, anal fissures, ulcerative colitis and so on.
How is a coloproctologist different from a proctologist?
In fact, coloproctology and proctology are one and the same medical field. The presence of two definitions of an identical nature is associated with attempts to bring the name of the specialty in line with international requirements and standards. For this reason, since 1977, the name of the specialty in our country has been changed from "proctology" to a more comprehensive one - "coloproctology".
From the foregoing, it becomes clear that the opinion of people who consider a coloproctologist to be a more serious specialist is fundamentally wrong. Proctologist or coloproctologist - who is it? Both one and the other is a doctor engaged in the diagnosis and search for ways to treat and eliminate diseases of the anorectal region.
In what cases should you seek help from a coloproctologist?
There are a number of diseases that can only be diagnosed and eliminated by a coloproctologist. Among the most common reasons that should lead to contact such a specialist, it should be highlighted:
- the appearance of regular, prolonged constipation, all kinds of difficulties when emptying;
- the presence of discomfort in the anus, a foreign body sensation in the rectum or incomplete defecation;
- prolapse of the rectum or hemorrhoids during defecation;
- discharge from the anus of mucus, the occurrence of bleeding;
- the presence of pain in the rectum;
- itching of the anus .
How is a patient examined by a coloproctology cabinet?
How is a coloproctologist examining patients? Reviews of numerous patients of coloproctology rooms show that visiting such a doctor is practically no different from a visit to other specialists.
The examination with a coloproctologist begins with the formation of an anamnesis - collecting information about the nature of the problem, listening to patient complaints and a general examination of the patient.
What is coloproctology in practical terms? If we talk directly about the examination process, then it is customary to divide it into several stages. To begin with, a specialist performs palpation of the abdominal cavity, thereby determining the nature, location and size of tumors in the intestinal tract. Then the specialist conducts a number of studies, the results of which are the selection of appropriate treatment methods and the treatment process itself.
How to prepare for a visit to the office of a coloproctologist?
What does a coloproctologist treat? First of all, the medical practice of such a specialist includes diseases of the colon and rectum in all its diversity. In order for a visit to a coloproctologist to obtain the most objective data about the state of health and to form ideas about the degree of development of existing diseases, proper preparation for the examination is required.
Usually, consultation does not go without examining the condition of the rectum with the finger method. In some cases, the visitor of the coloproctology office is offered to undergo anoscopy, which consists in examining the anal canal using a special probe - an anoscope.
To create conditions for a thorough examination of the entire mucous membrane of the rectum allows its preliminary cleaning. Based on this, preparation for a visit to a coloproctologist should include the use of an enema. To clean the rectum with an enema, it is enough to use about 1.5 liters of warm water. Moreover, it is recommended to carry out the procedure both in the evening - on the eve of the trip to the coloproctologist, and directly several hours before the examination in the morning.
If the use of an enema allows you to get rid of feces, then you can avoid gas formation using a special diet. For this, before visiting a coloproctologist, it is worth excluding black bread, raw fruits and vegetables, legumes, dairy products from the diet. The above measures provide an opportunity not only to significantly facilitate the study of the rectum, but also allow the specialist to conduct a full palpation of the intestine directly through the abdominal wall.
Diagnostic and treatment methods in coloproctology
The most effective diagnostic methods in the field of coloproctology are: ultrasound, anoscopy, colonoscopy, computed tomography, all kinds of x-ray studies.
In particular, a group of endoscopic diagnostic methods has gained distribution, among which special attention has recently been given to sigmoidoscopy, anoscopy, and colonoscopy. It is these methods that allow the coloproctologist to form the most clear picture of the state of the mucous membrane of the colon and rectum.
Currently, a coloproctologist surgeon, along with surgical treatment methods, has the opportunity to use a number of modern methods of non-surgical intervention. Such procedures are performed on an outpatient basis, after which the patient can immediately go home, without having to stay in the hospital room.
Common coloproctologic diseases
In recent years, appeals for help to specialist coloproctologists of patients suffering from two inflammatory diseases of a chronic nature - ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease have become more frequent. The manifestations of these diseases in the colon are localized.
Symptoms of these pathological processes include intestinal bleeding, pain syndromes, unjustified weight loss, frequent urge to defecate, and metabolic disorders.
An untimely appeal to a specialist in the presence of such symptoms usually ends extremely poorly. Often, the only way out for the patient is the implantation of an artificial stoma for removal of feces in the form of a tube in the abdominal cavity. Such an outcome leads not only to physical disability, but also to psychological trauma.
Can surgeons, oncologists and other specialists replace a coloproctologist?
Coloproctologist - who is it? First of all, this specialist has sufficient experience, has specialized techniques and technical equipment for the most accurate and effective diagnosis of diseases of the intestinal tract.
Conducting several operations throughout the year by an ordinary surgeon is not able to form ideas about the picture of common coloproctological diseases and the most effective methods for their elimination. In other words, if a specialist in general surgery will undertake the diagnosis and treatment of proctologic diseases, in this case it can be compared with a return to the middle of the last century. It was at this time that coloproctology formed into an independent field of knowledge.
Coloproctologist - who is this and how important is the existence of such a specialist? Currently, a sedentary lifestyle, combined with malnutrition, has become a real scourge of mankind. Therefore, it is not surprising that in recent years there has been a significant increase in calls to specialists in the field of coloproctology.
The main motive that should lead to periodic examinations by a coloproctologist is the prevention of diseases of the rectum and intestinal tract. After all, as you know, it is much easier to prevent the development of an ailment than to combat its many negative manifestations.
Among the general recommendations for people with coloproctological diseases, it is worth highlighting: following a diet, establishing a proper diet, avoiding overstrain in the form of exorbitant physical and mental stress, and of course regular examination by a coloproctologist.