Prolapse is ... Definition, classifications, causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Prolapse is a protrusion, omission of something. In medicine, this term refers to the loss of an entire organ or part thereof through natural openings. Let's try to figure out what this phenomenon is.

Prolapse of the fetal bladder. Classification

The fetal bladder is the baby’s natural biological environment, a place for its development, which is filled with amniotic fluid (or in another way amniotic fluid). The fetal bladder plays an important role in the metabolism of the fetus, protects it from microbes that enter the woman’s body through the vagina. This is a very important function, because infections entail various pathologies.

Bladder prolapse is a serious diagnosis because the risk of abortion is very high. That is why the correct and timely diagnosis of pathology is especially important.

How is the fetal bladder held in the uterine cavity? Mainly, it is held by the cervix - one of the parts of the female genital organ, which has the shape of a cylinder. On both sides, it is limited by the pharynx: from the uterus - internal, from the vagina - external. Therefore, during pregnancy, the doctor always strictly controls the length of the uterine neck. If for some reason something went wrong, the neck ceases to perform its function normally and begins to expand and shorten. As a result of this, this diagnosis is made. Due to the fact that the cervix cannot function correctly, the fetal bladder drops. In this case, there are many risks for the fetus: it is no longer protected from vaginal infections, and the risk of rupture of the membranes of the bladder also increases. This, in turn, will entail fetal death.

In medical language, shortening and opening of the cervix is ​​called isthmic-cervical insufficiency (ICI) - damage to the muscle ring of the cervix.

pathology during pregnancy

There are two types of ICN:

  • traumatic;
  • functional.

It must be remembered that with isthmic-cervical insufficiency with further prolapse of the fetal bladder, urgent hospitalization with mandatory complete rest is required.

Causes of occurrence

There can be several reasons for the development of pathology:

  • Multiple pregnancy always implies many additional risks. Prolapse in multiple pregnancy is more common in identical twins.
  • The lack of such a hormone as progesterone (this is the sex hormone that is necessary for the normal cycle, conception and pregnancy of a woman) is the cause of many pathologies during pregnancy, including prolapse.
  • Sutures on the uterus made earlier (for example, with a cesarean section) can also cause such a disease. Therefore, before pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo an examination and check the condition of the sutures.
  • Various deviations in the female reproductive system (including congenital).

Symptoms of the development of pathology:

  • amniotic fluid leakage;
  • discomfort in the reproductive organs;
  • increased urination.

The biggest problem of this pathology is that it is easy not to notice it, because the symptoms may not be clearly expressed.

Diagnosis and treatment of prolapse of the fetal bladder

Unfortunately, it is impossible to detect this pathology in the early stages. Most often, it manifests itself in a second ultrasound examination or even later. After all, it is from this time that the fetus intensively increases in size, which means that the pressure on the cervix also increases.

The sooner the doctor can detect the prolapse of the fetal bladder, the higher the chance to save the baby.

As a treatment, hormonal drugs are prescribed (with a lack of any hormone) or a special pessary is used for obstetrics. This is an item made of plastic or silicone, which is placed in the vagina of a woman. Made in the form of a ring, it relieves pressure from the cervix, and also supports other organs from excessive load.

Obstetric Pessary

If for some reason the use of an obstetric pessary is not possible, doctors resort to a method such as suturing the cervix. This is a fairly simple and safe procedure that will help stop prolapse. Of course, regardless of the method of treatment, a woman from this moment requires constant medical supervision and examination in a antenatal clinic.

Both methods are good in their own way. At the 38th week of pregnancy, when the child has already achieved the development necessary for childbirth, the sutures and ring are removed.

Prevention of prolapse of the fetal bladder is the same as with any risk for pregnancy. More relaxation, no physical exertion and weight lifting. It is also necessary to undergo a hormone examination in advance. In the event of a deficiency of any of them, constant therapy is required throughout pregnancy.

Mitral valve prolapse

Before defining this concept, it is necessary to understand what mitral collapse consists of (as it is also called).

mitral valve

The left ventricle of the atrium has muscles, to which the mitral valve cusps, the so-called plates, are attached using threads. They consist of connective tissue.

When the relaxation phase begins (in the scientific diastole) in the heart, these valves allow the blood to move into the left ventricle.

In the systole phase, the left ventricle, on the contrary, contracts, and the valves, meanwhile, close, preventing blood from entering it.

Thus, we can give a definition. So, prolapse is the loss of one of the valves in the left atrium. As a result, the entrance to the left ventricle may be blocked completely or partially. So the concept of regurgitation (active movement of blood in the wrong direction) appeared. Strictly speaking, valve prolapse is not a disease.

Mitral valve prolapse is of two types:

  1. Anatomical feature. This is a genetic anomaly, that is, a person is already born with it, and it is transmitted from someone from close relatives.
  2. A kind of pathology associated with the malfunctioning of the endocrine or nervous system.

Symptoms of such disorders are:

  • shortness of breath and weakness;
  • heart rhythm disturbance (tachycardia), in which the heart rate can reach 200 beats per minute;
  • aching or stitching chest pain.
  • migraine;
  • fainting
  • panic attacks.

It is interesting to note that in many patients the symptoms are not associated with chest pain. It can be pain in the gastrointestinal tract and muscle pain.

The prolapse of the valves can be aggravated by blood clots and other types of formations that can trigger a microstroke (transient ischemic attack).

Diagnostic and treatment methods

To diagnose mitral valve collapse, it is optimal to use an echocardiographic study (listening to the heart), which allows you to determine the level of blood outflow. In other words, the degree of violation (rigurtation).

This pathology is often found in humans by chance, as it has many symptoms that are not related to heart pain.

For treatment, medications containing magnesium and sedatives are prescribed.

Despite various threats and risks to human health, the overall picture of the patient’s treatment is often optimistic. Pathology may not progress for a long time. In some cases, the signs of prolapse may even disappear.

Intervertebral disc prolapse

pathology of the intervertebral disc

The prolapsed disc is the first step to an intervertebral hernia.

Types of disk prolapse are classified by location:

  • lateral (protrusion is located outside the spine);
  • anterolateral (protrusion occurs in the front of the spine);
  • central (towards the center of the vertebrae);
  • posterolateral (lateral to the spinal canal).

Prolapse of the intervertebral disc can be localized in the thoracic, cervical and lumbar spine.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • tiredness after sleep;
  • fatigue;
  • mild back pain, which lasts a short time;
  • frequent numbness of the skin.

Diagnosis of this type of prolapse is not an easy task, as it is complicated by mild symptoms. Like the previous disease, it is most often diagnosed by chance. But if there is any suspicion, you can sign up for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which will definitely tell if this disease is taking place.

The course of therapy includes:

  • physiotherapy (massage, therapeutic exercises, acupuncture);
  • intake of vitamins;
  • the use of therapeutic ointments;
  • taking various dietary supplements (biologically active substances).

Treatment is aimed at stopping the active development of pathology.

As a preventive measure, strengthening a muscle corset, an active lifestyle is practiced.

Prolapse - diagnosis or sentence?

Despite the fact that prolapse is a general term for all diseases, meaning “prolapse”, “protrusion”, the degree of complexity of the pathology changes depending on the organ.

Nevertheless, no matter what the disease, it is necessary first of all not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor.

Health care

As a preventive measure, proper nutrition, an active lifestyle, annual medical examinations are performed. Remember that a timely diagnosis and treatment will help to cope with any ailment.

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