What is drying? This is a special diet, implying a restriction of carbohydrates and an emphasis on proteins, which are the main material for building muscle. As a result, it is possible to get rid of subcutaneous fat, and the muscles will acquire a relief, and will not be exhausted, since they will be provided with nutrition in full.
At the same time, drying will benefit only those who are active in the gym. For girls with a sedentary lifestyle, drying is ineffective and can only do harm.
Drying mechanism
- Due to the deficiency of carbohydrates, the body begins to break down fat cells.
- Muscle cells become more resilient by eating enough protein.
Diet benefits
- A healthy diet due to protein (despite the apparent scarcity in the choice of products).
- Protein is the most important building material for the body, your health will not suffer.
- A quick result is a taut body and muscle building.
Drying Nutrition Features
Compliance with any diet requires discipline, do not focus only on reviews and photos.
Body drying for girls provides for the observance of the basic principles of nutrition, which should not be violated:
- The basis of the menu is low-fat protein products: cottage cheese, chicken breast, egg white and low-fat fish. They can be used without restrictions.
- Two tablespoons of olive, linseed or sunflower oil must be present in the daily diet. It is unacceptable to exclude fats from the menu, as the skin will suffer in the first place, having lost its elasticity, and hair may also begin to fall out.
- As a source of carbohydrates, products with a low glycemic index are preferred - buckwheat and wheat porridge, tomatoes, grapefruits, cucumbers, greens, cabbage (potatoes, carrots and beets must be excluded). Do not eat sweet fruits, it is better to switch to green and sour apples. When compiling a menu for drying the body for girls, both reviews, and recommendations of nutritionists, and a reasonable competent approach should be taken into account. Choose seasonal fruits and vegetables, they have more vitamins and minerals.
- Carbohydrates should be consumed before lunch. After 15 hours, it is better to refrain from using them altogether, but the amount of protein in the afternoon should be increased. In no case do not ignore breakfast.
- Breaks between meals should not exceed 5 hours. Try to snack on protein products: half a glass of kefir, fermented baked milk or milk, a spoon of low-fat cottage cheese or 2-3 nuts will give strength during the day.
- It is necessary to exclude from the diet fried, smoked, pickled and spicy products, mayonnaise, sauces, ketchups, seasonings, alcohol, chocolate. Do not be fooled, a small piece of the prohibited product will nullify the efforts of a whole week, and it will be very disappointing.
If this is your first time planning drying, watch your sensations. In addition to general weakness and dizziness due to a lack of carbohydrates, as well as inhibition of brain activity, you may experience the smell of acetone from your mouth. If you feel this, immediately stop the diet. The accumulation of acetone occurs due to carbohydrate deficiency and, as a result, ketoacidosis can develop, a dangerous condition in which hospitalization is required. With untimely help, poisoning of the body and a diabetic ketoacidotic coma develops.
For the same reason - because of the risk of developing ketoacidosis - doctors categorically do not recommend using fat-burning drugs or special sports nutrition during this diet.
A protein diet is contraindicated in pregnant and breastfeeding women.
It is unacceptable to adhere to this diet if a person has diseases of the cardiovascular system and digestive organs, as well as in the presence of diabetes mellitus.
If you feel very bad, drink a glass of sweet juice that normalizes your condition.
It is not recommended to use fat burners.
Drying time
The recommendations of doctors are peremptory with strict drying: since the daily caloric content should not exceed 1000-1200 kcal, it is possible to maintain a diet without harm to the body for no more than 3 weeks (without preparation and exit stages). At the same time, you can lose up to 5 kg in weight in one week.
Reading reviews of body drying for girls, you marvel at the endurance power of some women: some manage to withstand up to several months of a strict diet, along with the stages of entry and exit.
The drying process consists of three successive stages: entry, the diet itself and exit from it. These steps can be repeated cyclically until the desired level of weight loss is achieved.
- Week One. Preparation. The daily intake of carbohydrates should not exceed 2 grams per 1 kg of weight. You must enter the mode gradually. If you really want sweets, eat fruit.
- Week Two. The amount of carbohydrates should be no more than 1 g per kilogram of body weight per day.
- Week three - the most stringent - involves the consumption of 0.5 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight and the predominance of protein products in the menu.
After the third week, everyone decides for themselves - according to their condition or according to setting goals for weight loss. The stage of drying the body for girls begins every day, when each decides to either leave the carbohydrate level for a while in accordance with the amount of the third week, or gradually move in the opposite direction, gradually increasing the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, switching to the second and then the first menus weeks.
It should be remembered that both quick entry and rapid exit from drying is unacceptable. Sometimes there are reviews about drying the body for girls, containing complaints about the appearance of edema and weight loss in a short time. Such results can occur if the exit from the protein diet occurred abruptly or if the girl broke off the regimen. A lightning fast return to normal nutrition leads to a general deterioration in well-being and, as a result, undermining health.
You can not immediately immerse the body in a stressful situation in conditions of severe restrictions. 2 weeks before the planned start of drying, you need to start cooking.
- Gradually increase the amount of protein and reduce the calorie intake by reducing carbohydrates.
- Transition to six meals a day. Eat a little, reasonably, think over every piece that goes into your mouth.
- Drink plenty of clean water.
- Let your fitness trainer recommend you exercises specifically for drying, they must be performed.
We offer you a sample menu for the day in preparation for drying. You can modify it, the main thing is that the set of products is approximately the same in structure:
- For breakfast, eat an omelet of 2 proteins and drink a glass of milk.
- We have lunch with boiled beef and vegetable salad.
- For afternoon tea - boiled buckwheat (on water).
- A piece of fish and a serving of stewed vegetables is your dinner.
It is allowed to drink a glass of low-fat kefir at night. If you really want to eat, you can eat a couple of nuts.
Body Drying for Girls: Weekly Menu
So, there is no need to be afraid, entering the drying mode. You need to think about what benefits this regime will bring to the body. The list of products on the basis of which you can build your menu:
- dairy products with low fat content, as well as milk; do not deny yourself your favorite cottage cheese, yogurt, acidophilus, one percent kefir;
- boiled meat of low-fat varieties, any bird will do;
- low-fat fish and seafood;
- fats need to be limited, stretch a small handful of nuts for a week.
The menu for the week for girls on drying the body can vary depending on the age of the fair sex. If you are under the age of 25, take into service the following list.
- Breakfast - oatmeal cooked on water with milk added + a cup of green tea (you can also add milk to it).
- Between breakfast and lunch you can have a snack with a not so sweet apple.
- For lunch - 100 g of fresh vegetable salad, in which you can add a little vegetable oil and boiled meat.
- In the afternoon you can drink a glass of your favorite kefir.
- The last meal should not be later than 20:00, for dinner we eat 150 g of boiled meat, better than chicken breast.
- In the morning, eat 200 g of low-fat cottage cheese for breakfast and you can afford whole-grain bread or crackers.
- Eat grapefruit before lunch.
- As a dinner, serve a piece of boiled meat (preferably veal) and 100 g of boiled rice (or buckwheat).
- For a mid-afternoon snack, we drink a glass of ryazhenka with pleasure. Choose natural, farm products.
- Your dinner should take place no later than 2 hours before bedtime, eat a salad of green vegetables and boiled or baked low-fat fish.
On this day, try to relieve yourself of everyday worries and unnecessary stress as much as possible, since on Wednesday you plan a rather tough diet with a limited number of products. According to the girls on a diet, drying the body for them on this day can be limited only by the diet, physical activity can be excluded.
- Oatmeal with milk - for breakfast.
- For lunch, 200 g of meat and a salad of vegetables (for example, from tomatoes and cucumbers).
- We have dinner - 200 g of kefir.
On Thursday we repeat the Monday menu, on Friday - the Tuesday ration, on Saturday we eat as on Wednesday (you can add fruit for a snack), on Sunday we repeat Tuesday.
You can create your own menu from the calculation of a similar set and structure of products. Count calories - it should not exceed 1200 kilocalories per day.
Particularly "harsh" option - for lightning fast results
The diet with the following menu can be observed for no more than 5 days:
- morning - cottage cheese + kefir;
- snack - oatmeal 100 g;
- in the afternoon, eat seafood salad;
- at midday - a glass of milk;
- evening meal is limited to 150 grams of boiled lean meat.
Exit drying
Returning to a normal diet should be gradual. Within two weeks, it is necessary to systematically increase the amount of carbohydrates and lower the level of proteins.
It doesn’t matter how long you stayed on such a diet - for a month, for two weeks or for a week: the girls' reviews about drying the body for all, without exception, contain tips on taking blood and urine tests. So you can understand if your hormonal background is not disturbed, whether the content of necessary substances in the body remains normal.
As a result of being in the drying mode with a gradual entry and exit, you can lose up to 15 kg of excess weight, water and acquire a beautiful muscle relief.
Drying for girls: reviews and results
The overwhelming majority of the fair sex like the protein diet, as evidenced by reviews and results: drying the body for girls is easy to carry and brings a quick effect. According to some, the first few days are the most difficult, since it is quite difficult to break the habit of eating a normal diet and eating habits.
The figure of a professional athlete or just a fitness lover depends not only on training. Proper nutrition is also important, then the body will look harmonious.
If fitness is associated with the beginning of the process of losing weight, you can’t do without a protein diet. Indeed, when a large percentage of fat is present in the body, it is not only ugly and unhealthy, but training will be difficult, many exercises will not be given, or will be ineffective. Drying, according to many, is a great way to get rid of fat. Too many girls training in the gym regularly resort to a protein diet.
Frequently found reviews about drying the body for girls at home contain a lot of information about the number of kilograms dropped, and the opinions of the girls agree on one thing - in 3 weeks it takes on average 10 to 12 kilograms.
Workout at home
Too many girls training in the gym regularly resort to a protein diet. It is effective along with physical activities that accelerate the process of losing weight, do not allow the skin to sag, and help maintain muscle tone. Aerobic training is especially recommended - running, cycling, dancing.
Is body drying possible for girls at home? If you have a treadmill or an elliptical trainer, you can work out at home without spending time and money going to the gym. The maximum effect of aerobic exercise can be obtained if you engage in at least 40 minutes. Running will bring results if it is slow, aimed at endurance, and carbohydrate reserves are burned (then the body will expend adipose tissue). It is advisable to get on the track before breakfast, and before class you can eat an apple.
How often can I use drying
In order not to harm health, the diet should be observed no more than once a year, it is with this frequency that the girl's body should be dried. The reviews and results in the photo demonstrate the magnificent effect that the diet has on the appearance. Your figure will be toned and sexy, provided that during the year you will not overeat and do not forget about your subscription to the gym and pool, which must be regularly visited.
Doctors advise the following: if you do not have excess weight, once is enough to “dry”, and in the future you just need to maintain the result: eat correctly, without skipping meals, observe the daily routine and be physically active.