MRI of the brain in Yekaterinburg: medical centers, reviews

The human brain is one of the most complex organs responsible for the work of the whole organism. If before his research was time-consuming and almost impossible, now magnetic resonance imaging is popular. This is a very effective way to assess the state of the brain, as well as to identify various changes occurring under the cranium.

Brain MRI in Yekaterinburg offers a small number of clinics. Therefore, the queue for the procedure is quite long, because here people come from all over the Sverdlovsk region. How to sign up for a procedure and how much does this service cost? Answers to these and other questions will be disclosed in the review.

Benefits of MRI

If earlier in the arsenal of a neurologist there was only a special hammer and a needle, with the help of which, relying on experience, the doctor made a diagnosis, now everything has changed. An MRI machine does wonders, because with its help it is possible to detect not only the presence of tumors in the early stages, but also various vascular aneurysms.

Magnetic resonance imaging is a special method of scanning various parts of the human body without a damaging dose of radiation. That is why the brain MRI procedure in Yekaterinburg can be safely performed both for adults and children.

There are two main types of devices: open and closed type. In the latter, the patient is horizontal. This non-invasive diagnostic method has some limitations in patient complexion. The thing is that this method is a tube-shaped device, inside which there is a special retractable table. It is on him that the patient under examination lies, and during the study is inside the tomograph. Some, by the way, may have fears or discomfort due to the fear of an enclosed space.

MRI of the brain in Yekaterinburg

Scanning is performed in several areas at once (this is what distinguishes the modern MRI method from conventional X-ray). Therefore, one procedure is enough to get a complete picture that allows you to determine the state of human health at a given time.

Some features of MRI

As for the shortcomings identified when using the MRI device, there are only a few. Here they are:

  • Long standby time. The procedure can take from 10 to 50 minutes, depending on the investigated department and the capacity of the device. However, modern models work at a very fast pace, so you do not have to wait long.
  • Restrictions on the height and weight of the patient. In people whose body weight exceeds 120-130 kg, there is no way to undergo this procedure in a tomograph. For this reason, they should sign up for an open-type MRI. Mandatory. About where to do an MRI in Yekaterinburg - read below.

Many medical procedures usually take quite a long time. And MRI gives the most accurate and informative results. Therefore, the above disadvantages are not so terrible.

where to do mri in yekaterinburg

How is the procedure going?

The patient is placed in a device with a strong magnetic field, under the influence of which the hydrogen atoms occupy certain positions and generate a kind of signal read by the system. After that, an image is created automatically.

It is worth noting that the hydrogen content in different tissues is different. Therefore, the smart device easily recognizes them and easily builds images that reflect the real picture of the processes occurring inside the human body.

where is the best MRI

Indications for the procedure

In what cases can a doctor refer a patient to an MRI? If:

  • complaints of persistent headaches;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • fainting, dizziness often occur;
  • a person complains of hearing loss, smell, sight.

MRI is performed to confirm or refute a particular diagnosis. Therefore, it is necessary to sign up for it only after a thorough examination by the main specialists (neurologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, etc.).

make an MRI of the brain a single recording center in Yekaterinburg


Since the MRI of the brain in Yekaterinburg is performed using special devices (mostly closed type), not all citizens will be able to transfer the procedure easily. MRI is contraindicated:

  • persons suffering from claustrophobia without the use of special sedatives;
  • people with heart or kidney failure;
  • pregnant
  • people with built-in pacemakers or metal pins;
  • people with body tattoos made using metallic paints.

Any excess body movement or object that has fallen into a magnetic field will distort the result. Do not forget about it.

MRI of the brain in Yekaterinburg addresses

Adult Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinics

Below will be presented the location of the MRI of the brain in Yekaterinburg (addresses of clinics providing this service). Among them:

  1. Regional hospital β„–1, located on Volgogradskaya, 185.
  2. City Hospital β„–40, at the address: Volgogradskaya, 189/1.
  3. City Hospital No. 41, built at: Nachdiva Vasilyeva, 25.
  4. Diagnostic Center "Tomography" (March 8, 212).
  5. Clinic UMMC-Health (Sheinkman, 113).
  6. MO "New Hospital" (Zavodskaya, 29).
  7. LDC MIBS (Civil, 9).
  8. MC "Paracelsus" (Bolshakova, 68).
  9. Road Hospital (Baidukova 63).
  10. Ural Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology (XXII Party Congress, 5 Β°).
  11. Research Institute for the Protection of Motherhood and Infancy (Repina, 1).
  12. MC "Diagnostics plus" (Soboleva, 9).

Thus, there are not so many MRI devices in Yekaterinburg. Therefore, you need to register for the procedure in advance.

MRI for children

The next moment. Nowadays, people often ask themselves: β€œWhere do they perform brain MRI for children in Yekaterinburg?”, Because not all devices are designed for people who have not reached adolescence. Here are the addresses of those units of medical centers that provide this service:

  • Research Institute for the Protection of Motherhood and Infancy (Repina, 1).
  • Children's Clinic UMMC-Health (Sheinkman, 73).
  • Children's city hospital β„–9 (Reshetskaya, 51).

MRI of the brain for children Yekaterinburg

The presented clinics are equipped with expensive devices that have special devices for reliable fixation of the child. This avoids distortion of the results obtained during the procedure.


The price for a brain MRI in Yekaterinburg varies from 2100 to 9000 rubles, depending on the institution you have chosen, the capacity and type of device used, and also the period of its operation. Why such a scatter? It’s not only the equipment, but also the qualifications of doctors, as well as the need to use contrast. In any case, the final cost of the brain MRI procedure in Yekaterinburg, you can find out only after consultation with the clinic staff.

Take your venue seriously. Asked the answer to the question: β€œWhere is it best to do an MRI in Yekaterinburg?”, Pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • Work experience of a medical institution.
  • The ratio of positive and negative reviews.
  • The qualifications of the staff (sometimes it can be understood from the reviews).
  • Possibility for the doctor-diagnostician to decrypt the data obtained as a result of the tomography (the other doctor does not know how the examination was conducted, therefore, he can make the wrong diagnosis).
  • Availability of a license for the right to carry out the procedure and certificates for the device.
  • The life of the device.

If you do not know where to do an MRI of the brain, a single recording center in Yekaterinburg will help you decide on a suitable clinic. By dialing the following phone numbers: +7 (499) 116-80-06, +7 (812) 409-93-74, you will receive a full consultation and will be able to stay at the best, in your opinion, medical center.

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