How to make paraffin hand masks at home: recipes and reviews

Natural conditions can sometimes have a negative effect on our hands. The skin on them is dehydrated, peeling, wrinkles appear. Paraffin therapy can help solve this problem. It represents the use of purified and enriched with vitamins paraffin. Medicine has proved the benefits of using this type of therapy. This service is provided in beauty salons. However, you can use paraffin at home. The result will be no less effective than in a beauty parlor.

Benefits of Paraffin Masks

Who will benefit from this procedure? Use paraffin masks for hands at home should be people with dry and flaky skin. They will make the skin more elastic, soft and soft. In addition, paraffin is useful for cuticles and strengthen nails. Carefully exerting an impact, at the same time you get a relaxing effect from the procedure.

Paraffin mask for hands photo

As already noted above, it can be done at home. Details on how to make a paraffin hand mask are described below.

Step One: Cooking Paraffin

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the main component of our mask. You can purchase cosmetic paraffin at any pharmacy.

  1. Melt paraffin in a water bath. The substance will begin to melt already at a temperature of 46 degrees. In addition, this degree of warmth perceived by the skin of the hands is quite acceptable.
  2. After the paraffin has been melted, it must be poured into a bath or bowl in which you will make a mask.

When working with the substance, safety precautions should be observed. Firstly, you can not heat paraffin on the stove, as it can easily ignite. Secondly, to avoid burns during the procedure, make sure that water does not get into the substance during melting. Even a small droplet can lead to unpleasant consequences.

So, paraffin is prepared for further procedures. While it cools, it's time to move on to preparing the hands for applying the mask.

Step Two: Preparing Your Hands

Hands should be prepared in two stages. The first is purification a, the second is nutrition.

Paraffin hand mask "BioAqua"
  • Step 1. Clean your hands with a scrub.

To do this, you can use the mixture as purchased in the store, or made at home. If you decide to make a scrub yourself, then use a substance with a scrubbing effect. These include, first of all, sleeping coffee and crushed fruit bones.

During scrubbing, make sure that the skin is not injured. Otherwise, you can’t make a paraffin hand mask at home. We'll have to wait for the wounds to heal.

  • Stage 2. We nourish the skin of the hands.

Use either a nourishing cream or oil. The second option is preferable. The following types of oils moisturize well: coconut and almond. If you do not have one, then use regular vegetable or olive oil.

This stage of preparation is important, as a mask is removed more easily from well-soaked skin.

Also at this step, it is important to follow the recommendations to make a quality paraffin mask for hands at home and not harm the skin. If there are cuts and scratches or diseases on the hands (pustules, infections or inflammatory processes), then the procedure is contraindicated. First you need to heal the skin and only after that proceed with paraffin therapy.

How to make a paraffin hand mask

Step Three: Apply a Paraffin Mask

The procedure is carried out in several stages.

  1. After making sure that the paraffin has reached a comfortable temperature, lower your hand in the bath for 15-30 seconds.
  2. Take it out of the bowl and let it dry a little.
  3. Lower your hand into the bath again. All this needs to be done from 5 to 10 times.
  4. After completing the last dive, put on a plastic glove on the brush (an ordinary bag is also suitable), on top - a warm mitten.
  5. The paraffin mask should remain on the arm for 20-30 minutes.
  6. After the specified time, the paraffin is carefully removed. Hands are treated with a nourishing cream.
  7. Now you need to repeat the same steps for the other hand.

It should be noted that paraffin cannot be reused. The article presents a photo of a paraffin mask for hands.

The skin will again become soft and supple after the first application. In total, 10 procedures are necessary to consolidate the effect. Paraffin therapy should be carried out no more than once a week.

Homemade paraffin masks recipes

The foundation is always the same - paraffin. You can add various additives to it or use only it. Consider recipes for making a paraffin mask with healthy supplements.

Paraffin hand mask reviews
  • Take a piece of paraffin and start to melt it in a water bath. When it begins to thaw, add to it 100 grams of liquid honey, a tablespoon of beeswax and sea salt. Mix well. After the composition has cooled, you can proceed to the procedure.
  • We also prepare the second version of the paraffin mask, that is, we add the ingredients to the heated substance. Here we add a tablespoon of olive oil, the juice of one lemon, half a teaspoon of talcum powder.
  • To prepare the third version of the mask, you will need vitamins A and E and a tablespoon of olive oil.

Before you are presented only a small part of the options for recipes for paraffin masks. You can use other recipes. You can also try to buy a finished product. There are various options on the cosmetology market, for example, BioAqua paraffin hand mask.

Before you carry out the procedure yourself, you can visit a beauty salon to fully experience the effect. Include paraffin masks in the obligatory list of personal care procedures and your hands will thank you!

Paraffin Hand Masks


Women who did paraffin therapy note that after the procedure, the skin of the hands becomes soft and tender. Compared with the daily application of a nourishing cream, there are noticeable advantages. Using a paraffin mask for hands, according to girls, you can achieve a lasting effect. After that, the skin becomes like a baby and does not require additional application of cream. Despite the price, paraffin therapy due to its effectiveness and usefulness pays off in full.

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