How to find a good manual therapist in Tula? This question is asked by all residents of the city, tired of muscle pain, or other internal problems of the body, and who do not want to spend more on treatment with medications and classic massage alone. The following list of the best city manuals will help you find a good specialist.
S.V. Neklyudov
Opens the list of the best manual therapists of Tula Sergey Viktorovich Neklyudov. This is a specialist of the highest professional category, manual, neurologist and osteopath, for 10 years working with clients of all ages, and helping them in a very short time. Sergey Viktorovich’s classical medical education is supplemented by a diploma from the European School of Osteopathy in the city of Maidstone, England, and a certificate of the course of stop manual therapy in New Zealand. The man "with golden hands", a true professional, attentive, sensitive and sincere, is called the manual therapist Neklyudov in the reviews.
In Tula, “Inshinka” is a sanatorium located on 49 Odoyevskoye Shosse. It is there that Sergey Viktorovich hosts receptions and sessions. And you can make an appointment with him at the osteopathic clinic Sun House on Veresaeva street, 18.
A.A. Atyashev
A large number of positive reviews about the manual therapist Tula Atyashev allowed him to be in the forefront of the best specialists, despite the fact that he is a fairly young doctor, and his experience in the profession is only five years. During this time, Alexander Alexandrovich, also practicing neurology and kinesiology, earned himself more than 30 positive comments on the Internet and not a single negative. It is called a very modern, intelligent and talented manual.
You can make an appointment with Dr. Atyashev at the Medikeyt clinic on Veresaeva street 2, and at the Regional Hospital on Yablochkova street 1A. In addition, Alexander Alexandrovich can be called to the house, this service will cost patients from 3000 rubles.
A.N. Makarov
The chiropractor, neurologist and reflexologist of the first qualification category is Alexei Nikolaevich Makarov, who has worked in this field of medicine for 17 years. In more than 16 positive comments, Aleksey Nikolayevich’s patients thank him for his help, they call him very responsive, selfless in work and able to provide the necessary help in just two or three sessions.
In Tula, a manual therapist Makarov is receiving an appointment at the Consultant medical center on Kominterna Street 20.
M.A. Skudin
Maxim Alekseevich Skudin is a chiropractor with 16 years of experience. Judging by the reviews on various medical sites, Maxim Alekseevich has a sincere interest in helping clients and providing quality care in the shortest possible time.
You can sign up for an initial consultation with the manual absolutely free of charge in the medical center "Sonavi" on the street of the Tula working regiment, 96/1.
N.F. Gordienko
Natalia Fyodorovna Gordienko, a chiropractor and neurologist, is praised as an ideal specialist not only for children, but also for newborns, with 15 years of professional experience.
In Tula, a chiropractor conducts an appointment at Hospital No. 5 on 27 Timiryazev Street, and at the Shchekinskaya Polyclinic on Yasnaya Polyana.
S.V. Konovalova
A noteworthy chiropractor, as well as an adult and pediatric neurologist, is Svetlana Vadimovna Konovalova, a specialist with 17 years of experience, who is the head doctor of the Berezka psychiatric sanatorium and the head of the Inshinka sanatorium.
In addition to the Inshinka sanatorium located on Odoevskoye Highway 49, the manual therapist Konovalova in Tula works only in the following areas:
- Dubovka village, Pionerskaya street, 20, sanatorium "Birch" (an hour drive from the city).
- Village Novomoskovsk, Park passage, 4A, clinic "L-Med" (an hour drive from the city).
V.V. Klimov
Manual therapist, osteopath and massage therapist Vladislav V. Klimov owns the highest medical category, 15 years of experience, and a certificate of training at the International Academy of Osteopathy and Manual Therapy. It was possible to find few reviews on the Network about the work of Vladislav Valerevich - less than 10. But they are all positive, grateful, and recommend that you seek help only to him.
You can make an appointment with Dr. Klimov at the osteopathic clinic Sun House on 18 Veresaeva Street.
A.A. Gulyaev
Not only the manual, but also the osteopath, neurologist, physiotherapist, rehabilitologist and nutritionist is Alexander Alexandrovich Gulyaev. This is a doctor of the first category, carrying out his medical practice for 18 years. From other manuals, Alexander Alexandrovich is distinguished by the presence in everyday life of several patented authoring techniques that he successfully applies.
The manual Gulyaev is always happy to receive his patients in cosmetology "Aesthetic Med" on Demonstration Street, 1.
A.I. Kislyak
Andrei Ivanovich Kislyak is a chiropractor, neurologist and reflexologist. About his work, I managed to find 18 approving comments on the Web. Patients note the agility and efficiency of Andrei Ivanovich, as well as the ability to work with the whole body, identifying all deviations and eliminating them, and not just with the customer complaints.
The place of work of the manual therapist Kislyak is the medical center "Consultant" on Kominterna street, 20.
Korkotsenko P.Yu.
The list of the best manual therapists in Tula is completed by Pavel Yuryevich Korkotsenko. This is a young doctor with four years of professional experience, but a good reputation, also practicing neurology and osteopathy.
For advice and further assistance, Dr. Korkotsenko can be contacted at Clinic No. 10 at 18th passage, 104.