What muscles work when riding a bicycle and what are its benefits to the body?

Great mood, loss of excess weight, slim legs - these are just a few of the positive effects brought by cycling. In addition, the bike is a great type of outdoor activity and allows you to explore the surroundings with your friends or family and see local attractions.

what muscles work on a bicycle

Muscle benefits

To begin with, what muscles work when riding a bicycle. Of course, the legs are most involved, starting from the feet and calves and ending with the hips and buttocks. If you correctly select the load, then the hips and calves will be toned and slim. But this is not a complete answer to the question of what muscles work when riding a bicycle. In addition to legs, cycling strengthens the back and stomach. Unstretched, weak muscles begin to spring over time. Accordingly, their mass increases with each trip. Hands also work, as it is very difficult to hold the steering wheel while driving on an uneven surface. Triceps and biceps are especially rocking when riding on mountainous and unpaved roads. The bicycle also affects the spine. Therefore, it is important to adjust the seat and steering wheel to suit your height. If your back hurts after cycling, you need to raise the steering wheel a little higher. Sit straight, not bending to the steering wheel and without raising your shoulders. Only in this case, riding will benefit your posture. For people working solely to improve the functioning of the heart and respiratory system, it does not matter at all which muscles work on the bike. Such physical activity is ventilation for the whole body - the pulse grows, blood flows faster and organs are better saturated with oxygen. As a result, endurance increases. You can refer to the atlas for the bodybuilder to see a diagram of what muscles work when riding a bicycle. In general, it must be said that cycling affects the muscles of the whole body, but to a different extent.

what muscles work when riding a bicycle

Weight loss

What muscles work when riding a bicycle, we discussed. Now consider its effect in terms of weight loss. A bicycle is a great fat burning simulator. With a quiet ride at an hour, 300 kilocalories burns out, and with a sports one, it burns about 600 (the same amount is burned during continuous running). Any active effort burns fatty tissue, but cycling can be recommended even for people with heart disease. After all, it is considered the safest, since it does not burden the body above the values ​​you set. Regular training will maintain optimal metabolism and will not allow you to gain weight.

what muscles work when cycling

So, we found out which muscles work when riding a bicycle, and how riding helps reduce weight. The main thing is to always listen to your body and its capabilities. If you feel muscle pain and fatigue, it is better to reduce the load or even interrupt the workout for a while. If, on the contrary, you have an even greater need for movement, then your body has adapted to this sport, and you can gradually increase the load.

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