Fundamentals of organization of fire extinguishing: the study of patterns, elements, the situation in the fire and their elimination

Technological processes are becoming more complicated, the area of ​​development of the objects of the national economy is growing. And along with this is their fire hazard. Therefore, much attention has to be paid to improving professional skills that increase the level of readiness of personnel. All this allows to provide the best protection for property and property of people.

Introductory information

Fire tactics deals with all issues . It includes the theory and practice of the preparation and conduct of activities by units in the performance of duties. By studying it, you can understand the basics of organizing fire fighting and emergency response, according to which professionals act. The main subject of study here is preparation for the elimination of fires using various forces and means. This is done thanks to:

  1. Defining the structure of fire protection.
  2. Development and updating of operational documents.
  3. Justification of the number and locations of units.
  4. Planning tactical and psychological training units.
  5. The development of measures to ensure the necessary conditions for the successful implementation of activities in settlements and at national economic facilities.

But this is not limited to

fire extinguishing organization basics

Fire tactics is also a combination of methods and techniques that are applied taking into account existing capabilities and the specific situation. The necessary tools - equipment, special tools, as well as people using them - form the material basis for organizing fire extinguishing. The general requirements put forward in this activity relate to technical data, the properties of the tools used, the rules for their use, as well as methods to ensure the cessation of combustion.

Important points of activity

When the basics of organizing fire fighting are considered, the order of preparation and emergency response plays a decisive role. This also includes the action plan. As a negative example of unsatisfactory preparation, we can cite the recent sensational events in Kemerovo, when firefighters, when organizing their activities, were more concerned about hanging portraits of Putin and Medvedev instead of saving people. Although these are petty actions, but they show a general level. And how many such moments are left hidden from our views! But returning to the main topic - attention is paid to the actions performed in the process of extinguishing, as well as to prevent fires.

What tasks are performed?

Fundamentals of organization of fire extinguishing and carrying out ASR

Speaking about the basics of fire extinguishing organization and emergency response, one cannot ignore the goals pursued. It should be noted that in recent decades this business has evolved from a descriptive discipline to a scientific one. It is increasingly concentrating on research and identifying patterns, both in the prevention of fires and their extinguishing. This has a significant impact on the tasks performed by fire tactics:

  1. The essence of the processes of development and subsequent extinguishing of fires is studied. The laws that apply to them are established.
  2. Explores the tactical capabilities available to the fire departments.
  3. Methods of action by personnel are being developed.
  4. Organization of tactical training to develop certain moral and combat qualities of personnel.
  5. Guidance on extinguishing fires and actions during them.

What affects the training and subsequent quality of work?

If you list all the factors that affect the implementation of the task, it will soon turn out that there are a lot of them. But if you combine them, it is noticeable that there are two main approaches to their processing and study:

  1. A thorough scientific analysis and study of fire extinguishing processes. It involves the study of constantly changing conditions in which you have to work. It also provides accounting for all changes in the used technical means. On this basis, general provisions are established that reveal the essence of the quenching process.
  2. Conducting experimental work. It involves the study of the combustion of various substances in a fire, as is the case in structures and buildings, and how best to extinguish them.

Improving the tactics used

fire fighting organization basics order

As previously stated, the world is constantly becoming more complex. Therefore, one has to invent something new. This is especially true if emergency rescue operations (ASR) are carried out in dangerous conditions, and not only for people in an unenviable situation, but also for firefighters. Science processed all the experience accumulated by mankind and absorbed the best. She has come a long way in development, but this process continues to this day. The science of the basics of organizing fire extinguishing and carrying out ASR was formed gradually, enriching itself, improving the technical means and capabilities used. For example, earlier, when the settlements consisted mainly of wooden houses, covered with wood chips and straw, the fire that arose inside the building quickly became external. In this case, the tactics of behavior came down exclusively to pouring water from buckets on a burning building.

Not very effective. How to fix it?

Therefore, the tactics of analyzing the burning room were often used, after which individual structures were watered and extinguished. When hand pumps became popular in the seventeenth century, this did not significantly affect the process. This was due to the lack of effectiveness of the tools used and its limited number. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, due to the increase in the size of buildings, as well as the use of fireproof materials, the nature of fires has changed. Increasingly, they arose precisely indoors and reached a huge size. To combat the elements it was necessary to use new tools and methods. Additionally, in the second half of the nineteenth century in the Russian Empire, the oil industry was developing, as well as other areas of production that involve working with flammable substances. The fires arising on them took on truly threatening proportions. Mankind faced the challenges of finding new ways and means of dealing with them.

Results of experience and practice

fire fighting organization basics general requirements

The basics of organizing fire extinguishing and their implementation methods have been developed. Fortunately, relying on the latest achievements of science and technical thought, having qualified and competent personnel, the protection of public property and personal property from fires is carried out successfully. Moreover, changes have occurred both in methodological and technical aspects. Fire fighting has become a full-fledged industry. And it’s not just that. The hazardous conditions in which one has to act require substantial practical and theoretical knowledge. Yes, and with active actions in real conditions, the staff does not act anyhow, but as the adopted tactics say. To master it, a training methodological plan is created. The fundamentals of fire extinguishing organization require that each person involved clearly knows the course of action, the safety rules for extinguishing and saving people and material values. If these questions are not studied, then the payment for such neglect is life. The most general principles are taught in schools. But all the nuances, professional skill, initiative, the ability to withstand high physical exertion, moral qualities - all this can be shown only in real conditions.

About regulatory documentation

The main starting points of the activity are contained in the Order of the Ministry of Emergencies of the Russian Federation No. 156. It summarizes the many years of experience in fire fighting units. There are also certain provisions, principles, rules, which are derived on the basis of a deep analysis of available data and a comprehensive theoretical development of possible situations. So, in Order No. 156 there are guidelines for the organization of extinguishing, ensuring the commonality of views of the commanding staff, and much more. This situation allows you to facilitate the work of the leader and contributes to the decision-making process. But there is one important point! It should be considered only as a guide. The provisions contained in it do not explain the essence of the phenomena that occur during the quenching process. The order contains only ready-made conclusions and generalizations, while the prerequisites are not indicated. But since the situation in a fire can develop in different ways, it is necessary to know not only the provisions of the charter and put it into practice, but also be able to think with your head and use deliberate decisions.

What is needed for successful fire extinguishing management?

fire extinguishing organization basics and their methods

Let's take a look at this from the perspective of the commanding staff. For successful leadership, one should know not only the provisions of the charter, but also understand the essence of the occurring phenomena. This requires high-quality theoretical training. Its receipt is associated with the study of informative works, textbooks, manuals and periodicals. Fire-tactical training and the basics of organizing fire extinguishing require a significant step beyond the framework established by the state bureaucracy. Well, and, of course, experience. Nowhere without him.

A bit about practice and organizational change

Despite the limitations that Order No. 156 has, its implementation is mandatory. This requirement applies to all fire brigade personnel as well as other forces involved. But that’s not the point now. In the second half of the twentieth century, state rescue services were created in many countries. They were called upon to assist people who were affected by the natural disaster. An example is the devastating earthquake that occurred in Armenia in 1988. Then it became obvious that the Soviet Union did not have a service that could effectively and efficiently provide assistance to people. But the rescuers of Switzerland, France and a number of other countries were able to demonstrate professionalism, the ability to expand their activities in the disaster zone offline and a high level of technical equipment. Therefore, a decision was made about the formation of the Russian rescue corps in December 1990. His tasks included ensuring the safety of the population during natural disasters and various technological disasters. In 1994, it was transformed into the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Management. All these points are under his authority. But for simplicity, it is abbreviated simply as the Ministry of Emergencies - the Ministry of Emergencies.

Specific Activities

fire fighting organization basics

But what are the basics of organizing fire fighting in cities? Or in rural areas? If we talk about urban conditions, it often turns out that there are blocked people whose path to the street is cut off. And there is a need for their evacuation. But just how? Using the fire escape! Therefore, special vehicles that operate in urban conditions are equipped with long stairs. But thanks to the use of concrete and bricks, the fire does not spread very quickly (although heaters, increasingly used recently, can contribute to it). But on the territory of private development, the use of vehicles with a large supply of quenching agent is more relevant. Why? Compared to urban conditions, there is a source of water very often at hand, and the conditions for the spread of fire are not the best. Whereas in small settlements and villages this can be a problem. Well, if the rivulet is fifty meters there. But, you see, this is rare. Yes, both wells and centralized water supply are not too common. And if you recall that very often residential buildings are built of wood, and if not, then auxiliary buildings are made of wood. So, it turns out that a lot of water is needed, but there is nowhere to take it from.


the basics of fire fighting and emergency response

Here, the basics of extinguishing a fire are considered. It should be remembered that you must be careful with fire - it quickly absorbs human buildings. If a fire occurred somewhere, and it was not possible to extinguish it in the first few (tens) seconds, then it is urgent to call firefighters and continue to carry out the elimination of fire on their own. But be aware of the hot gas and the danger of burns, especially if there is a strong wind. After all, knowing what constitutes the basics of organizing fire extinguishing, the procedure for dealing with fires and the ability to fight fire in reality are two different things.

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