Brass knuckles tattoo: beautiful rudeness

Among the many meanings of tattoos, people sometimes do not think about what message a drawing applied by their will to their own skin can carry. This is not bad for those who do not pay attention to the prejudices and stereotypes of others. However, it will not hurt to know the history and symbolism of the image to its future or already present owner.

The history of brass knuckles in symbolism

The word "brass knuckles" came from the phrase, which in France means "pierced head." This type of knives appeared during the gladiatorial battles. Then he looked a little like modern. Now brass knuckles - a metal plate with holes for the fingers and palm rest. Throughout the history of brass knuckles, various types of weapons appeared as sailors, sailors, soldiers, bodyguards, etc. Thanks to brass knuckles sailors, they earned the rank of hooligan weapon, because day and night sailors scurrying around the sea, returning to shore, had the habit of pouring water shortages on drier with alcohol, resulting in fights using the weapons mentioned.

tattoo brass knuckles meaning

The history of body art

The Fistette tattoo owes its birth to the old school style (or Old School from English). This style also originates from naval adventures, because it was these people who wore colorful drawings on their bodies with the interweaving of weapons, alcohol, flowers and much more.

Having migrated to the human body in the form of a drawing, brass knuckles still carried with it its hooligan past. Associating with the criminal world, both the weapon and the owner’s drawing evoked a corresponding mood in those around him.

brass knuckles tattoo

Tattoo meanings

People who take into account symbolism and want to wear a brass knuckles tattoo, the significance of which is unknown to them, can again turn to history. Various decryption:

  • Honesty - at first, considering brass knuckles an honest weapon, striking them secretly is not realistic, people gave the brass knuckles tattoo exactly this semantic property.
  • Meanness - in the person of people this quality is well read, especially when brass knuckles suddenly appear from them, unarmed, like the enemy, from a sleeve or pocket. This was abused by many petty criminals.
  • Aggression - all the same sailors gave this property a tattoo, not restraining themselves in a state of intoxication from fights.
  • Confidence - drawing a picture in the form of a weapon that has carried a criminal hooligan story on itself, instills in its owner a sense of confidence and strength.
  • Attitude to the criminal world - modernity, due to prejudice, cannot but classify people with a brass knuckles tattoo on the body to illegal subjects.

Each of the stated values ​​is rather vague and cannot be officially recognized. Historically established meanings, like the old days, are a thing of the past. Therefore, to adhere to symbolism in the case of choosing the “Brass knuckles” tattoo, one can be guided by modern positive or negative associations with this weapon personally for each person.

brass knuckles tattoo designs

Combination with other images

When viewing sketches of the “Brass knuckles” tattoo, you can choose not only an independent image of the weapon, but also its combination with other drawings. Often use the addition of the following elements to the brass knuckles:

  • blood splatter - increase the aggressive value of brass knuckles;
  • inscriptions, status mottos;
  • clover - adding luck to a severe weapon;
  • flowers, various twisting vegetation, stars, hearts, cute drawings - emollient value for brass knuckles;
  • spike vines, flowers with thorns, a heart entwined with a ribbon or chain - an expression of hidden aggression, rejection of strangers and strangers;
  • characters - people, animals with an aggressive look or grimace - scare away strangers, express wariness and rejection of the owner of the tattoo to strangers;
  • other weapons (cold, firearms, weapons with explosives) - the desire of the owner to seem dangerous, not letting the enemies go down.

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