Heterochromia in humans - a disease or a piquant feature?

heterochromia in humans

No wonder since ancient times, people considered the eyes a mirror of the soul. Many superstitions and signs, proverbs, sayings were associated with the eyes. However, with the development of progress, many ancient prejudices were dispelled. For example, a phenomenon such as heterochromia can be attributed to them. In humans, it is observed quite rarely and is manifested in the fact that the color of the irises on the right and left eye differs from each other in color. The name consists of two Greek triplets: “hetero” - “different” and “chrome” - “color”. Once heterochromia, the reasons for which are unclear even now, was considered a serious ailment. Doctors prescribed herbal compresses, lotions, and even advised resorting to more serious measures. In the Middle Ages, people with this feature were considered sorcerers and witches in Europe. They were afraid, and often fought with oddities. Some prejudice remained for a long time, partly it is present now. Thanks to her, the famous Bulgakov’s Woland probably got different eyes.

Disease or feature?

Modern ophthalmology is inclined to the idea that the color of the iris, different in two eyes, does not affect vigilance or the ability to distinguish colors, and in general has no negative consequences.

It is well established that heterochromia in humans can be hereditary, but it encodes its recessive gene. This means that it can manifest itself in one, two or more generations. As studies of this phenomenon continue, it is too early to say for sure about its absolute harmfulness, as well as about complete safety. Doctors recommend that all holders of special eyes have a responsible attitude to health and do not forget about medical examinations.

heterochromia of the eyes in humans

Forms and Features

Ophthalmologists distinguish two forms: full and partial (sector). Complete heterochromia of the eyes in people manifests itself in the form of a completely different color of the right and left irises. For example, one eye may be brown, the other blue. By the way, this is the most common combination. With sector distinctive color has part of the iris. For example, a green-eyed person has a gray spot on one of the eyes. There is another type - acquired heterochromia. It happens in those who have received injuries or burns of their organs of vision. Sometimes this effect is manifested in brain damage.

Heterochromia in numbers

Experts say that the average frequency of this phenomenon is low. Heterochromia in humans occurs in one case out of 250 thousand. According to doctors, women have different eyes more often than men. Sector form is quite rare, but the full one is observed in most "patients".

heterochromia reasons

Animal world

Today, breeders of thoroughbred cats and dogs of certain breeds, such a highlight is the mainstream. First of all, this applies to such dog breeds as husky, husky, malamutes. In these northern beauties, you can often see eyes that are painted asymmetrically. For example, one is white-blue, the second is dark blue. Cats often surprise their owners with far more radical combinations. Heterochromia in animals is much more common than in humans.

Eyes of the stars

Seeing rather modest statistics, one could assume that the celebrity has a minimal chance of seeing such a miracle. In fact, among the stars there are many owners of multi-colored eyes. For example, the Australian actress Jane Seymour, known to the world for the series “Doctor Queen”.

The bright beauty Demi Moore also clearly shows heterochromia. Photos of the actress prove that one of her eyes is brown, the second is green.

heterochromia photo

Benedict Cumberbatch, who played the role of Sherlock Holmes, is the owner of unusual eyes. Both of its irises are gray-green, but on one there is a brown speck. A distinctive feature is the left eye of David Bowie. He acquired pseudo-heterochromia as a result of an injury received in a school brawl. Now the actor’s left pupil cannot narrow, and a spot appears on the iris that can change color from blue to green.

Among the stars there are imitators - those who were born with the most ordinary eyes, but who are not indifferent to such raisins in appearance. For example, rocker Marilyn Manson. The image invented by this king is shocking with the contrast of the almost white left eye and the jet black right.

human heterochromia

Modern science at the service of the people

As the last example shows, some are attracted to heterochromia. A person with the same eyes sometimes has a desire to add some zest to his appearance. But many owners of unusual eyes want to get rid of it. Modern science allows us to achieve both effects without any surgical intervention. To correct the shade of the iris, it is enough to put colored lenses. The choice of colors and shapes is huge. All the means available in the arsenal of ophthalmologists relate exclusively to the decorative side of the issue. Any drugs designed to eradicate the cause of different eye color are not currently used.

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