Christmas quiz for children and adults

Probably everyone saw at least one issue of games like β€œWhat?” Where? When? ”,β€œ Clever and clever ”orβ€œ Weak link ”. The faces of the participants are concentrated, the response time is limited, the voltage is such that the air can be cut with a knife. What unites these games? That they are all quizzes.

This is a game whose purpose is to verbally or in writing answers to questions from various fields.

Children play quiz with father

Famous games of our TV

On television, the quiz tightly occupied its niche. The following are an example of the top rated ones:

  • "My own game".
  • "What where When?"
  • The Brain Ring.
  • "Field of Dreams".
  • "Who want to be a millionaire?"
  • "Clever and clever."
  • "Weak link."

Types of Quizzes

This game can often be made thematic, for example, on culinary themes, themes of patriotism or the history of Russia of the 20th century. It all depends on the purpose of the game and on where and with whom it is planned to conduct it.

And also an important moment - when. So, on the eve of the New Year, the Christmas quiz is one of the most popular.

Entertainment Format

Quizzes are:

  • With answer options, for example: "Choose from the 4 proposed options the correct one."
  • With open questions - when the participant needs to formulate the answer himself.
  • With yes / no answer options.
Smiling children

Sample game for children and adults

Below is an example of a game - a Christmas quiz with answers in an open form. Here the participant is required to voice the correct answer himself, without prompting. Such a game will be interesting for both adults and children. Christmas quiz will broaden your horizons and increase the overall level of erudition of any participant.

Both the New Year and the Christmas holidays are closely linked in the eyes of Russians. In our case, the quiz on the Christmas theme also includes a number of New Year's questions. Respondents need to have knowledge from a wide range of fields.

So, let's get started: Christmas quiz of different difficulty levels.

Initial difficulty:

  1. Where is the residence of Santa Claus? (Great Ustyug).
  2. It is necessary to continue the line from the poem: "Frost and the sun ..." (Wonderful day).
  3. The month when winter begins and the year ends (December).
  4. If the sled is prepared in the summer, when is the cart prepared? (In winter).
  5. In addition to the countries of the former USSR, this female New Year's character is no longer anywhere. (Snow Maiden).
  6. How many years ago was Jesus Christ born? (2019).
  7. Where is the residence of Santa Claus? (Lapland).
  8. This celebration sees off the winter (Maslenitsa).
  9. This tree is dressed up instead of a Christmas tree in warm countries (palm tree).
  10. Which of the towers of the Kremlin is most often shown on New Year's Eve? (Spasskaya).
  11. How many hours in Vladivostok celebrate New Year earlier than in Moscow? (At seven).
  12. What institution do heroes with friends of a famous movie go to on December 31 every year? (To the bathhouse).
Snowflakes outside the window

Medium difficulty:

  1. Which ruler ordered in 1700 that the New Year is now celebrated on January 1? (Peter the First).
  2. What does American Santa Claus get into the house? (Chimney).
  3. The fragments of this item made the fairy-tale heroes of one winter's tale insensitive. (Mirrors).
  4. Which palace bears the same name as the cold season? ("Winter").
  5. What was the name of the king who ruled the country where Christ was born? (Herod).
  6. This Scandinavian god is a type of Santa Claus. (God is one).
  7. Santa's most famous helper is the red-nosed Rudolph. What kind of animal is that? (Fawn).
  8. The name day of this Russian hero is celebrated on January 1 by the Russian Orthodox Church. (Ilya Muromets).
  9. There is a tradition in Norway: every year this country gives Britain a gift in gratitude for its help in World War II. What is this gift? (Christmas tree).
  10. Ostrovsky wrote the dramatic work The Snow Maiden, and this composer wrote an opera based on it. (Rimsky-Korsakov).
  11. On New Year's Day, a red hat is put on the Manneken Pis fountain. And in what city is this fountain located? (Brussels).
christmas quiz

High difficulty level:

  1. Who triumphs in winter, according to Alexander Pushkin? (Peasant).
  2. How many years can a spruce live? (300-400 years).
  3. Who, according to Tyutchev, laughs in the eyes of winter? (Spring).
  4. What craft representatives were the first to know about the Nativity of Jesus Christ? (Shepherds).
  5. Who is the author of the lines β€œOnce in the icy winter season I left the forest. There was a severe frost "? (Nekrasov).
  6. What country did Mary and the baby run to and Joseph from Bethlehem? (Egypt).
  7. This man was not only the founder of Protestantism, a German theologian and monk, it is believed that it was he who came up with the first to decorate a Christmas tree. What was his name? (Martin Luther).
  8. The song Jingle Bells originally had a different name and was not written for Christmas. For which holiday this song was originally recorded (to celebrate Thanksgiving).
  9. What is the name of the scientist who invented the electric garland? (Edward Johnson).
  10. In this country, both Orthodox and Catholic Christmas are celebrated at the official level. (Belarus).


Christmas quiz will revive any evening of the New Year holidays. It will bring children and adults together and bring a sense of celebration. In the New Year holidays, a Christmas quiz with answers in a warm family circle is a great alternative to TV. And if after years of asking a child what you remember best from the New Year holidays, hardly anyone will remember about expensive gifts or a chic table. Indeed, the kindest childhood memories are saturated with the comfort and warmth of the family hearth, and the Christmas quiz held by parents will be remembered by the children for life.

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