The pancreas is an extremely important structure. After all, this organ is not only involved in the digestion processes, but is also part of the endocrine system, providing regulation and utilization of glucose in the blood. Of course, such a structure requires adequate blood supply. The pancreas feeds on many vessels. As you know, any violation of blood flow adversely affects the work of the body and can lead to tissue necrosis.
That is why many people are interested in additional information. What is the blood supply to the pancreas? The scheme, the main arteries and veins, the features of innervation and lymph flow are important points. To study this data is more detailed.
Blood supply to the pancreas. Anatomy and General Information
Before considering the main vessels, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the structure of the organ itself. The pancreas is located behind the stomach, directly above the solar plexus. They consist of a head, body and tail. By the way, the gland is the second largest in the body and has a lobed structure. The tail of the organ abuts against the spleen, and the head lies on the loop of the duodenum.
Specific cells of this gland synthesize enzymes, in particular trypsin, lipase, lactase, which provide the digestion of protein, carbohydrate and fat molecules. In addition, important hormones are produced in the tissues of the body, in particular insulin and glucagon.
Arterial blood supply to the pancreas
We have already dealt with the structure and features of the functioning of the body. How is the blood supply to the pancreas?
In fact, this body does not have its own vessels. Blood is delivered to tissues through the branches of the splenic, hepatic, and superior mesenteric arteries. The nutrition of the organ head is provided by the superior mesenteric and hepatic arteries, which originate from the lower and upper pancreatoduodenal vessels.
In turn, pancreatoduodenal arteries connect blood vessels into an arc, which provides a constant circular movement of blood.
Gastro duodenal artery: features of blood flow
Some people are interested in questions about how the blood supply to the stomach and pancreas is provided. A significant role here is played by the gastro-duodenal artery, which departs from the common renal artery. This vessel, as a rule, reaches a length of 20-40 mm, and its diameter is 2.5-5.0 mm.
This vessel is located behind the stomach, which controls the processes of food intake. Also, the vessel crosses the initial sections of the intestine. He is partially responsible for the blood supply to the pancreas and duodenum, stomach and nearby tissues.
By the way, any surgical interventions on the pancreas (for example, removal of a part of the head) can lead to displacement, impaired blood circulation and further necrosis of this vessel.
Venous outflow
Venous vessels should not be overlooked when considering blood supply. The pancreas has a highly developed arterial network. The outflow of blood is also carried out by a mass of small vessels that merge into multiple branches and eventually flow into the portal vein system.
From the head of the gland, the hook-shaped process and the duodenum, blood is collected through vessels that run parallel to the pancreas and duodenum. The most functional are the lower pancreatic-duodenal veins, which are one, less often two trunks included in the superior mesenteric vein. Additionally, blood from the head of the gland and parts of the duodenum is collected in the right gastro-omental vein.
As for the tail and body of the gland, the outflow of blood in this case is carried out through the pancreatic branches of the splenic vein. Blood is also collected by a large inferior vein, which subsequently flows into the inferior or superior mesenteric vein.
Lymphatic vessels of the pancreas
When considering the blood supply to the pancreas, one should not forget about the flow of lymph, because this biological fluid is no less important.
Lymphatic vessels that collect lymph from the pancreas are inextricably linked to the general lymphatic system of the remaining organs. Small capillaries collect fluid from the islets of Langerhans and acini, and then combine into small vessels that run parallel to the blood vessels.
Subsequently, the lymph flows into the pancreatic and pancreatoduodenal lymph nodes, which spread near the upper edge of the pancreas, as well as at its front and back surfaces. Further, the fluid collects in larger splenic and celiac lymph nodes (they belong to second-order collectors).
Pancreatic innervation
The innervation (or rather, nervous regulation) of the pancreas is provided by the branches of the right vagus nerve. In addition, the sympathetic nerves of the solar plexus (in particular, the celiac) act on the tissues of the organ.
It is worth noting that the sympathetic nerves regulate the tone of the venous walls, through which the outflow of blood from the gland is carried out. At the same time, parasympathetic nerve fibers are involved in the production and secretion of digestive enzymes.
Damage to the aforementioned nerves leads to the development of hemodynamic and neurovegetative disorders. Also, with injuries, motor-evacuation disorders from the gastrointestinal tract are observed.
Secretory activity of the organ and nerve impulses
Many people are interested in questions about how the pancreas works. Blood supply and innervation are important issues to consider.
As already mentioned, the activity of an organ is regulated by parasympathetic fibers of the vagus nerve. Nerve impulses received from these nerve endings activate the processes of production and secretion of digestive enzymes.
The sympathetic nerves act differently. Short-term irritation of the celiac nerve leads to a halt in the secretion of pancreatic juice. Nevertheless, long-term stimulation is also accompanied by intensive secretion of enzymes.
It should be noted that even with damage to the nerves described above, pancreatic secretion does not stop, as it is supported by humoral regulatory mechanisms.
Alcohol abuse and circulatory disorders of the pancreas
Alcohol negatively affects the work of the whole organism, in particular the pancreas. The fact is that alcoholic beverages cause narrowing of the small vessels of the organ. In this regard, the gland tissue does not receive much-needed nutrients and oxygen. In chronic alcoholism, cells begin to die, which threatens more massive necrosis.
In addition, the abuse of strong drinks often contributes to the deposition of salts in the tail of the organ, which also negatively affects the work of the gland. According to statistics, in women, such processes are faster than in men.
Circulatory disorders in the tissues of the gland: causes, symptoms and treatment
Impaired circulation is very dangerous. The pancreas consumes a lot of oxygen and nutrients that it needs for synthetic processes.
This pathology is rarely independent. In most cases, circulatory disorders are associated with other diseases, in particular atherosclerosis and heart failure. These pathologies lead to a violation of the venous outflow from the tissues of the gland.
It is worth noting immediately that diagnosing this disease is not easy. The fact is that the clinical picture is blurred, as the symptoms of the primary disease come to the fore. Violation of the venous outflow negatively affects the work of the pancreas - it swells and increases in size, but the synthesis of enzymes and hormones is deactivated.
The lack of enzymes primarily affects digestion. Some patients report the occurrence of dyspepsia. There are pains in the abdomen, heaviness in the stomach, rumbling, bloating, increased gas formation, which is often accompanied by severe pain.
Diagnose a violation of the outflow of blood in the tissues of the pancreas with the help of tests. For example, against the background of a similar pathology, the activity of trypsin and amylase in the blood serum increases. At the same time, amylase activity in urine samples is moderately increased.
Ultrasound is also informative, since during the procedure the doctor can detect edema and a change in the size of the pancreas. In a laboratory study of feces, you can detect the presence of a large number of undigested substances, which are completely absorbed during normal digestive system function.
In the absence of treatment, as well as in the case of serious circulatory disorders in the tissues of the gland, diabetes can develop (the body ceases to synthesize the insulin so needed by the body).
There is no specific therapy in this case, since first you need to eliminate the underlying disease. Nevertheless, patients are prescribed a special gentle diet and recommend fractional nutrition (often, but in small portions). In the presence of serious digestive disorders, patients take medications that contain pancreatic enzymes.