A medical certificate to replace a driver’s license. Medical Board for Rights

A medical certificate to replace a driver’s license is required for anyone who has expired this document. In this case, it is established whether the person at the time of the examination has contraindications to driving cars and other moving equipment.

medical certificate to replace a driver’s license

About where to get a driver’s medical certificate

Currently, it is easiest to obtain a similar document in private medical centers that have the appropriate permission to issue certificates of this type. It is worth noting that the simplicity and high speed of passing such a commission will cost the patient quite expensive. The fact is that a medical certificate to replace a driver’s license requires visiting a number of specialists and passing several tests. The cost of examination by doctors and laboratory, as well as instrumental studies in private centers is much higher than in state. Moreover, tests in paid clinics will be checked much faster, and there are no queues for specialists there.

medical board for rights

A medical examination for rights passed in a public health institution will require much lower cash costs. In this case, the speed of its passage will be noticeably lower.

Different centers - one result

Many believe that if, according to the results of the commission, they were not allowed to drive a car in one medical institution, then in another they will be able to pass it with a positive verdict for themselves. This opinion is erroneous. The fact is that a medical certificate to replace a driver’s license will allow a person to drive a car only when he has no contraindications. Moreover, they are all identified by the same document. So there is absolutely no difference where exactly the person passes the commission, for the final result.

How long is the certificate issued?

This document remains valid only for a certain period. How many years the validity of a driver’s medical certificate applies depends on the presence or absence of various diseases. In the event that a person does not have any serious ailments, the extension period may be 2 years. If the state of health of the examined person causes the doctor any questions, then the time interval between medical commissions can be reduced up to 1 year. After the expiration of this document, a driver’s medical certificate must be replaced in a timely manner. Otherwise, the traffic police may have serious complaints against the driver.

driver’s medical certificate

How long does the commission last?

It depends on the center that the person has chosen. If we are talking about private clinics, then a medical certificate to replace a driver’s license can be obtained in almost a day. In the event that a person gave preference to a state institution, the process can drag on for up to a week.

It is worth noting that most of the various commissions, including the driver’s, take place in the first half of the year. As a result, September-November is a great time to get a driver’s medical certificate.

What tests and studies have to go through?

In order to get a driver’s medical certificate, it’s necessary to go through several tests and studies. Among the main ones:

  • general blood analysis;
  • general urine analysis;
  • blood glucose test;
  • electrocardiography;
  • fluorography.

Depending on the patient’s presence of certain diseases, specialists may refer him to an additional examination. In addition, additional examinations in stationary conditions may be necessary.

What kind of specialists will you have to visit?

The certificate of the driver’s medical commission will be signed only if the person passes all the necessary specialists. Among them:

  • surgeon;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • ENT specialist;
  • neurologist;
  • gynecologist (for representatives of the beautiful half of humanity);
  • psychiatrist;
  • expert in narcology;
  • therapist.

At the surgeon's appointment

A new driver’s medical certificate will not be issued without visiting this specialist. This is due to the fact that surgical pathology quite often causes a person to refuse the right to drive a motor vehicle. Most often, we are talking about those cases where the subject in the past had any injuries. Also, birth defects in the development of the musculoskeletal system may be the cause of the ban.


The medical commission for the rights without fail involves visits by the candidate for drivers of this specialist. He is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases affecting the central or peripheral nervous system. One of the most common ailments in which a medical certificate to replace a driver’s license will prohibit driving a car is epilepsy.

replacement driver’s medical certificate


Most often, this is the same doctor. As for the psychiatrist, he will certainly ask the passing commission several questions. In addition, the specialist will check whether the person is registered for one or another mental illness, whether he has had any suicidal attempts in the past.

If we talk about taking a narcologist, then for a person who has never really abused alcoholic beverages and has not taken any drugs, it will proceed very quickly. If earlier the patient had to visit this specialist not only to undergo a medical examination, then he may have serious problems with obtaining permission to drive a car.

New driver's medical certificate


This specialist is involved in the detection and treatment of diseases of the ears, throat, and nose. In the event that they reach significant severity, then the person may not sign a certificate of successful passage of the driver's commission. At the same time, the conclusion of the otorhinolaryngologist very rarely becomes the reason for the ban on driving motor vehicles.

get a driver’s medical certificate

Without an ophthalmologist, nowhere

One of the key specialists that must be completed as part of the medical commission is an ophthalmologist. The highlight of the appointment will be eye examination. The fact is that a visually impaired person can cause enormous problems for all traffic. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary that a patient with low vision will be forbidden to drive a car. An ophthalmologist will help him in solving his problems. The doctor will prescribe the patient a rational course of treatment or prescribe wearing glasses or contact lenses with certain corrective characteristics.

What will the therapist say?

A certificate from the driver’s medical commission will not be signed without going through a therapist. The fact is that it is this specialist who most often makes diagnoses prohibiting a person from driving a car. Typically, the cause of such limitations is grade 2 or 3 hypertension. At the same time, if in the second case a person is explicitly forbidden to participate in traffic as a driver, in the first case the approach will be individual. The fact is that the second degree of arterial hypertension becomes a ban for driving motor transport only when a person has been diagnosed with at least six hypertensive crises in the previous year.

In addition to arterial hypertension, other diseases of the cardiovascular system also become causes of driving bans. Especially if there is a serious circulatory failure. In the post-stroke and post-infarction periods, the driver’s medical commission certificate is not issued for 1 year, even if the person already feels normal. The patient will not be able to obtain permission to drive vehicles even during the oncological process.

Any acute illness is a reason to postpone the commission. It’s also not worth trying just not to complain to the therapist about any symptoms of various colds. The fact is that in acute respiratory diseases in the vast majority of cases, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is at least increased. As a result, the doctor still will not sign the certificate, and can still send for additional studies, for which you also have to pay extra.

action driver's medical certificate

How much is?

The cost of passing a medical driver’s commission largely depends on which particular healthcare institution the person applied to. In state clinics, its cost usually ranges from 800 to 1200 rubles. As for private medical centers, this service there will cost from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles.

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