Ultrasonic inhaler "Monsoon": description, specifications, operating conditions

Silent, portable Monsoon inhalers are designed to treat the upper respiratory tract in inflammatory processes. It is convenient to take them to work or on a trip. Moreover, they work both from the mains and from the battery. As a solution for inhalation, it is allowed to use oil formulations, phytopreparations or mineral water.


The Russian ultrasonic inhaler is connected to a network with a voltage of 220 W through a network adapter. The weight of the device, which works completely silently, is only 170 g. The inhaler has dimensions of 150 x 80 x 50 mm. The device has an adjustable intensity of nebulization of drugs, which are placed in a capacity of 9 ml. The liquid intended for inhalation is poured into a 14 ml chamber. Power consumption is 6 W, and the ultrasonic frequency is 2.64 MHz.

Description of medical device

The enterprise OJSC Almaz has been producing medical equipment since 1990, releasing a number of models of portable inhalers. All of them have the same principle of operation, but have slight differences in configuration. For example, the Monsoon Comfort ultrasonic inhaler contains only two nozzles with mouthpieces, and all other parts are the same as other types of models. All devices are easy to operate, which even children can handle.

Inhaler Options

They are used to treat inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. The principle of inhalation is based on the creation of an aerosol using high-frequency vibrations and its entry through the nipple into the respiratory tract. The devices have small dimensions, work silently, maintain high reliability and good performance.

Purpose of a medical device

The Monsoon medical inhaler is recommended for the treatment of the following ailments:

  • Colds in the upper respiratory tract.
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • Bronchiectatic disease associated with inferior functioning of the bronchi.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
  • Cystic fibrosis, causing severe respiratory failure.
monsoon inhaler comfort ultrasonic

Using the device has a beneficial effect in the treatment of all these diseases. The device helps protect the mucous membranes of the nose and throat from the effects of smog, oxides of heavy metals and gases.

Ultrasonic inhaler "Monsoon-2"

This device is designed by manufacturers for use in the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases. It can be used for both children and adults. For procedures, the kit contains:

  • Children's mask - equipped with an elastic tube that does not limit the mobility of the baby.
  • Adult mask - allows you to get a solution containing a large concentration of drugs.
  • A set of glasses - for setting the exact dosage of the drug and protecting the piezoelectric element of the device from the influence of the solution.

Simple management of the inhaler makes it possible for adults and children to use it at home. The procedures carried out with the help of this medical product help to significantly improve the patient's condition: relieve swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, facilitate breathing, and stop the inflammatory process. With high power, the device is capable of spraying solutions containing essential oils. With its help, hormonal, antiseptic, mucolytic, astringent, antifungal drugs of mineral and plant origin are easily sprayed. It should be noted that the inhaler does not create noise during operation, and the size of the sprayed particles does not exceed 4 microns. It can be successfully used for aromatherapy sessions.

Instructions for use of the device

When using the Monsoon inhaler, you must:

  1. Insert the adapter into the connector located at the bottom of the device.
  2. Release sprayer compartment from cover.
  3. Pour into it a liquid with a temperature of 20-30 degrees at the indicated mark.
  4. Pour the medicine (9 ml) into a glass and place in a spray chamber.
  5. Close the lid of the spray chamber and insert the fitting.
  6. Connect the device to the mains.
Working Monsoon

After preparatory work, press the ON button and proceed with the procedure. When using an inhaler for children from cough and runny nose, use a baby mask. It works for 10 minutes, after which a break is needed. To do this, press the OFF button and turn it off. After the procedure, the device is disassembled, the containers are washed and disinfection is carried out.

Advantages and disadvantages

The inhaler, designed for the prevention and treatment of respiratory organs, strengthens the immune system, relieves swelling, reduces inflammation and improves sputum discharge. The main advantages are:

  • Spraying the smallest particles of drugs allows you to use the device for babies from birth.
  • Thanks to the noiselessness it is allowed to use the inhaler even at night.
  • The compact size makes it possible to take it on trips.
  • The economical use of drugs.
  • Automatic shutdown of the device after 10 minutes does not allow it to overheat.
  • Minimum power consumption.
  • Long term of operation - five years.
aerosol mask kit

No significant flaws were found in the device. The plastic on the case seems thin, but the manufacturer guarantees its durability.

Monsoon inhaler reviews

Reviews about its use, which are left by consumers, are different. Most are positive, but there are also negative ones.

Many people use an inhaler for children who often suffer from laryngitis, acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. Parents believe that this is salvation in the fight against the disease. After use, breathing improves, edema subsides, and mucus begins to flow away.

Other parents note that the device has an inconvenient design, and working with it is not easy, especially with young children. Attached is a set of aerosol masks. If there are no problems with an adult, then the baby mask does not fit well, and the elastic falls to the neck. Moreover, it is noted that its storage is also not entirely thought out. It fits completely in the box, but it does not close.

Users are very pleased that the device works silently, and you can use it at night. "Monsoon" makes it possible to do procedures with decoctions of herbs, which some inhalers do not allow. It serves longer than the warranty period, up to two years.

Instead of a conclusion

The Monsoon inhaler is a device for conducting effective procedures for diseases of the respiratory tract and aromatherapy with essential oils.

ultrasonic monsoon inhaler 2

The device is recommended for all patients with no age limit. The low noise level makes it possible to use the inhaler at night. The compactness of the device makes it easy to carry and use in any environment.

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