Treatment of tonsillitis with folk remedies

General intoxication of the whole organism, local inflammation of the tonsils - a characteristic picture for acute tonsillitis. Angina can be follicular, lacunar, catarrhal. It depends on which tonsils are inflamed: lingual, tubal, pharyngeal or palatine, which are affected more often than others.

Treatment of tonsillitis should be carried out without delay, since the complications caused by it are very dangerous: rheumatism, myocarditis, pharyngeal abscess, glomerulonephritis, laryngeal edema, inflammation of the middle ear. Almost the entire body is affected. In addition, angina can signal that a person has blood diseases, diphtheria, problems with the immune system.

Treatment of tonsillitis is aimed at coping with general poisoning of the body, increasing its resistance and affecting the focus of inflammation. From the very first day, a person must endure the disease in bed, dress warmly, drink plenty of hot liquid, gargle with warm solutions. In the acute form of the disease, antibiotics and other drugs can not be dispensed with.

When chronic tonsillitis is often repeated , treatment with folk remedies becomes the main one. They need to be used in combination to act simultaneously on all organs and systems that affect the disease.

So, immunity is positively affected by biostimulant plants, which include Schisandra chinensis, prickly eleutherococcus, Aralia Manchurian, safflower levzea, ginseng and others.

It is often useful to eat garlic and onions, preparing tinctures, pastes for sandwiches from them and, of course, fresh.

Teas and infusions taken by the patient in large quantities should have antimicrobial, restorative, desensitizing, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, immunostimulating properties, contain many different vitamins. Plants having such qualities include: elecampane tall, Icelandic moss, sage, raspberry and birch leaves, a three-part sequence, linden, viburnum and chamomile flowers, medicinal chicory, oregano grass.

Support and strengthen the heart helps receiving warm infusions of hawthorn, May lily of the valley, valerian, motherwort.

To choose how to treat chronic tonsillitis, you need to take into account the condition of a sick person and the presence of certain drugs.

Some healers advise a comprehensive treatment of tonsillitis, combining local herbal medicine (rinsing) and general (taking decoctions inside). You can fight chronic tonsillitis for years. During an exacerbation, the duration of treatment should not be less than one month. And the first year in remission, you need to spend it every six weeks, taking a seven to ten day break. In the future, three to four courses should be carried out per year.

Gargle using 100 g of infusion should be three times throughout the day. Immediately preparing his daily portion of 6 g of phyto-collection, filled with 0.3 l of boiling water. Five minutes you need to boil the broth and insist an hour in the heat.

There are several options for herbal preparations used for this purpose:

1. Grass of a string, tansy and meadow clover flowers, oak bark - equally.

2. Pine buds, chamomile flowers, nettle grass, thyme grass - equally.

3. Leaves of eucalyptus, sage and St. John's wort grass, leaves of coltsfoot - equally.

For oral administration, you can prepare a decoction of such components, also taken in the same proportions: angelica rhizome, pine buds, rosemary shoots, verbena grass, shepherd’s bag, wormwood and peppermint, eucalyptus and raspberry leaves. Grind the collection into powder, brew 8 grams of it 0.3 liters of boiling water, let it brew for four hours in a thermos, after filtering, drink a glass of the product in 4 doses.

Herbal medicine, which is the treatment of tonsillitis, should be constant, persistent, only then can a successful result be guaranteed.

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