In accordance with the theory of organic functions in TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), 12 main organs are paired into yin-yang: colon and lungs, stomach and spleen, heart and small intestine, hepatobiliary system. Normally, they coexist in equilibrium. With pathologies, yin or yang begins to prevail, then in the organs insufficiency or redundancy of functions is noted.
Each organ has strictly its own meridian, through which it is connected with other organs and the surface of the body. This ensures the integrity of the body in the form of energy bonds of all meridians. Chi energy successively passes through all meridians per day. If this process is disrupted and the channel is clogged, the disease manifests itself throughout the body.
The device of the meridian system
The term meridian is a route. It is also called the conductor of energy.
TCM meridians are channels of qi energy channels or its circulation paths. They penetrate our body along and across, but do not belong to the blood vessels and nerves. Qi routes are constant and the same for everyone.
The organ meridian continues to work even after removal of the organ (for example, spleen, kidney, etc.). The terms “lung meridian” and “lung channel” are thus identical.
Any meridian has 2 hours of the highest and 2 hours of the lowest activity. This is important when prescribing treatment. Each meridian has its own active points, by the influence of which various diseases can be treated. There are only 11 active points of the lung meridian. There are 12 main meridians in the system, one of which is the lung channel.
Lung canal system
In French sources, the meridian of the lungs is indicated by the letter P, or LU according to TCM. The meridian is paired, manual, symmetrical, centrifugal, is a representative of yin.
The lung meridian system (P) includes all parts of the respiratory system, from the nasal cavity to the lungs.
Physiological significance - providing the body with oxygen. The meridian also includes skin and hair.
Chinese traditional medicine gives the lung meridian the following functions:
- regulation of metabolism and respiration;
- skin and hair condition;
- work of the heart on blood circulation;
- sweating.
The maximum activity by time of day is from 3 to 5 hours.
The diagnostic key for the channel is the nose. This means that the first signs of canal disorders are immediately reflected on the nose (thickening of its wings, for example). Also look at the presence of skin rashes. The lung meridian is paired, i.e. branched into right and left halves.
Its right and left channels are absolutely symmetrical and interconnected. Oriental leadership begins to study the meridians precisely from the canal of the lungs, because the beginning of life is in the first breath. The Chinese also believe that the lungs control the interaction between all parenchymal organs, similar to the way the chancellor rules the state.
Channel Channel P
The lung meridian takes qi energy from liver F meridian at its 14th point. Then he goes to the point P1 "Zhong-fu" to the lungs. Going around them, qi goes in a circle to GI. This is nothing but a canal of the large intestine. Any TKM meridian has 2 moves - external and internal. The outer course of the meridian originates at the upper edge of the 2 ribs - this is the point "Zhong Fu" or P1. Then it rises to the clavicle, descends along the front-medial side of the shoulder joint and along the outer edge of the biceps, in the area of the forearm goes along the radial artery, passes to the hand. The end point of the lung meridian is located at the root of the thumb of the hand from the radial side at point P11 ("shao-shan").
The internal course of the meridian P begins in the middle region of the body, i.e. at the navel level, it descends and spirals around the colon, then rises along the front surface of the stomach, penetrates the diaphragm and enters the lungs. Here it branches, goes to the bronchi and trachea. Thus, the connection between the intestinal meridians and the lungs is very clear. It is easy to imagine it by designing on your own body.
The outer course of the lung meridian has only one branch. It originates from the wrist joint of point P7. Then it goes to the rear of the hand, goes along the radial side to the end of the index finger, where the meridian of the lungs and the meridian of the large intestine are connected (at point GI1 "shan-yang").
This connection is also traced by the fact that the internal course of GI ends at the point P1 of the “chung-fu” of the lung channel, passing into the external course. According to classical Chinese medicine: "The lung meridian belongs to them, but on its way it wanders past the colon, stomach and kidneys."
Muscle tendon meridians
In addition to the main channels, there are 12 so-called so-called channels. muscle tendon meridians. They repeat the same route, but lie closer to the surface of the body, along the muscles and go from joint to joint, and their path is wider.
Muscular tendon meridians of the lungs and other organs also come into contact with internal organs, but through fibrous membranes (fascia, aponeurosis, capsules, etc.). At the same time, a single network of myoviscerofascial connections is formed, covering the entire body.
With broken connections in this system, pain occurs in the muscles and joints. The energy in such meridians is only centripetal (in the main meridians it is often centrifugal).
Symptoms of excess energy channel P
Excess energy indicates hyperfunction or inflammation of the organ. Symptoms: headaches and fever, hot palms, sweating, strong, clear cough with pain and sputum, pain and muscle tension in the shoulder and back.
Symptoms of a lack of qi meridian energy P
Lack of energy is a hypofunction or a degenerative process. Symptoms: cold hands, chills, itching, dry cough, runny nose, dry throat, pallor of the face, dizziness, sleep disturbance, constant yawning due to a decrease in oxygen content. These symptoms are treated not only by impact on the points of the meridian P, but also on the points GI - one more proof of their connection. Pathology of the hands and shoulder girdle, skin diseases are successfully treated at the points of the meridian of the lungs.
In case of impaired P: the skin loses its elasticity, becomes dry and rough, peels off.
The connection between the meridian R and human psychology is interpreted in an interesting way: since the P channel is responsible for sociability, contact, its pathology does not realize the planned prospects, any even carefully thought-out plans fail and the person is constantly harassed.
Of emotions, bitterness and sadness prevail. Many in such cases worry and worry, which exacerbate their situation. Food preferences are changing: the loser prefers fish instead of meat, as well as spicy food. The Zhong Fu point becomes painful. The face looks at violations in the meridian R is also specific.
Projection of the lungs on the face
The condition of the lungs is reflected on the face and manifests itself as follows:
- elongated swan neck, thickening of the wings of the nose;
- sunken cheeks;
- glistening whites of the eyes (characteristic of TB);
- blush on cheeks;
- long and magnificent eyelashes.
Acupressure Meridian Points
It is based on the fact that when exposed to the points of the channels, the energy is transferred further along the entire channel and to other channels associated with it. The impact on the acupuncture points of the lung meridians treats not only the bronchopulmonary system, but also the heart, bladder pathologies, allergies, and convulsions. It can occur in various ways - from pressure to cauterization.
Since the maximum activity of the meridian R is from 3:00 to 5:00 in the morning, then medications and procedures for its violations should be taken in this time period. In the same period, its tone is most effective. The channel also has minimal activity - from 15 to 17 hours and this period is suitable for sedation.
These organ biorhythms, calculated by ancient Chinese healers, have long been confirmed by clinical studies of modern medicine. For example, it was confirmed that bronchial asthma attacks occur precisely in the early morning, when channel P is most active.
The work of all points of the meridian
Reference: "cun" - the width of the phalanx of the patient’s thumb, i.e. she is individual. Biologically active points of the meridian of the lung or channel of the lungs are presented as follows.
P1 "chjung-fu" or LU1 - is located between the 2 upper ribs in the clavicular-thoracic triangle, 6 cuns outward from the median vertical and 1 cun below the clavicle.
Function: alarm point or alarm point of its meridian. It is painful for respiratory diseases. Indications: pneumonia, asthma, arrhythmias, tension and pain in the shoulder and back, chest, tonsillitis, stomach and spleen diseases.
P2 "yun-men" - located on the chest, in the subclavian fossa, 6 tsunami outwards from the midline of the chest. Treats cough, shortness of breath and chest pain; arrhythmias of the heart.
RZ "tian fu" - to find the point, you just need to tilt your head and reach your armpit with your nose to reach the point: the point is located at the tip of the nose. Indications: shortness of breath, coughing up blood, nosebleeds, intercostal neuralgia, improves eyesight.
P4 "syai-bye" - is located on the inner surface of the shoulder, 4 inches below the level of the anterior axillary fold. It treats diseases of the lungs and bronchi.
P5 "chi-jie" or LU5 - located on the ulnar fold of the biceps. Easily located with a slightly bent elbow. It treats shortness of breath, runny nose, swelling of the throat, urinary incontinence, hay fever and cramps in babies, neurasthenia. Function: sedative point.
Sedation points
For information: these points lower energy in the overactive meridian and muscle tendon. With normal function, the balance quickly recovers.
P6 "kunzuy" - is located on the palm of your hand above the wrist for 7 tsunami. Treats cough, shortness of breath, fever, loss of voice. Refers to the point "Shi". Important: Chi points are overvalued points. They are stimulated at a very low energy level.
P7 "le-tsue", LU7 - a point at the end of the index finger, i.e. 1.5 zun above the wrinkle of the wrist. Function: GI Meridian Lo-point and Ren-May Meridian key (middle channel) at the same time.
- cardialgia, migraine, cough, suffocation;
- hemiplegia, complications of paralysis of the facial nerve in the form of ptosis of the angle of the mouth, upper eyelid, facial twitching, pain in the hand, wrist, elbow;
- trigeminal neuralgia, urinary incontinence and cystitis, constipation and other intestinal problems, skin itching.
Important! Lo-points - connectives or tie points. They are used in balancing energy between meridians in certain states.
P8 "ching-qu", LU8 - located in the lower part of the palmar surface of the forearm, 1 cun proximal to the folds of the wrist, in the recess between the process of the radius and its artery. The point is used in the treatment of airways, fever with a headache. Stimulating it in the early morning is often effective for pain.
P9 "Tai Yuan" or LU9 - located on the wrist fold on the palm side.
It treats: lung diseases and tonsillitis, tachycardia and autonomic disorders, disorders of MC, cystitis, nausea and belching, headaches, decreased blood pressure, intercostal neuralgia and insomnia; is a tonic point, i.e. increases energy in the meridian.
P10 "Yu-chi" - is located at the middle of the metacarpal bone of the phalanx of the thumb, on the border of 2 surfaces of the hand - palm and back.
Indications: coughing up blood, suffocation, pain and swelling in the throat, fever and cephalalgia, insomnia, contracture of the elbow joint.
P11 "Shao-Shan" - located on the radial side of the phalanx of the thumb, approximately 3mm from the corner of the nail outwards.
Treats: cough with sticky sputum, sore throat and fever.
Function: active point shu, used in emergency conditions - coma and fainting.
It should also be noted that scrupulous accuracy in finding a point is available only to professionals. In everyday practice, the effect, even with an approximate dislocation, will still occur.