Hanging eyelids: how to get rid of a problem

After 40 years, when there are serious changes in the female hormonal system, visible signs of aging appear, among which the hanging eyelids are quite common . How to get rid? Of course, the surest way is plastic surgery. Nevertheless, there are a number of fairly effective methods available to everyone.

how to get rid of overhanging eyelids without surgery

Why is this happening?

To begin with, it is worthwhile to understand why overhanging eyelids appear . How to get rid of a problem depends largely on the causes of its occurrence. Sometimes it is enough to adjust the lifestyle, and in some cases can not do without surgery. So, the main reasons are as follows:

  • Lack of sleep is one of the most common causes of the problem. Provide yourself with a full 8-hour sleep, and the problem will be solved by itself.
  • Sudden weight loss. Being unprepared for the rapid disappearance of adipose tissue, the skin may sag. Gymnastics, beauty treatments, and weight gain will help here.
  • Poor - quality cosmetics can have the opposite effect to what the manufacturer promised. After refusing to use an unsuccessful product, the skin recovers over time.
  • An allergic reaction can also cause sagging eyelids. Review your diet, as well as your medication list.
  • Genetic predisposition often leads to such a defect, even in young girls. Here you can not do without plastic surgery or intensive salon procedures.
  • Age-related changes caused by inhibition of the process of developing your own collagen.

looming eyelid to get rid of without surgery

Habits of beauty

A good lifestyle can save you from a problem like hanging eyelids. How to get rid? It’s not so simple, and therefore girls are simply obliged to instill some useful habits that will help prevent the appearance of age-related changes:

  • Start your morning with a glass of clean water. But the last intake of fluid should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Refuse decorative cosmetics or at least limit its use. If this is not possible, then at least make sure that at night the skin of the eyelids remains completely clean.
  • Forget about nicotine and alcohol. These are the main enemies of beauty.
  • Review your diet. Excluding fatty and fried dishes from the menu, as well as adding healthy products to it, after a while you will not recognize your face.
  • Accustom yourself to a full sleep. The habit of getting enough sleep will help the skin around the eyes stay fresh and supple.
  • Spend as much time as possible in the fresh air so that the skin is saturated with oxygen. Also do not forget about the regular ventilation of residential and work premises.
  • Carefully approach the choice of caring cosmetics (if you can not afford expensive products, it is better to turn to folk recipes).

hanging eyelids how to get rid of at home

Anti-aging massage

Massage is useful not only for the body, but also for the face. A straightforward procedure helps to cope with a problem such as hanging eyelids. How to get rid? Master this technique:

  • wash thoroughly, then lower your face over a vessel of hot water or a herbal decoction, covering yourself with a towel (you get something like a steam effect);
  • when the skin is steaming well, apply eye cream to ensure the fingers slip;
  • use your ring fingers to make synchronous movements in the direction from the nose to the temple (along the upper eyelid);
  • the duration of the massage is about 4 minutes;
  • doing this procedure every morning and every evening, after a week you will notice a visible effect.

overhanging eyelid how to get rid of exercise

Gymnastics for the eyelids

Unfortunately, many forget that just like the whole body, the face is covered with muscles. Thus, if you do not train them, you may experience a number of problems, including the impending eyelid. How to get rid? Exercise is the surest solution:

  • Any training begins with a warm-up. This will help to avoid stretching the skin and injuring the muscles. It is enough to blink intensively for a minute.
  • Open your eyes wide and hold your eyelids in this position for 4 seconds. At the same time, the eyes need to be tightly closed. It takes about 15 repetitions.
  • Fix the eyebrow muscles with the index fingers in the middle. Now try to frown. Fingers must resist to prevent wrinkling of the nose. 10 repetitions are enough.
  • With your fingertips, gently pinch the skin under the eyebrows, moving from the nose to the temples. It takes about 8 repetitions.

Grandma's recipes

One of the most serious age-related changes is overhanging eyelids. How to get rid of at home? Of course, grandmother’s recipes will help. The following tools have proven themselves best of all:

  • Fill half a glass with fresh parsley and thoroughly crush the greens. Now add water to the edges in a vessel, pour all the contents into a metal container and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Ready broth needs to be filtered, cooled, poured into ice molds. Massage your eyelids with a cold cube every morning.
  • Another option for using a parsley decoction is a compress. In warm liquid moisten cotton pads and put on eyelids for a quarter of an hour.
  • Pour a spoonful of dried sage with a glass of boiling water. After 3 hours, the infusion should be filtered and divided into 2 parts. One is sent to the refrigerator, and the second is heated on the stove. Now you need to do a contrast compress, changing the temperature every 2 minutes (5 repetitions are enough).
  • Beat one egg with a spoonful of olive oil. On the prepared skin, apply the resulting composition and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • Squeeze the juice from potatoes and sauerkraut and mix in different proportions. Add a little flour to bring the composition to the consistency of sour cream. Apply the composition to the upper eyelid, and rinse after 5 minutes.
  • Dissolve 4 tablespoons of soda in a glass of milk. Beat the liquid thoroughly with a mixer and send it to the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour. Moisten cotton pads in milk and place them on your eyes. After 20 minutes, carry out a contrast wash.

how to get rid of the impending century


In search of a solution, how to get rid of impending eyelids, it is not always possible to do without surgery. So, if the problem is associated with a hernia, then you can not do without surgery. Also, surgeon's help is resorted to when there is too much skin hanging over the eye.

The operation to correct this defect was called "blepharoplasty." Its essence is to remove excess skin. It should be noted that with the naked eye, traces of such an operation cannot be noticed. Of course, during the rehabilitation period you will feel significant discomfort. But as a result, you get a fresh look without an overhanging century and facial wrinkles. There is also an improvement in vision after intervention.

Unfortunately, there are a number of contraindications to the radical way to eliminate the impending eyelid. People with these diseases will have to get rid of this problem without surgery:

  • oncology;
  • slow blood coagulation;
  • dermatitis and other skin problems;
  • infectious diseases;
  • high intraocular pressure;
  • hyperthyroidism.

how to get rid of overhanging upper eyelids

Salon treatments

If you can’t decide on your own how to get rid of the impending century, go to the beautician. In the cabin, you can recommend the following procedures:

  • Collagen lifting involves applying a special serum. Subject to regular procedures, after a month the skin becomes toned, and the muscles around the eyes become toned.
  • Microcurrent therapy is an effect on the skin with the help of an electric discharge. The tightening effect is provided by accelerating the process of tissue regeneration.
  • Lymphatic drainage is a kind of massage aimed at eliminating puffiness. It can be carried out both by special devices, and by hands.
  • Laser therapy is one of the most effective methods in the fight against age-related changes. Under the influence of radiation, blood circulation is accelerated, tissue regeneration processes are activated, and muscle tone is increased.
  • Filler injections fill the voids under the skin. And hyaluronic acid is needed for deep hydration.

hanging eyelids how to get rid

Makeup Correction

Having figured out how to get rid of the overhanging upper eyelids, you can understand that this process is quite long. Nevertheless, women always want to be beautiful, and therefore you can mask the problem with makeup. Makeup artists give such recommendations:

  • to shade the shadows correctly, apply them only with the eyelids open;
  • avoid thick lines with a pencil or eyeliner, not only on the upper, but also on the lower eyelid;
  • apply mascara only on the upper eyelashes;
  • in order not to draw attention to wrinkles and impending eyelids, avoid shadows with a pearly sheen;
  • correctly drawn arrows, slightly raised to the top, will help lift the eyelid;
  • To make the look fresher, apply some light shadows under the lower eyelid.


There are lots of effective ways to get rid of overhanging eyelids. At home, this can be done with the help of gymnastics, massage, proper care and, of course, folk recipes. If the skin sagged strongly, you can seek help at a beauty salon. As for blepharoplasty, this is one of the safest operations, which gives a terrific effect.

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