How to lose 5 kg in a week. Rules and effective weight loss programs

The beach season is approaching, and many ladies (and not only them) are concerned about how to lose extra pounds. And the closer the summer, the faster you want to do it. You can resort to the experience of Leovit. β€œLose Weight in a Week” - a complex in which chests with ready-made compounds are offered, you can cook on your own or take active part in sports. Below will be considered some of the most sparing diets.

lose 5 kg per week

The basic rules of any weight loss program

Whichever method is chosen, certain conditions must be followed. They will help not only to get rid of excesses, but also not to gain weight. Then there will be no question how to lose weight. Recipes are simple rules for a healthy diet and lifestyle.

  1. Dinner 4 hours before bedtime. If you want a snack, then you should limit yourself to an apple or a glass of kefir or water.
  2. Limit fatty and fried, convenience foods, canned goods, sweets, flour.
  3. You should completely abandon carbonated sugary drinks, fast food and chips.
  4. Choose diets that allow for a varied diet, so that the body gets everything you need.
  5. Eat only when the body actually wants to eat. Moreover, the stomach signals this, and not the brain reports the usual meal time.
  6. Take vitamins, especially during diets.
  7. There are small portions. Chew food slowly and thoroughly.
  8. Mono-diets should not be long - a maximum of a week.
  9. Ensure a sufficient level of motor activity. Calories should not only be consumed, but also spent. If you move a lot, then the question: "How easy is it to lose weight?" will not arise.
  10. Regularly monitor your weight and volume. You need to do this every day at the same time.

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Everything is very simple and resembles the traditional list of rules for a new life from Monday (New Year, the first day of the next month, etc.). But if one day you start to follow these tips, then the question of how to lose weight in a week simply does not arise.

Fruit and vegetable diet

The advantage of such a diet is a varied diet rich in vitamins and minerals. That is, despite the restrictions on food, the body will not starve, fresh and boiled vegetables and fruits will provide it with everything necessary. At the same time, you can lose 5 kg per week. This program looks as follows.

Morning should start with a glass of water or homemade lemonade. To prepare it, you need to squeeze the juice from 1-2 slices of lemon and add a glass of water. Sugar can not be added. Half an hour later, you can have breakfast.

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A fruit salad is recommended for the first meal. Natural non-fat yogurt is used as a dressing. You need to cook a salad from 3 different fruits, for example, an orange, an apple and a pear. You can make smoothies for breakfast.

If you want to eat before lunch, you can drink a glass of kefir. During the day, you can use a maximum of 1 liter.

For lunch, you should prepare a plate of vegetable salad. You can use everything except potatoes, because it is very starchy. The dish is seasoned with oil and lemon juice.

For dinner, fruit salad and green tea without sugar are recommended. Last meal 4 hours before bedtime. That is, for most people, the optimal time for an evening meal is about 19 hours.

Buckwheat diet

This method will answer the eternal question: "How to quickly lose 5 kg without suffering from hunger?" The essence of this method is the use of one product. During the week you only need steamed buckwheat. But in unlimited quantities, so hunger will not torment. However, porridge can not be salted, add butter and eat a bit of bread with bread. For a change, you can use kefir, but not more than 1.5 liters per day. It is very important to drink enough water.

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The compartment is steamed as follows: it needs to be sorted, washed and filled with boiling water for 1 tbsp. buckwheat will need 2.5 tbsp. water. Close the container with a lid and put in the refrigerator for the night. By morning, the dish will be ready.

Vegetarian Soup Diet

Losing weight is due to reduced calorie intake. The menu contains only vegetarian vegetable soup, which can be consumed without restrictions. Eating this way, you can lose 5 kg per week. However, as in the previous diet, the use of any other products is prohibited. Soup is prepared as follows:

Dice 2 tomatoes and 2 sweet bell peppers, 3 onions, 1 small head of cabbage, 0.5 kg of celery, add herbs and spices to taste, you can also chop 1-2 cloves of garlic. Pour the vegetables with boiling water and cook for 40 minutes. The dish tastes good, it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, but there are no fats and few calories.

how to quickly lose 5 kg

Vegetarian Vegetable Diet

Another way is to easily lose weight without restricting yourself to food. In this case, only vegetables should be consumed during the day, best of all - in raw form, but can be boiled or steamed. For a change, some corn or oatmeal or granola may be included. Daily allowance is a minimum of 1.5 kg of any raw vegetables. You can eat more, because vegetarian food does not gain weight.

Vegetables contain a large amount of fiber, due to which the whole body is well cleansed and the work of the digestive tract is normalized. The body receives a sufficient amount of vitamins, so its depletion does not occur, which is typical for most diets. At first, discomfort is possible, for example, bloating. This is normal when cleansing the body. It is not recommended to use this diet only for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Milk diet

During the day you need to drink 1 liter of milk. It is best to take whole village products. In addition to milk, you can drink only water (at least 1.5-2 liters). It is best to distribute a liter for the whole day and drink 1 glass every 3 hours.

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Yogurt-fruit diet

In a week to lose 5 kg and at the same time eat deliciously and fully? It is possible. At the heart of a pleasant diet are fruits and natural yogurt. Fat burning foods such as citrus fruits will be the best choice. Sometimes you can add to this dietary meat, for example, boiled chicken breast or low-fat fish (not more than 200 g per day). Yogurt should be bought without flavoring agents, preservatives and sugar. A truly natural product has a short shelf life.

Sample menu to lose weight on this diet:

Breakfast: a package of yogurt and 1 any fruit.

Lunch: fruit salad.

Dinner: vegetable salad, only lemon juice and boiled chicken fillet are allowed as dressing.

You can also add afternoon snacks and late dinners of 1-2 fruits.

Cocktails or smoothies are acceptable. It will be very useful to eat berries mixed with yogurt. Fruits should be consumed raw rather than canned. It is very important to drink plenty of fluids. Green tea and herbal infusions are recommended.

Way out of diet

In a few days, the figure will begin to change rapidly and delight the eye. If there is enough exposure for a week, then the results will not be long in coming. However, any diet has the most insidious stage - the way out of it. For example, in the program β€œLeovit. Lose Weight in a Week ”a lot of attention is paid to this moment. Switch to the usual diet is necessary gradually. This process can also take from 2-3 days to a week. First, a small amount of conventional products is added, for example, boiled meat, potatoes, sweet for tea, but the diet menu is the basis. And they gradually switch to a normal diet.

how to lose weight recipes

Any of the diets can be used for fasting days. For example, after a plentiful meal during the New Year holidays or Pancake week pancake week.

Tips for losing weight

  • Drawing up plans, keeping records, diaries. This is necessary to motivate yourself and see your goals. At the beginning of the diet, you must necessarily record the initial data and the desired result (for example, lose 5 kg per week), and then monitor the changes daily. At the end, record the final measurements.
  • Avoid long diets and heads. Short programs or fasting days are much more effective. Long-term diets can significantly affect metabolism and hormones.
  • Compliance with the daily routine.
  • To study the experience of other people: for example, the program "I am losing weight" tells about weight loss stories.
  • Eat 3-5 times a day in small portions. Almost any diet is based on the principles of fractional nutrition.
  • Eat healthy foods rich in vitamins, fiber and protein, reduce the intake of fatty and carbohydrate foods.
  • High level of physical activity, sports.
  • You should not start playing sports and go on a diet in one day. Otherwise, the storage function of the body may be activated. First you need to get used to one thing, and then add another.

menu to lose weight

A lot of books and programs are devoted to the problems of the struggle for an ideal figure, for example, the program β€œI am losing weight!” on NTV. Fighting sagging and stocks is possible. If this is not a malfunction in the body, then the process usually goes quite quickly and successfully. If the problem is in hormonal disorders, then medical support is required. However, this struggle is not unsuccessful, as numerous stories of those who have lost weight show. The most important thing is to take care of yourself.

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