How to reduce calves

Many girls dream that their legs were more beautiful. The hips are most often the problem area, but often the calves can cause unrest.

But before you plan physical education classes and a set of exercises, you must determine the reason why the calves are too large in volume. There are usually three of them: the presence of edema on the legs, too much muscle or excess weight. And already on this basis, answer for yourself the question of how to reduce the calf of the legs.

Causes of full calves and options,

how to make calves thinner

The first reason - swelling of the legs and ways to fix the problem

Is there swelling of the legs, it is quite simple to find out. You only need to see if there are traces of socks on the ankles in the evening. You can also just put your finger on the foot in the area of ​​dry bone. In the event that a hole remains from the pressure, which gradually disappears, swelling is present. And healthy, edematous tissues are elastic, they immediately restore shape. Another sign of puffiness can be attributed to the fact that in the evening it is difficult to wear those shoes that were easily put on in the morning, and you also feel tired in the calf and feet.

Puffiness can be dealt with using a diet that excludes salty and fatty foods, as well as using diuretics. A simple advice can also make you feel better: going to bed in the evening, put a small pillow under your legs. And during the day, lie down on the sofa if possible, throwing your legs on the wall or elevation. If your swelling does not disappear, be sure to visit a doctor, as this can be a sign of a serious illness. When the swelling subsides, a beautiful calf topography can be given through exercise, step aerobics and running.

The second reason is overweight and calf correction

If the volume of your calves is increased due to excess weight, you need to go on a diet, start eating properly and include in the complex of physical exercises those that are designed specifically to work on this area. So, how to reduce calf legs? For example, you can go swimming, jogging or perform simple calf exercises: walk up stairs, get on toes using a step platform or another elevation (box, threshold, etc.), jump rope, walk more or bounce On the socks.

The third reason - pumped eggs and how to fix the problem

The most difficult case is if the eggs are large in volume due to the fact that they are pumped due to overly intense sports activities. There are hardly any effective methods that can bring results quickly. How to reduce calf in this case? Here it is recommended to reduce the load on the legs as a whole and limit the intake of protein foods. In addition, you will have to exclude sweet and fatty so as not to get better, therefore, you only have to eat vegetables and fruits. You can periodically do stretching the calf muscles. To do this, you need to sit down, raise straight legs, first pull your foot toward you, then away from you. So you can slightly change the shape of the calves, making them more elongated and visually reduce their volume.

Recommendations and exercises from fitness trainers to reduce leg calves

Exercise 1. Lifting on socks

N.p. - you need to stand up straight, and put your feet on the width of the pelvis, and feet in parallel. First inhale, and as you exhale climb up on your toes. Repeat 25 times.

Exercise 2. Lifting on toes on one leg

N.p. - stand up straight again, transfer the whole body weight to the right leg, while the left should be torn off the floor, bending it at the knee. First inhale, and as you exhale climb on a toe. Repeat for each leg 15 times.

Exercise 3. Climbing on toes with socks inward (with β€œtoes” )

N.p. - again, stand up straight, and place your legs on the width of your pelvis, toes to point inwards. First take a breath, and as you exhale climb up on your toes. Repeat 25 times.

Repeat the entire sequence of these exercises twice.

To reduce calves by two to three centimeters, the duration of the classes is at least six months.

Some more exercises for those who are wondering: "How to reduce calf legs?"

Exercise 1. Sit on a small rug on your knees, keep your back straight, and arms - straight in front of you. In this position, sit on the floor alternately on the left and right hips, do while there is strength.

Exercise 2. A good exercise for calves is to stand on a small hill so that the heels hang down. Perform lifting on toes and lowering on the heel.

Exercise 3. Stretching calves. Take a step forward with one foot, and with your palms against the buttocks. Slowly bend the front leg in the knee and gradually sag forward and down, deeper, while stretching the calf muscle located at the back of the leg and back of the thigh. If you want to increase the stretching, you can advance the front leg a little further, just do not put your hands on it.

In this exercise, the main weight should always fall on the hind leg.

Performing these exercises is not difficult, but the calf muscles are dried, and the shape of the legs is transformed, it begins to look very feminine.

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